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Genre Sci-Fi Country USA Frank, an opportunistic insurance lawyer, thinks he's in for the time of his life when he goes out on the town to celebrate an upcoming promotion with his co-worker, Jeff. But their night takes a turn for the bizarre when Frank is dosed with a hallucinogen that completely alters his perception of the world, taking him on a psychedelic quest through board meetings, nightclubs, shootouts, and alternate dimensions. As Frank ping-pongs between reality and fantasy, he finds himself on a mission to find a missing girl, himself - and his wallet Release Year 2019 68 Votes.

2:01:36. Hi Jared. Btw, this is the type of movie we need right now. Whos thinking of that special someone while listening to this. Watch full the wave free. For the Bajoran woman who passed information to the Shakaar Resistance cell during the Occupation, please see Trentin Fala. " Faith, Nerys, faith. " Vedek Fala was a male Bajoran religious teacher in the 24th century Bajoran Republic. Fala would become known for his rejection of the Prophets and being a key figure in the Cult of the Pah-wraiths. During the Occupation of Bajor, he was a teacher in the Singha refugee camp and kept the faith alive for a great many Bajorans there. Among his students was a young Kira Nerys. During the closing days of the Occupation, however, Fala secretly lost his faith in the Prophets and instead became a follower of the Pah-wraiths. He joined the cult that worshiped them soon after while maintaining his vedek status in public. In 2375, he met Dukat, who had recently believed he was the Emissary of the Pah-wraiths. Dukat convinced Fala he was a new man and wanted to follow the path of the Pah-wraiths. Fala forgave Dukat's actions during the Occupation and believed he was walking the path of the Prophets then and therefore not fully responsible. He helped Dukat establish a community on the abandoned station Empok Nor for the Cult. Later in 2375, he helped to kidnap Colonel Kira Nerys in order to convince her of his newfound faith. He traveled to Deep Space 9 and met with her, giving her a homing transponder. He soon went there to explain himself and escorted her around to let her talk to the members, who were following the old ways including taking a vow of abstinence. He tried to convince her that the Prophets had abandoned their people. He wanted Kira to join the Cult, assuring her that Dukat was a changed man, but Kira would not hear of it. When the child of Mika and Benyan was born and found to be half- Cardassian, Fala accepted Dukat's explanation that it was a symbol of their covenant from the Pah-wraiths. Kira challenged him later, but he responded that she just can't accept the possibility it might be true. When Dukat planned a ceremony where the community would kill themselves to be with the Pah-wraiths, Fala accepted it along with the rest. However, Kira exposed his plan by mixing up the pills they were to take. Fala brought Dukat another tablet, but it was clearly not his and he tried to get out of it. Soon, it was clear even to Fala that Dukat wasn't what they thought. While the rest of the Bajorans turned on Dukat, however, Fala still carried out his own suicide, only responding with "faith" when Kira asked him why. She would later wonder if he meant he never lost his faith, or if he felt betrayed by it. DS9. Covenant " Fala was played by actor Norman Parker. According to the script, Fala was pronounced as "FAW-luh. Additionally, he was described as "a Bajoran monk in his fifties" and that he was "a vigorous and energetic man.

Luke cage got me here. More future bass. what a surprise. Vocal chops. such innovation.

No lobsters were harmed in the making of this video

Watch full the wave band. Who else thought this was the sequel to the 5th wave 😂😂. Urgente Teresina Mulher tenta se jogar de ponte e é resgatada por bombeiros em Teresina Garoto humilhado em restaurante é membro da Academia Piauiense Mirim de Letras A notícia foi divulgada e comemorada pelos pais da criança em suas redes sociais DEPRE DEPRE fecha laboratório de crack na zona sul de Teresina Polícia Civil Envolvido na morte de vigia do CRAS é preso no Litoral do Piauí Eleições 2020 Deputado Fábio Abreu confirma sua pré-candidatura a prefeito de Teresina Acidente Mulher morre após colidir frontalmente com ônibus na PI-141 Pio IX Dois jovens morrem em grave acidente de moto na zona rural de Pio IX Homicídio Corpo é achado seminu e com diversas marcas de violência em Agricolândia Equatorial-Cepisa Equatorial corta energia de idosa mesmo sem ela ter débitos em cidade do Piauí Repasse Prefeituras do Piauí recebem 1º FPM na próxima segunda; confira os valores Mais lidas da semana 1 Cantor Kaio Stronda sofre acidente com jet ski em José de Freitas 2 Pastor evita suicídio e salva vida de adolescente que iria se jogar de ponte em Teresina 3 Havan abre seleção para contratação de funcionários para nova filial em Teresina 4 Briga entre mulheres por 'garanhão' do amor termina em morte na zona norte de Teresina 5 Acusado de matar cabo do Bope morre antes de julgamento em Teresina Altos-PI x Vasco Ingressos de Altos-PI x Vasco têm tecnologia que dificulta fraudes; veja reportagem Luto Jovem morre após se jogar de torre no Sul do Piauí Lagoinha do Piauí Jovem morto com um tiro no rosto na Lili Doces estava com casamento marcado Municípios » Piripiri-PI Altos-PI Santo Inácio do Piauí Jatobá do Piauí Uruçuí-PI Dr. Wagner Coelho participa de evento do agronegócio no Paraná Litoral do Piauí Projeto Saúde em Foco no Brandão foi recorde em atendimentos em Luis Correia São Gonçalo do Piauí São Gonçalo Piauí, Secretaria Municipal de Educação promove formação sobre BNCC Amarante-PI Engenheiro amarantino pode ser o candidato de Firmino em Teresina SEMEC realiza formação da BNCC com os professores de Uruçuí. Prefeito Zé Carlos Garante Pagamento Do Novo Piso Salarial Dos Servidores Da Educação Redenção do Gurguéia Copa municipal terá inicio dia 29 de Fevereiro em Redenção do Gurguéia Oeiras MP-PI abre inquérito para apurar vigilância noturna particular e veículos e sirenes sejam apreendida Pe. Atenágoras Carvalho tomará posse dia (08) e Redenção do Gurguéia Amarante:Zilzil confirma festa na terça-feira gorda de carnaval nas 'quatro bocas' Amarante:No retorno do Grupo Girassol, Diego Teixeira e Primeira Dama recebem integrantes com abraço Piauí:DIVISA faz reunião e orienta segmentos da sociedade para prevenção à propagação do Coronavírus Cabeceiras do Piauí Duas motos foram apreendidas em blitz na PI-113 em Cabeceiras do Piauí Agentes comunitários de Uruçuí fizeram mais de 63 mil atendimentos em 2019 PRF prende homem com mandado de prisão por Organização Criminosa na BR 230 em Oeiras Em sua terceira edição em Oeiras Brasil Ensinos abre vagas para cursos profissionalizantes. Mais notícias dos Municípios TV Fala Piauí » 25/06/2019 ás 14h32 Integrante do Grupo Moveligas Jarbas Esclarece Sobre Eleição do Bairro Cidade Jardim 09/05/2019 ás 22h00 Entrevista com o Deputado Estadual, Zé Santana no aniversário do município de Cabeceiras do Piauí 09/05/2019 ás 21h57 Entrevista com o prefeito do município de Cabeceiras do Piauí 09/05/2019 ás 21h54 Bandido se benze e agradece ao conseguir furtar casa em Teresina 08/04/2019 ás 05h43 Rio transborda e alaga casas em Passagem Franca do Piauí 08/04/2019 ás 05h42 Rio Poti invade restaurante 'O Pesqueirinho' em Teresina 08/04/2019 ás 05h41 Águas do Poti provocam fissuras em alça da ponte Wall Ferraz e trecho é interditado 08/04/2019 ás 05h40 Bombeiros interditam passarela da Cachoeira do Urubu em Esperantina Blogs » Colunas » Facebook » Twitter » Enquete » Nenhuma enquete cadastrada.

Honestly, if I was Will Ferrel in this movie I'll be running away too😆😅🤣😂

Watch full the wave online. Watch breaking the waves full movie. Your browser does not support audio. English Translation More meanings for fala speech noun discurso, linguagem, língua, idioma, articulação utterance expressão, dicção, elocução, emissão, expressão oral speaketh fala speak out verb fala, falar para fora, falar alto, falar ousadamente, demonstrar-se livremente speak up falar com franqueza, falar com clareza, falar para fora speechmaker See Also in Portuguese Watch and Learn Nearby Translations Translations for speech Translate from Portuguese Word Tools Finders & Helpers Other Languages More Synonyms Antonyms Rhymes Sentences Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs Plural Singular Past Tense Present Tense Word Unscrambler Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Français Español Italiano Deutsch Home iOS Android About Us Support Us Contact Us Terms of Use Privacy Statement A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Copyright WordHippo 2020.

Watch Full The wave travel times. Biography of Fala D. Roosevelt The Early Years Fala was born on April 7, 1940 and given to the President by Mrs. Augustus G. Kellog of Westport, Connecticut through Franklin Roosevelt's cousin, Margaret "Daisy" Suckley. At first his name was Big Boy. Franklin renamed him 'Murray the Outlaw of Falahill' after a Scottish ancestor. His nickname became Fala. Before Fala went to the White House, Daisy taught Fala how to behave and do tricks. He could sit up, rollover, and jump. The White House Years Fala went to live in the White House in Washington, DC on November 10, 1940. He spent most of his time there. However, time was also spent at the houses in Hyde Park and Warm Springs, Georgia. While at Hyde Park, Fala often rode in FDR's car, a Ford, which FDR drove with special hand controls because of his paralysis from polio. Every morning Fala had a bone that was brought up on the President's breakfast tray. Fala got a full dinner every night. Throughout the day, Fala would beg for food from the White House staff. He was so cute that the staff could not resist feeding him and he became sick. The President then directed the staff not to feed him extra food. At night, he slept in a special chair at the foot of the President's bed. Fala loved to travel with the President on long and short trips by train, car, or boat. As the nearly constant companion of the President, Fala met many famous visitors and entertained them with the tricks he had learned as a puppy. His most impressive trick was curling his lip into a smile. In August 1941, Fala was at the Atlantic Charter Conference in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland with the President and Prime Minister Winston Churchill of England. In September of the following year and again in April 1943, Fala went on inspection trips of defense plants and visited the President of Mexico, President Camacho. Later that year in August and then again in September 1944 he accompanied President Roosevelt to the Quebec Conferences. In 1944, Fala was with the President on a sea trip to the Aleutian Islands. Someone started a rumor that Fala was accidentally left on one of the islands, and that the Navy had to send a ship back to retrieve him. During the 1944 presidential campaign, the Republicans accused the President of spending millions of taxpayers' dollars in the effort to get Fala back. The President answered the attack in his famous 'Fala speech' while talking to the Teamsters Union. Roosevelt defended his little dog Fala saying, These Republican leaders have not been content with attacks on me, or my wife, or on my sons. No, not content with that, they now include my little dog, Fala. Well, of course, I don't resent attacks, and my family doesn't resent attacks, but Fala does resent them. The President defended his little dog against the attacks. Although the story of being left behind on the Aleutian Islands was false, Fala did cause some trouble once on the ship Tuscalosa in the West Indies. It was a hot day and the sailors were trying to cool off by lying on the deck. Stretched out in a row, their bare feet were lined up. Fala caused quite a commotion by moving quickly along the row licking and tickling their feet. The President loved the water and so did Fala. Once while the President was on a fishing trip off the coast of Florida, Fala discovered a new trick for himself. He noticed that as the fish were caught and thrown in a pile on the deck, they would all flip-flop back and forth and up in the air. To Fala it looked like so much fun that he began to flip-flop around just like the fish: and he continued to do so for several days. While in the White House, Fala was so popular that he received thousands of letters from people and animals from across the country. He had a secretary appointed to him to answer all his fan his mail. One letter dated August 5, 1947, was from a poodle named Abigail. Fala had chased a skunk once, and the incident ended up being very unpleasant for everyone involved. The poodle scolded Fala for not acting with more intelligence and dignity. In the 1940s, two movies were made about Fala. One focused on his life in the White House and the other on his life in Hyde Park. Fala in Retirement In April of 1945, President Roosevelt died in Warm Springs, Georgia. Fala attended the funeral but seemed lost without his beloved master. He went to live with Mrs. Roosevelt at Val-Kill, where he spent his time running, playing and chasing squirrels and cats. Eventually Mrs. Roosevelt brought Fala's grandson, Tamas McFala to live at Val-Kill, and be Fala's playmate. Sometimes they would run off together only to come home hours later covered with burrs and mud. All in all it was a restful retirement from his days at the feet of President Roosevelt in the glare of the Washington spotlight. On April 5, 1952, Fala passed away and was buried in the Rose Garden next to the sun dial not far from the graves of President and Mrs. Roosevelt on what would have been his twelfth birthday April 7, 1952. Author Title Dows, Olin. Franklin Roosevelt at Hyde Park. American Artists Group (no date given) Hassett, William. Off the Record, with FDR 1942 - 1945. Rutgers University Press, 1958 Rosenman, Samuel I. Working With Roosevelt Harper Brothers, 1952. Sherwood, Robert E. Roosevelt and Hopkins. Harper Brothers, 1948. Suckley, Margaret "Daisy. The True Story of Fala. Scribner Sons, volume may be purchased through the Museum Store at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, New York, 1-800-337-8474. Tully, Grace T. FDR, My Boss. Charles Scribner & Sons, 1949. pp. 128 -132.

Watch full the wave video. Login Shopping cart Ethnologue Languages Countries Guides About Plans & Pricing Print Primary tabs Language (active tab) Map A language of Spain ISO 639-3 fax Classification Indo-European Italic Romance Italo-Western Western Gallo-Iberian Ibero-Romance West Iberian Portuguese-Galician Autonym Fala, Nosa Fala Language Resources OLAC resources in and about Fala Alternate Names A Fala de Xálima, A Fala do Xãlima, Galaico-Extremaduran, “Chapurreáu” (pej. Population Location Language Status Dialects Language Use Language Development Writing Other Comments Unlock this profile with an Essentials plan. See population estimates, location, and other details for Fala, plus: 7, 458 profiles on every other language in the world Language counts and details for every country And more! only 480 /year View Plan ».

Now that's a trailer. Looks amazing, I wouldn't expect anything less from Christopher Nolan. Watch full the waverly. FALA BIOGRAPHY Courtesy of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum BORN: April 7, 1940 DIED: April 5, 1952 and was buried in the Rose Garden next to the sundial near FDR on April 7, 1952 Fala, a  Scottish terrier, was given to the president by Mrs. Augustus G. Kellog of Westport, Connecticut through Franklin Roosevelts  cousin, Margaret “Daisy” Suckley. At first his name was Big Boy. Franklin renamed him Murray the Outlaw of Falahill, after a Scottish ancestor. Fala had a bone every morning brought up on the presidents breakfast tray. Fala got a full dinner every night. During the day, Fala would beg for food from the White House staff. He was so cute that he was fed all the time and became sick. The staff was asked not to feed him extra food. At night, he slept in a special chair at the foot of the presidents bed. Fala traveled with the president on long and short trips by train, car, or boat. He, of course, met many famous visitors and entertained them with his tricks. He could even curl his lip into a smile for them. Here are some trips and people that he met: In August 1941, Fala was at the Atlantic Charter Conference in Placentia Bay, Newfoundland with the president and Prime Minister Winston Churchill of England. In September 1942 and April 1943, Fala went on inspection trips of defense plants and visited Monterey, Mexico and President Camacho. In August 1943 and September 1944, he went to the Quebec Conferences. In 1944, Fala was with the President on a sea trip to the Aleutian Islands. Rumors spread that Fala was accidentally left on one of the islands. During the 1944 presidential campaign, the Republicans accused him of spending millions of taxpayers dollars in sending a destroyer back for him. The President answered the attack in his famous Fala speech while talking to the Teamsters Union. Roosevelt defended his Scottie, saying, that he, Roosevelt, expected such criticism aimed at himself, and that even his family expected negative talk about themselves. However, Fala had not been the same. Since the charge was made: “His Scotch soul was furious. ” There was another incident on a sea trip aboard the ship Tuscalosa in the West Indies. It was a hot day. The sailors were trying to cool off. They were lying on the deck stretched out in a row. Their bare feet were lined up. Fala caused quite a commotion by moving quickly along the row licking and tickling their feet. And yet another time, Fala was with the President on a fishing trip to Florida. As the fish were caught, they were thrown in a pile on the deck. Quite a pile accumulated. They were all flip-flopping in the air as fish do. Fala began to flip-flop, too. It was such a fun game that he did it for several days. In April 1945, President Roosevelt died in Warm Springs, Georgia. Fala attended the funeral. He went to live with Mrs. Roosevelt at Val-Kill. He never really adjusted to the loss of Roosevelt. Even so, Val-Kill was in the country. It was a great place to run, play, chase squirrels, and even cats sometimes. Mrs. Roosevelt brought his grandson, Tamas McFala to live at Val-Kill, too, and be Falas playmate. Sometimes they would run off together and get into trouble. They came home hours later covered with burrs and mud. By the end of such a busy day, he was an exhausted dog. Sometimes he slept on his back with his feet in the air. He was so popular that he received thousands of letters from people. He even needed to have a secretary appointed to him to answer his mail. One letter dated August 5, 1947, was from a poodle named Abigail. Fala chased a skunk once, which was very unpleasant for everyone. The poodle scolded Fala for not acting with more intelligence and dignity. Abigail hoped that Fala would never, ever let that unfortunate incident be repeated. In 1942, a movie was made about Fala and his life in Hyde Park. Children and other visitors who come to the Roosevelt Museum and Library in Hyde Park, New York still enjoy watching it today. Fala is probably the only president pet to be memorialized in statuary. A statue of Fala stands next to one of FDR at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial in Washington D. C. Additional Resources The following sources contain references about Fala: The New York Times index contains many references to Fala from November 1940 to his death in April of 1952. An article in the Times appeared in January 11, 1942, VII, p. 11. The Readers Digest, March 1941, in an article titled “Presents for the President, ” states that Fala “is the only dog FDR has accepted and given the run of the White House…” The most famous remarks made by FDR about Fala were in his speech to the Teamsters Union, on September 23, 1944, which is available in The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt, edited by Samuel I. Rosenman. Some books with references to Fala include: Working With Roosevelt, by Samuel I. Rosenman. Harper Brothers, New York. 1952. Franklin Roosevelt at Hyde Park, by Olin Dows. American Artists Group, Inc., New York. Roosevelt and Hopkins, by Robert E. Sherwood. 1948. FDR, My Boss, by Grace G. Tully, pp. 128-132. Charles Scribner & Sons, New York. 1949. Off the Record With FDR 1942-1945, by William Hassett. Rutgers University Press, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 1958. The True Story of Fala, by Margaret ” Daisy” Suckley. Scribner & Sons, New York. 1942. This volume may be purchased through the Museum Store at the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, New York. The Presidential Pet Museum was founded in 1999 to preserve information, artifacts and items related to the presidential pets, from George Washington to the present. We need your help. Won't you consider making a small donation — even 5 — to keep us going strong? Reader Interactions.

Community See All 23, 023 people like this 23, 372 people follow this About See All Author Page Transparency See More Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. See actions taken by the people who manage and post content. Page created - March 13, 2013 People 23, 023 likes Pages Public Figure Author fala English (US) Español Português (Brasil) Français (France) Deutsch Privacy Terms Advertising Ad Choices Cookies More Facebook 2020 Photos See All Posts fala January 29 at 11:00 AM 070 photography by ricardo loureiro fala January 21 at 11:00 AM friends in brussels: this thursday evening, fala will be presenting its 2G monography at bozar in a talk with iwan strauven (bozar) and maarten delbeke (ethz. we would be very happy to meet you there. /163426-book-launch-2g-no-80-fala-ate… See All See More.

Watch full the wave youtube. Watch the 5th wave full movie online hd free. Watch full the waves. Skam snapped choosing sofiane and this song kudos💙💙💙. Fala Chen - 陳法拉. When everybody would listen to this there worldpeace... Watch Full The wave. The Earth is flat & the devil 😈 is real 100. I'm here for the Nose. Welcome to FALA The Florida Assisted Living Association promotes the improvement of all assisted living facilities in the state of Florida. We work with our member facilities to promote quality of life in each of their communities. Become a member, and get found in our online Members Directory, learn about changes in statutes and rules, and let's move the assisted living industry forward together. Signing up is easy using our online Membership Application, so why wait?  Become a member of FALA  today. See the Website in Spanish! Use the button below to translate the entire website to Spanish. Note that any purchases through the FALA website will need to be done through the original English version for security reasons. New Partners Strategic partnerships with other organizations help us attain our Mission: To provide the assisted living community with products and services essential to excellence in resident care and to bring our Vision into reality: Ensuring Floridians have the best choices and quality services in the assisted care communities where you can live and age with dignity. In the News Welcome to our Newest Members Save the Date ONE UNITED VOICE Tallahassee, Florida Assisted Living Capitol Day, January 30th, 2020 Meet At The Capitol Save the date and join us in Tallahassee for our annual Legislative Days. Meet With Legislators Both days are planned and include important legislation to discuss. Make A Difference Learn the main talking points with conversational tips and make a difference. Boca Raton Resort & Club, July 20 - 23, 2020 Additional information coming soon! Regulatory Support FALA's Regulatory Support Services provides actionable, expert information and consultation to members regarding regulations affecting assisted living facilities. The Association's support is aimed at easing the complexity of operating an assisted living facility in the state of Florida. Government Affairs FALA's Director of Government Affairs leads all legislative activity; and works closely with FALA's two contracted Lobbyist year-round. One of  the most important aspect of FALA's work centers on legislative issues that continue throughout the year. Training & Consulting Education and Training are the keys to the successful future of your staff and facility. Register for a FALA class today and see what we can do for you! FALA 2019 Annual Conference & Tradeshow Highlights Orlando, August 5-8 Another fantastic conference & tradeshow as we celebrated the superheroes in senior living. Wonderful topics and speakers and a SUPER THANK YOU to all of our sponsors and exhibitors! BEST ADVOCATES IN FLORIDA. Theresa McKintosh~ Our Affinity Partners An Affinity Partner is an Associate Member that offers discounts to FALA Members. Read more on our Affinity Partner page. Contact Us Have a question? Give us a shout and we will get back to you with answers.

What if the kids didnt want two and only wanted one. lol. This video was amazing. But where do you get these experiment details and other facts that you put in these videos. Watch full the wave movies. Watch full the wave song.

Yeah, I was waiting for the vampires to come out

Fala Native to Spain Region NW Extremadura Native speakers (11, 000 cited 1994) 1] Language family Indo-European Italic Romance Western Ibero-Romance West Iberian Portuguese-Galician Fala Language codes ISO 639-3 fax Glottolog fala1241 [2] Area of the Fala language. Fala. Speech. also called Xalimego [3] is a Romance language commonly classified in the Portuguese-Galician subgroup, with some traits from Leonese, spoken in Spain by about 10, 500 people, of whom 5, 500 live in a valley of the northwestern part of Extremadura near the border with Portugal. The speakers of Fala live in the towns of Valverde del Fresno (Valverdi du Fresnu) Eljas (As Ellas) and San Martín de Trevejo (Sa Martín de Trebellu. Other names sometimes used for the language are Fala de Jálama or Fala de Xálima, but neither of them is used by the speakers themselves, who call their linguistic varieties lagarteiru (in Eljas) manhegu / mañegu (in San Martín de Trevejo) and valverdeiru (in Valverde del Fresno. Even though it has no official status, and has little presence in schools and church, use of the language is vigorous, and the literacy rate in Fala is nearly 100. clarification needed. As a linguistic community, speakers have a strong, independent identity; they have rejected implementing a standard orthography similar to or based on the Galician one. A translation of the New Testament has been published in Fala (2015. History [ edit] Origins [ edit] Extent of the Fala language. In the Middle Ages mixed varieties of Portuguese and Leonese could be found along the border between Leon and Portugal, represented in texts as in the Foro de Castelo Rodrigo (13th century) and although there is no documentation about the colonization and repopulation in this place in the 13th century, there are several hypothesis of Galician citizens moved to protect the frontiers against Muslims as a punishment imposed by the Leonese king, or the delivery of the territories to various military orders by Alfonso IX and Fernando II. Generally speaking, philologists in favor of the Galician theory are based in the hypothesis that the valley is an isolated region and, therefore, the Galician colonists maintain their way of speaking in a "pure" form because of the lack of external influences. This thesis is refuted if we contrast it with other historic data: It is considered that before the Galician-Leonese resettlement, this place was already occupied by Portuguese and even after the colonization there was contact with the neighboring country. From the 12th until the 16th century, both Portugal and León and Castile wanted the territory because of its importance as a border. It changed from one country to another so the population swore allegiance to one king or another. On the other hand, it is contradictory that the orders that these place was given, being enemies, resettled the region with people of the same origin. Recent [ edit] On August 3, 1992, the association Fala i Cultura was founded, among its goals being the compilation of a common grammar (based on the Galician one) and the commemoration of u día da nosa fala (the day of our language) celebrated once a year from 1992 in Eljas, 1993 in Valverde and 1994 in San Martín. It was not until 1998 that the first literary work in Fala was published: Seis sainetes valverdeiros, written by Isabel López Lajas and published in 1998 by Edicións Positivas ( Santiago de Compostela. It was on this date that the Gabinete de Iniciativas Transfronterizas (Office of Cross-Border Initiatives) started to take interest in Fala and to promote its study, publishing in 1999 scientific works and celebrating in May a "Congress on A Fala. On June 14, 2000, Fala was recognized by the Ministry of Culture of the Junta de Extremadura as Bien de Interés Cultural. Nowadays, although the inhabitants of Jalama Valley can speak Spanish, most of them are bilingual because at home and in other activities outside school, they continue using the local language. Sociolinguistic surveys [ edit] In 1992, 4] a survey conducted by José Enrique Gargallo Gil (a professor at the University of Barcelona) collected the following data regarding the use of Spanish in family conversation: 4 of the 29 respondents from San Martín used Spanish when speaking with their family (13. 8% In Eljas the figure dropped to only 3 out of 54 respondents (5. 6% In Valverde, 25 of 125 respondents used Spanish in this context (20. In September/December 1993 a survey was published in issue No. 30 of Alcántara Magazine by José Luis Martín Galindo, which showed the following percentages of self-identification in San Martín de Trevejo: Belief that Fala is a dialect of Spanish: 13% Belief that Fala is a dialect of Portuguese: 20% Belief that Fala is an autonomous language: 67% The survey involved only twenty people (over 960 neighbours) and that there was no alternative to answer that the respondent believed that Fala is a dialect of Galician. It is argued that the absence of this option was logical since theories about the possible relation of Fala with Galician were hardly known. In 1994, a new study showed that 80% of respondents learned to speak Spanish in school, the percentage of speech used in the family environment being as follows: 100% of the parents of Eljas claim to speak the Fala when talking with their children 85% of the parents of San Martín claim to speak the Fala when talking with their children 73% of the parents of Valverde claim to speak the Fala when talking with their children Phonology [ edit] Consonant phonemes Bilabials Labiodentals Dentals Alveolars Postalveolars Palatals Velars Nasals m n ɲ ŋ Stops p b t d k g Affricates t͡ʃ Fricatives ( β) f v ( ð) s z ʃ ʒ ( ɣ) Trills r Flaps ɾ Approximants j w Laterals l ʎ Vowel phonemes Anterior Posterior Closed i u Close-mid e o Open a Alphabet [ edit] The alphabet has 23 letters: 5] Upper case letters A B C D E F G H I J L M N O P Q R S T U V X Z Lower case letters b c d f g h p q s t v x z Comparative vocabulary [ edit] 6] Latin Catalan Spanish Fala Extremaduran Portuguese English hodie avui (also hui) 7] hoy hoxii hoje today locus lloc lugar lugal place dicere dir decir izil dizer to say/to tell oculus ull ojo ollu oju olho eye aqua aigua agua áugua água water creāre crear crial criar to create See also [ edit] Galician-Portuguese Leonese language Portuguese language Galician language Fala dos arxinas ( stonecutters' speech" is a cant spoken by Galician stonecutters. Extremaduran language, from Astur-Leonese roots Castúo, or Extremaduran variety of Spanish Portuñol References [ edit] Further reading [ edit] Gargallo Gil, José Enrique (2000) ¿Se habla gallego en Extremadura? Y otras cuestiones, no menos delicadas, sobre romances, gentes y tierras peninsulares de frontera (con sus nombres) in Spanish) Mérida, pp. 53–73 External links [ edit.

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Fala FDR with Fala (August 8, 1940) Other name(s) Murray the Outlaw of Falahill (full name) Species Dog Breed Scottish Terrier Sex Male Born Big Boy April 7, 1940 Died April 5, 1952 (aged 11) Resting place Springwood Occupation Presidential pet Owner Franklin D. Roosevelt, Eleanor Roosevelt Named after John Murray of Falahill Fala (April 7, 1940 – April 5, 1952) a Scottish Terrier, was the dog of U. S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. One of the most famous presidential pets, Fala was taken many places by Roosevelt. [1] Given to the Roosevelts by a cousin, Fala knew how to perform tricks; the dog and his White House antics were mentioned frequently by the media and often referenced by Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor. Fala survived Roosevelt by seven years and was buried near him. A statue of Fala beside Roosevelt is featured in Washington, D. C. 's Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, the only presidential pet so honored. Another statue of Fala has been placed at Puerto Rico 's "Paseo de los Presidentes" in San Juan. Early life [ edit] Fala's silver-and-leather collar Fala was born on April 7, 1940. Roosevelt's distant cousin, Margaret "Daisy" Suckley, gave the dog to Roosevelt as an early Christmas gift. [2] 200 As a puppy, Fala was given obedience training by Suckley, who taught him to sit, roll over, and jump. His original name was Big Boy; Roosevelt renamed him Murray the Outlaw of Falahill after John Murray of Falahill, a famous Scottish ancestor. This was later shortened to "Fala. 3] After a few weeks at the White House, Fala was taken to the hospital for intestinal problems. Roosevelt discovered that Fala had found his way to the kitchen and was being overfed. Roosevelt issued an order to the staff that Fala would henceforth be fed only by the president himself. [2] 200 White House years [ edit] Fala was relocated into the White House on November 10, 1940, and spent most of his time there [4] until Roosevelt's death during April 1945. Fala also traveled with Roosevelt to his home ( Springwood) in Hyde Park, New York, and to Warm Springs, Georgia, where Roosevelt received treatment for his paralytic illness. An MGM movie about a typical day in the White House featured Fala. Fala also became an honorary private of the U. Army by "contributing" 1 to the war effort for every day of the year and setting an example for others on the " home front. During the Battle of the Bulge, American soldiers asked one another the name of the President's dog, expecting the answer "Fala. as a supplementary safeguard against German soldiers attempting to infiltrate American ranks. [5] Fala often accompanied Roosevelt to important events; he traveled in Sacred Cow, the president's airplane, and in Ferdinand Magellan, Roosevelt's custom-made train car, as well as by ship. He was with Roosevelt at the Atlantic Charter Conference, Quebec, and the meeting with President Manuel Ávila Camacho of Mexico in Monterrey. [3] During 1943, Fala was the subject of a short series of political cartoons by Alan Foster titled Mr. Fala of the White House. In the 1943 romantic comedy Princess O'Rourke, Fala was played by Whiskers. Fala speech [ edit] On September 23, 1944, Roosevelt began his 1944 presidential campaign in Washington, D. C., speaking at a dinner with the International Teamsters Union. The half-hour speech was also broadcast by all U. radio networks. [6] In the speech, Roosevelt criticized Republican opponents in Congress and detailed their criticisms of him. Late in the speech, Roosevelt addressed Republican charges that he had accidentally left Fala behind on the Aleutian Islands while on tour there and had sent a U. Navy destroyer to retrieve him at an exorbitant cost to the taxpayers: These Republican leaders have not been content with attacks on me, or my wife, or on my sons. No, not content with that, they now include my little dog, Fala. Well, of course, I don't resent attacks, and my family don't resent attacks, but Fala does resent them. You know, Fala is Scotch, and being a Scottie, as soon as he learned that the Republican fiction writers in Congress and out had concocted a story that I'd left him behind on an Aleutian island and had sent a destroyer back to find him – at a cost to the taxpayers of two or three, or eight or twenty million dollars – his Scotch soul was furious. He has not been the same dog since. I am accustomed to hearing malicious falsehoods about myself. But I think I have a right to resent, to object, to libelous statements about my dog. [7] The idea of turning the Republican charges into a joke was that of Orson Welles. [8] 292–293 Campaigning extensively for Roosevelt, Welles occasionally sent him ideas and phrases that were sometimes incorporated into what Welles characterized as "less important speeches. 9] 374 One of these was the "Fala speech. Welles ad-libbed the Fala joke for the president, who was so delighted that he had a final version written into the speech by his staff. After the broadcast Roosevelt asked Welles, How did I do? Was my timing right. 8] 292–293 "The audience went wild, laughing and cheering and calling for more. wrote historian Doris Kearns Goodwin. "And the laughter carried beyond the banquet hall; it reverberated in living rooms and kitchens throughout the country, where people were listening to the speech on their radios. The Fala bit was so funny, one reporter observed, that 'even the stoniest of Republican faces cracked a smile. 2] 548 After Roosevelt's death [ edit] Fala and Eleanor Roosevelt (1951) President Roosevelt died at Warm Springs, Georgia, during 1945. In the minutes after his death, Fala behaved very strangely. FDR biographer Jim Bishop wrote about the death scene. a snapping, snarling series of barks was heard. No one had paid any attention to Fala. He had been dozing in a corner of the room. For a reason beyond understanding, he ran directly for the front screen door and bashed his black head against it. The screen broke and he crawled through and ran snapping and barking up into the hills. There, Secret Service men could see him, standing alone, unmoving, on an eminence. This led to the quiet question: Do dogs really know. 10] Fala attended Roosevelt's funeral [2] 615 and went to live with the widowed Eleanor Roosevelt at Val-Kill. [2] 620 She took great pleasure in Fala's company, and the two became inseparable companions. [2] 620 She often mentioned Fala in her newspaper column, My Day" and wrote of him in her autobiography: It was Fala, my husband's little dog, who never really readjusted. Once, in 1945, when General Eisenhower came to lay a wreath on Franklin's grave, the gates of the regular driveway were opened and his automobile approached the house accompanied by the wailing of the sirens of a police escort. When Fala heard the sirens, his legs straightened out, his ears pricked up and I knew that he expected to see his master coming down the drive as he had come so many times. Later, when we were living in the cottage, Fala always lay near the dining-room door where he could watch both entrances just as he did when his master was there. Franklin would often decide suddenly to go somewhere and Fala had to watch both entrances in order to be ready to spring up and join the party on short notice. Fala accepted me after my husband's death, but I was just someone to put up with until the master should return. [11] 287–288 During November 1945 Fala was hospitalized for a week after being attacked at the family's Hyde Park estate by Elliott Roosevelt 's 135-pound (61 kg) bull mastiff, Blaze. [12] Fala had been staying with Margaret Suckley and visited Hyde Park. He was on a leash when the larger dog jumped on him, slashing his back and right eye. The attack ended when someone struck Blaze with a rock and dazed him. Blaze tested negative for rabies, but was still euthanized as a precaution against future attacks. [13] Suffering from deafness and failing health, Fala was euthanized on April 5, 1952, two days before his twelfth birthday. [14] Fala is buried in a marked grave about ten yards (9. 1 m) behind the Roosevelt tombstone in the Rose Garden at Springwood, 3] beside Chief (1918–1933) the Roosevelts' German Shepherd. [15] Memorials [ edit] A statue of Fala beside Roosevelt is featured in the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial in Washington, D. Fala is the only presidential pet so honored. Another statue of him has been placed at Puerto Rico 's "Paseo de los Presidentes" in San Juan. A third statue is in the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum in Hyde Park, NY. Fala's collar, dog dish, White House dog tags and other artifacts also are on display. citation needed] FDR Memorial detail See also [ edit] Checkers speech List of famous dogs United States presidential pets References [ edit] Leuchtenburg, William Edward (2001. In the Shadow of FDR: From Harry Truman to George W. Bush. Cornell University Press. p.  183. ISBN   0801487374. ^ a b c d e f Goodwin, Doris Kearns (1995. No Ordinary Time. Simon & Schuster. ISBN   9780684804484. ^ a b c "Biography of Fala D. Roosevelt. Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library. Archived from the original on December 10, 2012. Retrieved December 7, 2012. ^ Video: Allies Win Sea, Air Battle In Fight For Africa (1944. Universal Newsreel. 1944. Retrieved February 21, 2012. ^ MacDonald, Charles B. (March 19, 1997. A Time for Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge. p. 226. ISBN   0688151574. ^ FDR Preparing Radio Address. The Miami News ( United Press) September 21, 1944. Retrieved June 3, 2014. ^ 1944 Radio News, 1944-09-23 FDR Teamsters Union Address – Fala (27:45–30:08. Internet Archive. Retrieved June 2, 2014. ^ a b Leaming, Barbara (1985. Orson Welles: A Biography. New York: Viking. ISBN   0-670-52895-1. ^ Brady, Frank (1989. Citizen Welles: A Biography of Orson Welles. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. ISBN   0-385-26759-2. ^ Bishop, Jim (1974. FDR's Last Year. New York: William Morrow. p.  590 –591. ISBN   9780688002763. ^ Roosevelt, Eleanor, The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt. New York: Da Capo Press, 1992 ^ Fala In Hospital After Run In With Bulldog. The Daily Mail ( Associated Press. November 29, 1945. ^ Elliott's Blaze Destroyed for Attack on Fala. The Daily Register. United Press. November 30, 1945. ^ Fala Buried in Hyde Park Garden At Feet of Friend and Champion. The New York Times. April 7, 1952. p. 27. Retrieved May 9, 2015. Fala received a 'mercy death' two days before his thirteenth [sic] birthday. He had been in failing health for some time. His hair had turned gray and he suffered from deafness. ^ Roosevelt Facts and Figures. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum. Retrieved September 24, 2015. External links [ edit] Fala, the dog who helped win a presidential election. National Constitution Center. September 23, 2017. Retrieved November 17, 2017. Audio recording of 'Fala Speech. Address at a Union Dinner. Washington, D. Quicktime... Transcript: FDR - The "Fala" Speech. Wyzant. Retrieved November 17, 2017... Artists for FDR, blog post presenting selections from the 1944 pamphlet, The President's Speech, with illustrations by Crockett Johnson, Syd Hoff, Hugo Gellert and 16 others from the Independent Voters' Committee of the Arts and Sciences for Roosevelt. IMDB profile of Whiskers, Fala's movie stand-in in Princess O'Rourke (1943. v t e Franklin D. Roosevelt 32nd President of the United States (1933–1945) 44th Governor of New York (1929–1932) Assistant Secretary of the Navy (1913–1920) New York State Senator (1911–1913) Presidency Inaugurations (1st 2nd 3rd 4th) First two terms Second two terms Foreign policy New Deal overview New Deal coalition First 100 days Second New Deal Federal Emergency Relief Administration Civilian Conservation Corps Agricultural Adjustment Act Emergency Banking Act Tennessee Valley Authority National Labor Relations Act of 1935 National Industrial Recovery Act of 1933 Public Works Administration National Recovery Administration Works Progress Administration National Youth Administration Social Security Act Aid to Families with Dependent Children Communications Act of 1934 Federal Communications Commission Securities and Exchange Commission Monetary gold ownership Gold Reserve Act Silver seizure Record on civil rights Defense industry non-discrimination Fair Employment Practice Committee Indian Reorganization Act Executive Orders 9066, 9102 War Relocation Authority Japanese American internment German-American internment Italian-American internment Brownlow Committee Executive Office of the President G. I. Bill of Rights Cullen–Harrison Act Roerich Pact Four Freedoms Four Freedoms Monument Black Cabinet Jefferson's Birthday holiday Judicial Court-Packing Bill Federal Judicial appointments Supreme Court Cabinet "Brain Trust" March of Dimes Modern Oval Office Official car Criticism Executive Orders Presidential Proclamations Presidential Foreign policy Banana Wars U. occupation of Nicaragua, 1912–1933 U. occupation of Haiti, 1915–1934 Good Neighbor Policy (1933–1945) Montevideo Convention (1933) Second London Naval Treaty (1936) ABCD line (1940) Export Control Act Four Policemen Lend-Lease 1940 Selective Service Act Atlantic Charter (1941) Military history of the United States during World War II Home front during World War II Combined Munitions Assignments Board War Production Board Declaration by United Nations (1942) Dumbarton Oaks Conference World War II conferences Quebec Agreement Europe first Morgenthau Plan support Presidential speeches 1932 Acceptance speech Commonwealth Club Address Madison Square Garden speech " Four Freedoms " Infamy Speech Arsenal of Democracy. fear itself" Fireside chats "Look to Norway" Quarantine Speech "The More Abundant Life" Second Bill of Rights State of the Union Address (1934 1938 1939 1940 1941 1945) Other events Early life, education, career Warm Springs Institute Governorship of New York Proposed dictatorship Business Plot Assassination attempt Elections 1928 New York state election 1930 Democratic National Convention, 1920 1924 1932 1936 1944 1920 United States presidential election theme song Life and homes Early life and education Groton School "Springwood" birthplace, home, and gravesite Campobello home Paralytic illness Top Cottage Little White House, Warm Springs, Georgia Legacy Presidential Library and Museum Roosevelt Institute Roosevelt Institute Campus Network Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial Roosevelt Island Four Freedoms Park White House Roosevelt Room Roosevelt Institute for American Studies Four Freedoms Award Four Freedoms paintings Unfinished portrait U. Postage stamps Roosevelt dime I'd Rather Be Right 1937 musical Films The Roosevelt Story 1947 Sunrise at Campobello 1960 Eleanor and Franklin 1976, The White House Years 1977 World War II: When Lions Roared 1997 miniseries Warm Springs 2005 Hyde Park on Hudson 2012 The Roosevelts 2014 documentary Other namesakes Roosevelt family Delano family Eleanor Roosevelt (wife) Anna Roosevelt Halsted (daughter) James Roosevelt II (son) Elliott Roosevelt (son) Franklin Delano Roosevelt Jr. (son) John Aspinwall Roosevelt II (son) Eleanor Roosevelt Seagraves (granddaughter) Curtis Roosevelt (grandson) Sara Delano Roosevelt (granddaughter) Franklin Delano Roosevelt III (grandson) John Roosevelt Boettiger (grandson) James Roosevelt III (grandson) James Roosevelt I (father) Sara Ann Delano (mother) James Roosevelt Roosevelt (half-brother) Isaac Roosevelt (grandfather) Warren Delano Jr. (grandfather) Jacobus Roosevelt (great-grandfather) Fala (family dog) ← Herbert Hoover Harry S. Truman → Category.
Omg... I was so shock when I've Watch this vid... I was started in aceh, sumatra,indonesia... We can never understimate the power of nature its so scary... It will happen anytime & anywhere without warning... 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢.
On September 23, 1944, during a campaign dinner with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters union, President Franklin D. Roosevelt makes a reference to his small dog, Fala, who had recently been the subject of a Republican political attack. The offense prompted Roosevelt to defend his dogs honor and his own reputation. After addressing pertinent labor issues and Americas status in World War II, Roosevelt explained that Republican critics had circulated a story claiming that Roosevelt had accidentally left Fala behind while visiting the Aleutian Islands earlier that year. They went on to accuse the president of sending a Navy destroyer, at a taxpayer expense of up to 20 million, to go back and pick up the dog. Roosevelt said that though he and his family had “suffered malicious falsehoods” in the past, he claimed the right to “object to libelous statements about my dog. ” Roosevelt went on to say that the desperate Republican opposition knew it could not win the upcoming presidential election and used Fala as an excuse to attack the president. He half-jokingly declared that his critics sullied the reputation of a defenseless dog just to distract Americans from more pressing issues facing the country. Roosevelt was indeed attached to his dog. Fala, a small, black Scottish terrier, accompanied Roosevelt almost everywhere: to the Oval Office, on official state visits and on long, overseas trips including one to Newfoundland in 1941 during which Fala met British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Roosevelts cousin, Margaret Suckley, had given Fala to the president in 1940 when Fala was still a puppy. Although Eleanor Roosevelt disapproved of having a dog in the White House, Roosevelt adamantly kept the dog by his side. Fala slept at the foot of his masters bed and only the president had the authority to feed him; the White House kitchen staff sent up a bone for Fala every morning with Roosevelts breakfast tray. After FDRs death, Fala lived with Eleanor and, when the dog died in 1952 at the ripe old age of 12, he was buried near the president at his family home in Hyde Park, New York.



Im so glad I remembered. Watch full the wave 2016. Complete abaixo para pedir sua NuConta e seu cartão de crédito Nome completo Precisamos seu nome completo. Precisamos seu nome completo. CPF Precisamos do seu CPF Precisamos de um CPF válido E-mail Precisamos do seu e-mail. Aqui precisamos de um email válido. Confirmação de e-mail Ops. Está diferente do campo acima. Li e concordo com a política de privacidade. Para prosseguir, você deve concordar com as políticas de privacidade. Quero receber a newsletter do Nubank.

Who elese is here because of after. Watch Full The waverly. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search Fala may refer to: Places [ edit] Fala, Midlothian, Scotland Fala, Ruše, Slovenia Fala, Selnica ob Dravi, Slovenia Fálá, Sami-language name of Kvaløya, Norway Languages [ edit] Fala language, a Romance language from the Portuguese-Galician subgroup spoken in Spain Fala de Guine, or fala de negros, the language spoken by Atlantic Creoles Other [ edit] Fala (dog) Scottish Terrier owned by Franklin D. Roosevelt Fala (moth) a genus of moths Fala (musical instrument) traditional Samoan percussion instrument FALA, or the Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy, a small high school in Arizona Max Fala, Samoan rugby player ORP Fala, Polish ship FALA, armed wing of UNITA, Angolan rebel movement Fala (album) a 1985 Polish punk rock/reggae/new wave compilation album The ICAO code of Lanseria International Airport.

British pop starlet pixie lott sings 'ooh la la. which I believe is one if the main sounds from this movies soundtrack. Hope she gets the right promotion🙏. Asturian [ edit] Etymology [ edit] From Latin fābula. Noun [ edit] fala   f ( plural fales) speaking, speech [ edit] falar Verb [ edit] fala third-person singular present indicative of falar second-person singular imperative of falar Fala [ edit] From Old Portuguese fala, from Latin fābula ( “ discourse; narrative ”. fala   f ( plural falas) Fala ( Romance language of northwestern Extremadura) 2000, Domingo Frades Gaspar, Vamus a falal: Notas pâ coñocel y platical en nosa fala, Editora regional da Extremadura, Theme IV, Chapter 2: O “Oiru” i o “Moiru” do diptongu “au” latinu: É algu que poi dal traballu a os estudiosus da fala. …] It is something which may be complicated for Fala scholars. …] a language or language variant, especially a minority or regional one 2000, Domingo Frades Gaspar, Vamus a falal: Notas pâ coñocel y platical en nosa fala, Editora regional da Extremadura, Theme I, Chapter 2: Númerus. As lenguas, idiomas, dialectus o falas tenin un-as funciós mui claras desde o principiu dos siglu i si hai contabilizaus en o mundu un-as 8. 000 lenguas, ca un-a con sua importancia numérica relativa, a nossa fala é un tesoiru mais entre elas. The tongues, languages or regional variants have some very clear functions since the beginning of the centuries and some 8, 000 languages have been accounted for in the world, each with its relative numerical importance, our Fala is another treasure among them. third person singular present indicative of verb falal. 2000, Domingo Frades Gaspar, Vamus a falal: Notas pâ coñocel y platical en nosa fala, Editora regional da Extremadura, Theme XI: Quen fala poi escribil Those who speak can write Galician [ edit] 1917. ID card, Amigos da Fala ( Friends of the [Galician] Language" From Old Galician and Old Portuguese fala (13th century, Cantigas de Santa Maria) from Latin fābula ( “ discourse; narrative ”. Pronunciation [ edit] IPA ( key. ˈfala̝/ fala   m ( plural falas) voice, speech (faculty of speech) 1370, Ramón Lorenzo (ed. Cronica troiana. A Coruña: Fundación "Pedro Barrié de la Maza, Conde de Fenosa" page 567: Ata meodía nõ cobrou sua fala, nẽ seu entendemento. Till noon he didn't recover his voice nor his mind 1779, Diego Antonio Cernadas, Obras en Prosa y Verso. Madrid. page 315: Co o desexo de acordarvos, que en Galicia o seu funduxe ten a vosa nobre fruxe, vou en Gallego a falarvos: De esto non hai que estrañarvos; antes ben, facendo gala de esta nación, estimá-la, e si porque moito dista, non a conocés de vista, conocedea pola fala With the desire to make you remember that in Galicia your noble lineage has its foundation, I'm gonna speak to you in Galician: no need to wonder for this; rather, taking pride of this nation, to love it, and if because of the distance, you don't know it by sight, let's you know it by its speech. a language, a dialect or a sociolect 1859, José Domínguez d'Esquerdo, Entonces e agora ou Coroas e cadeas do fidalgo povo galicián: deprende a fala francesa, ingresa ou italián, e non construie a galícea, encolle o lombo, cand'ouce falare do país en que nasceu! he learns the French, the English or the Italian languages, but can't elaborate in Galician, he flinches when he hears about the country where he was born! Galego, Galician language 1917, anonymous, A Nosa Terra, n. 7: Fai pouco tempo, e ben pouco por nosa indiferenza, qu'un feixe d'homes de vontade de ferro, axuntaronse, formando a santa e nobre Irmandade da Fala. Sometime ago, a very short time ago because of our indifference, a handful of men with an iron will, joining together, founded the holy and noble Brotherhood of the Fala. Fala ( Galician-Portuguese language of northwestern Extremadura, in Spain) word, tale speech, expression References [ edit] “ fala ” in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval, SLI - ILGA 2006-2012. “ fala ” in Xavier Varela Barreiro & Xavier Gómez Guinovart: Corpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval. SLI / Grupo TALG / ILG, 2006-2016. “ fala ” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006-2013. “ fala ” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua galega. Santiago: ILG. “ fala ” in Álvarez, Rosario (coord. Tesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués, Santiago de Compostela: Instituto da Lingua Galega. Guinea-Bissau Creole [ edit] Borrowed from Portuguese falar. Cognates with Kabuverdianu fala. to say to speak to talk Hungarian [ edit] fal +‎ -a ( possessive suffix) IPA ( key. ˈfɒlɒ] Hyphenation: fa‧la third-person singular single-possession possessive of fal Declension [ edit] Inflection (stem in long/high vowel, back harmony) singular plural nominative — accusative falát dative falának instrumental falával causal-final faláért translative falává terminative faláig essive-formal falaként essive-modal falául inessive falában superessive falán adessive falánál illative falába sublative falára allative falához elative falából delative faláról ablative falától non-attributive possessive - singular faláé non-attributive possessive - plural faláéi Icelandic [ edit] indefinite genitive plural of falur Irish [ edit] Alternative forms [ edit] fola (This etymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at the Etymology scriptorium. ) fala   f ( genitive singular fala, nominative plural falta) grudge, spite, resentment, feud Derived terms [ edit] ar eagla na fala thuas ( “ for fear of the wrath to come; to be morally on the safe side ”) Mutation [ edit] Irish mutation Radical Lenition Eclipsis fhala bhfala Note: Some of these forms may be hypothetical. Not every possible mutated form of every word actually occurs. " fala " in Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla, An Gúm, 1977, by Niall Ó Dónaill. Entries containing “ fala ” in English-Irish Dictionary, An Gúm, 1959, by Tomás de Bhaldraithe. Italian [ edit] From Latin fala, from Etruscan [Term. fala   f ( plural fale) a siege tower Kabuverdianu [ edit] From Portuguese falar. Latin [ edit] phala From Etruscan [Term. ( Classical) IPA ( key. ˈ, ˈfa. ɫ̪a] fala   f ( genitive falae) first declension ( military) a siege tower First-declension noun. Case Singular Plural Nominative falae Genitive falārum Dative falīs Accusative falam falās Ablative falā Vocative falārica fala in Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879) A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press fala in Gaffiot, Félix (1934) Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Hachette Malagasy [ edit] From Proto-Malayo-Polynesian *palaq, from Proto-Austronesian *palaq. IPA ( key. fala/ vagina, vulva Novial [ edit] fala ( past falad, active participle falant, passive participle falat) fall Polish [ edit] IPA ( key. ˈ fala   f wave Further reading [ edit] fala in Polish dictionaries at PWN Portuguese [ edit] falla ( obsolete) From Old Portuguese fala, from Latin fābula ( “ discourse, narrative ”) from for ( “ I speak ”) from Proto-Italic *fāðlā, from Proto-Indo-European *bʰeh₂. “ speak ”. dʰleh₂. Compare fábula, a borrowed doublet. ( Portugal, Brazil) IPA ( key. ˈfa. lɐ/ fala f ( plural falas) uncountable) speech (the ability to speak; the state of not being mute) Antonyms: afonia, mudez a speech, a discourse accent (the way someone speaks) Synonyms: dicção, linguajar, pronúncia, sotaque a dialect or regional variant of a language Synonyms: dialeto, variante a line of dialogue in a screenplay or script Quotations [ edit] For quotations of use of this term, see Citations:pt. Synonyms [ edit] discourse) see Thesaurus:conversa ( dialect) fala de Estremadura fala de Xálima third-person singular ( ele and ela, also used with você and others) present indicative of falar second-person singular ( tu, sometimes used with você) affirmative imperative of falar For quotations of use of this term, see Citations:falar. Samoan [ edit] From Proto-Polynesian *fala, from Proto-Malayo-Polynesian [Term. compare Indonesian pandan, Hawaiian hala. the screw pine, pandanus, Pandanus tectorius a woven mat made from the leaves of the pandanus Scottish Gaelic [ edit] fala   f   sg genitive singular of fuil Scottish Gaelic mutation Serbo-Croatian [ edit] IPA ( key. fǎːla/ fála   f ( Cyrillic spelling ́ ) colloquial) Nonstandard form of hvála ( “ thanks ”. Swahili [ edit] fara fala  ( ma class, plural mafala) derogatory) a fool, an imbecile ( person with poor judgement or little intelligence) Synonym: mjinga Swedish [ edit] Adjective [ edit] absolute singular definite and plural form of fal. Anagrams [ edit] alfa Tongan [ edit] IPA ( key. a woven mat usually made from the leaves of the pandanus fakapopofala.

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