

Movie Une soeur PutLocker 1280p Solar Movies Free Pirate Bay

Movie Une soeur PutLocker 1280p Solar Movies Free Pirate Bay
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Movie Une soeur PutLocker 1280p Solar Movies Free Pirate Bay

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Actors: Guillaume Duhesme liked it: 1038 votes writer: Delphine Girard Une soeur is a short starring Veerle Baetens, Selma Alaoui, and Guillaume Duhesme. A night. A car. Alie is in danger. To get by she must make the most important phone call of her life country: Belgium. Domitille & Angélique Brion soeurs Une allure androgyne, un esprit d'aventure, le pavé parisien, une mini jupe seventies, un vent de liberté, une laine bien tricotée et des cotonnades indiennes. Une veste oversize, minimum 9 paires de sandales en cuir, un film de Rohmer et un déjeuner en famille... Incarner ce que l'on est avec sensibilité, simplicité et authenticité. Se sentir bien ici et n'importe où. Telles sont les bases de Soeur, un label français de prêt-à-porter féminin fondé en 2008. A la tête de cette histoire, deux soeurs, Domitille et Angélique Brion, un duo complémentaire porté par l'envie d'habiller toutes les femmes, toutes générations confondues. Elles puisent dans leurs souvenirs, leurs voyages et une vision du style très français pour imaginer des collections délicates, accessibles, confortables, inspirées du vestiaire masculin et surtout incroyablement chics. Domitille, dans son atelier Atelier à l'île Maurice Un vêtement bien pensé Les bases de Soeur sont fondées sur le respect de la femme à tous les âges de sa vie, sur la volonté de l'accompagner à se sentir belle, libre et bien dans son quotidien. Portées par des codes bien précis, Domitille et Angélique s'inspirent de l'esthétique de la Nouvelle Vague, de l'épure scandinave des années 50, des traditions anglaises, des matériaux bruts sur lesquels le temps et l'homme ont laissé une histoire et de la douceur de vivre simplement. Le style et la fonctionnalité des vêtements sont les résultats naturels, justes, sobres et élégants de ces approches. Enfin, Soeur est une histoire de famille, celle des soeurs Brion et celle de la famille au sens large: la soeur de coeur, la meilleure amie, la confidente et la complice, la bande de filles. C'est le désir de partages et de transmission entre femmes, que ce soit l'amour, un trench, des idées ou un panier. 1. Chemise Victoria 2. Sous pull Amsterdam et veste Simba 3. Short Blaise Voyage en Inde Un label qui voyage Domitille et Angélique sont allées chercher aux quatre coins du monde des savoir-faire d'exception afin d'élaborer leurs collections. Elles recherchent une qualité du geste et de la tradition qui donnent naturellement de l'émotion au produit fini. Les cotons proviennent d'Inde. Domitille parle avec tendresse de la sensibilité indienne. Elle se rend dans les usines 3 à 6 fois par an et s'émerveille toujours de la façon si subtile que les artisans ont de créer et d'associer les couleurs. La maille est confectionnée à l'île Maurice où les pulls y sont encore montés avec des machines mécaniques traditionnelles. La finition des tricots y est faite à la main. Les incontournables paniers sont réalisés à Madagascar, à la main, de manière artisanale par des femmes. Une dernière partie de la production se fait au Portugal et en Europe de l'Est. De la Méditerranée à l'Atlantique en passant par la mer d'Arabie, on ressent avec sincérité l'influence de toutes ces destinations à travers chaque collection. Entre deux voyages, Angélique et Domitille se ressourcent à l'Ile d'Yeu. La fougue de l'océan contrastée par de petites criques cachées, une nature luxuriante et le calme bienfaisant d'avant les tempêtes permettent aux soeurs de se ressourcer dans leur maison familiale. 1. Chemise Betty, jupe Bambou et chapeau Buenos 2. Pull Vermillon, pantalon Vincent et sandale Vladim 3. Sandales Vladim, Vanina, Vilnius Les collections Chez Soeur, la collection s'élabore par les matières. Domitille a une approche sensible et intuitive des tissus, des cuirs et des lainages qui lui inspirent, par leurs touchers et leurs couleurs, des modèles bien précis. Elle sélectionne ses étoffes pour l'émotion qu'elles procurent puis elle les combine, les assemble et les associe pour créer la collection. Il se peut ainsi qu'une peau fasse naitre une jupe 60's et qu'une cotonnade fleurie éveille une longue robe bohème. D'un vêtement découle une silhouette. Domitille complète tel un puzzle ses looks en partant des modèles que les matières lui ont imposés. C'est une création très logique et méthodique car la pièce est autonome tout en s'intégrant à une allure complète et bien définie. Les collections sont boyish et sensibles. Une attention particulière est portée aux vêtements bien faits. C'est un juste équilibre entre la tradition d'un tartan et une touche sauvage de léopard, une composition de couleurs naturelles et de matières nobles. Chaque silhouette s'articule autour d'un jeu de proportions savamment élaboré pour qu'il ait, justement, l'air naturel. Les chemises lavallière se la jouent discrètes sous un cardigan. Les robes se déclinent en version chemise, mini sixties ou très longues pour dévoiler, selon l'humeur, une cheville, un genou ou une cuisse. Parfois smockées, souvent boutonnées ou froncées, les blouses et chemisiers se déclinent en col rond, tunisien ou vareuse. Pantalons droits, de costume, boyfriend ou jogger pants, ils se mélangent à loisir avec l'ensemble du vestiaire. Pulls à grosses mailles, liquettes délicatement brodées, blazers ceinturés... Chaque look propose une accumulation de pièces. Robe, jupe, short, trench, pantalon, salopette, chemise, sweater, pull, cardigan, chaussettes, foulard, sac... L'offre est complète et permet à la femme Soeur de se réinventer chaque matin. Robe Véronique Les boutiques Dès la création de la marque en 2008, les soeurs Brion ont ouvert une boutique dans le 6e arrondissement de Paris, au 88 rue Bonaparte, entre le jardin du Luxembourg et la place Saint-Sulpice. Le succès est immédiat. Toutes les femmes et jeunes filles s'approprient la marque. Alors que le positionnement est premium, les prix restent accessibles. L'univers de la boutique, habillée de bois ambrés, de fauteuils en rotin vintage et d'objets chinés accompagne en toute cohérence l'élégante simplicité des collections. L'éclairage indirect est reposant, il y a comme une évocation d'appartement. Ce « juste ce qu'il faut » pour se sentir à l'aise. Au fil des années, le réseau de boutiques s'est développé. Dix nouvelles adresses ont vu le jour, à Paris et à travers la France. Aujourd'hui les soeurs Brion continuent ce développement progressif et équilibré. 1. Collage Katerine de Blawer 2. Couverture Great Gatsby 3. Anna Karina, Le Petit Soldat 4. Yves Saint Laurent 5. Jean Arp 6. Collage Katerine de Blawer rencontre Domitille Brion a été la styliste de Bonpoint et co-créatrice de Bonton pendant plus de 15 ans. Angélique Brion est diplomée en psychologie de l'enfance et de l'adolescence. Votre playlist du moment? D: Léonard Cohen et Céline Dion A: Papooz, Christine and the Queens, Imani Votre rituel du matin? D: Café tartines beurrées et revue de presse A: Un petit déjeuner très long avant tout Un lieu préféré à Paris? D: Les jardins du Palais Royal avec ses fleurs toujours incroyables, ses galeries et ses magnifiques colonnes de Buren qui ont été un parfait terrain de jeux pour les enfants quand ils étaient petits.... A: Le musée Rodin... les Tuileries... Une destination? D: L'ile d'Yeu A: Quelque part entre le Maroc et L'ile d'Yeu Un film culte? D: Dirty Dancing A: La Boum avec ma fille Un objet dont vous ne pouvez pas vous passer? D: Mes Stan Smith que je porte depuis mes 12 ans A: Mon iphone L'artiste qui vous inspire? D: Matisse, Brancusi, Sonia Delaunay, Soulages... en ce moment petite obsession sur Katrien de Blauwer Vos héros? D et A: Simone Veil, Martin Luther King, Robert Badinter... 4 heures sans travailler, vous faites quoi? D: RIEN!! A: J'improvise Une recette de famille que vous aimiez particulièrement? Qui la cuisinait? D: Les tomates farcies de mère en fille sur plusieurs générations! A: Le Roti de boeuf dominical de maman.

Moi avant j'avais qu'une seul amie c'etais ma meilleure amie et puis j'étais harceler et elle ma trahi elle a commencer a m'harceler elle aussi tout sa parce que elle aimais mon harceleur et j'ai du apprendre a rester seul et pendant deux années je ne vivais plus je survivais. Merci beaucoup pour la vidéo j'ai trop aimé.

Este cortometraje merecía ganar un Oscar 😢💙💙💙

Une soeur by Bastien Vivès Open Preview See a Problem? We’d love your help. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of Une soeur by Bastien Vivès. Thanks for telling us about the problem. · 832 ratings 90 reviews Start your review of Une soeur ASSORÉTA Un blurb diceva di Bastien Vivès "un autentico genio del fumetto francese " Ullallà! ho abboccato e ho preso* questo suo ultimo libro Ok, le vacanze al mare, il caldo, la figlia sedicenne di una amica di famiglia in casa, ok, gli ormoni a palla dell'adolescenza PERÒ come si fa a passare in poche paginette da una tavola (il tratto poi è approssimato, bah, non mi è piaciuto) con un timido tredicenne bravo a disegnare Pokemon (con un primo piano dell'adorabile Pikachu) ad una scena alla deep ASSORÉTA Un blurb diceva di Bastien Vivès "un autentico genio del fumetto francese " Ullallà! ho abboccato e ho preso* questo suo ultimo libro Ok, le vacanze al mare, il caldo, la figlia sedicenne di una amica di famiglia in casa, ok, gli ormoni a palla dell'adolescenza PERÒ come si fa a passare in poche paginette da una tavola (il tratto poi è approssimato, bah, non mi è piaciuto) con un timido tredicenne bravo a disegnare Pokemon (con un primo piano dell'adorabile Pikachu) ad una scena alla deep throat tra lui e la sedicenne?! eddai, Bastien! 2 stelle, per Titi, il simpatico (e credibile) fratellino * poi riposizionato su scaffale dopo 25 minuti netti:).. Comprei este livro e sentei na praça de alimentação. Dez páginas depois, os gritos dos garçons, os choros das crianças, o blablabla dos comensais e transeuntes foram levemente se apagando. Meu cenário não era mais uma praça de alimentação de shopping. Era uma praia francesa onde um menino de treze anos conhecia as primeiras experiências do amor. Existem leituras que tem esse poder. Nos deslocar do nosso lugar, nos submergir dentro de um outro universo, tal o seu poder. Há cinco anos atrás eu me Comprei este livro e sentei na praça de alimentação. Há cinco anos atrás eu me deparava com O Gosto do Cloro, primeira narrativa de Vivés, um cara que tem a minha idade (suspiro). O poder era o mesmo, só que dessa vez, com mais páginas e uma narrativa mais madura, menos lacunar. Uma irmã daria um belíssimo filme indie. A, digamos, direção de Vivés na escolha dos enquadramentos, da montagem do ritmo, é perfeita. Também consigo ver que o desenho de Vivés evoluiu bastante, por vezes até lembrando o mangá. Vale destacar também que é uma narrativa bem atual, em que os personagens usam whatsapp, facebook e as crianças desenham Pokémons. É muito legal a maneira como o autor constrói a relação entre os três personagens principais: Antoine e seu irmão, Titi, e a hóspede Hélene. Não é uma história cativante, nem tocante, nem de disparar a adrenalina. É uma história de cotidiano, que poderia acontecer com qualquer um de nós. E é aí que se encontra a sua força: uma cotidianidade explosiva, potente e que faz o mundo ao redor de nos entrar em um fade out. Nisso, li três quartos de Uma Irmã enquanto estava na praça de alimentação do shopping... Recensione su Chibiistheway Una storia di formazione e prime volte molto sincera e semplice, anche nel tratto. Una boccata d'aria fresca Zeer goede strip die gezien de onschuldige titel minder onschuldig is dan ik had verwacht. Een kameraad van me bestempelt het als een stripklassieker en het is goed mogelijk dat de toekomst hem gelijk zal geven. Antoine ha tredici anni e come ogni estate va con la famiglia nella casa che hanno sull'Île-aux-Moines, in Bretagna. Lo attendono pigre giornate di mare, a disegnare o cercare granchi col fratellino rompiscatole – ma che in fondo ama e verso cui è protettivo –, quando all'improvviso arriva Helene, sedici anni, loro ospite per una settimana assieme alla madre, e tutto cambia velocità. Una sorella è la storia di un incontro tra due ragazzini molto diversi che però stabiliscono subito una Antoine ha tredici anni e come ogni estate va con la famiglia nella casa che hanno sull'Île-aux-Moines, in Bretagna. Una sorella è la storia di un incontro tra due ragazzini molto diversi che però stabiliscono subito una connessione forte e quasi esclusiva, si piacciono, si attraggono e si arricchiscono a vicenda (lei lo fa crescere, lui la calma e la addolcisce), anche se per un tempo tanto breve. Niente di nuovo e per giunta ad alto rischio di scivoloni nei territori del volgare e del morboso, ma Vivès è capace di una delicatezza che lo tiene bene a distanza da ciò, perfino nelle vignette più esplicite. Mi è piaciuto anche il finale. Quindi consigliatissimo (se non vi scandalizzate). PS: la stellina in meno è perché un tarlo nella testa mi dice che è un po' strano che una sedicenne degni di attenzione un tredicenne, ma lasciatemi perdere... L'estate al mare, i primi turbamenti, la scoperta del sesso, forse l'amore. Nessun dettaglio di questa storia è particolarmente originale, eppure mi è piaciuta. I disegni semplici, nei toni di un grigio leggero conferiscono alle tavole un'aria di rievocazione, di malinconico ricordo. I due ragazzi protagonisti mi fanno tenerezza, ognuno con le proprie fragilità esposte e le incertezze dell'adolescenza. Il continuo senso di inadeguatezza trova una pausa in un rapporto esclusivo, che li lega e li L'estate al mare, i primi turbamenti, la scoperta del sesso, forse l'amore. Il continuo senso di inadeguatezza trova una pausa in un rapporto esclusivo, che li lega e li rinforza e che, nel contempo, esclude e rigetta come un corpo estraneo tutto ciò che gli sta intorno. La brevità del tempo a loro disposizione probabilmente funge da accelerante al sentimento. La narrazione dal tono agrodolce, lo sguardo dell'autore privo di morbosità e, anzi, attento nel cogliere con delicatezza i dettagli di sentimenti adolescenziali così totalizzanti e spiazzanti, rendono questa graphic novel una bella lettura dal retrogusto leggermente amaro... May 28, 2017 Mélanie rated it really liked it Une jolie écriture, un dessin toujours aussi subtile et délicat. Contrairement à ce que j'ai pu lire je ne trouve pas l'histoire si dérangeante tant elle casse en douceur des codes imposés: celui de la jeune fille forte et leadeuse et du garçon peu sur de lui; de l'adolescente plus âgée qui s'éprend tendrement d'un plus jeune. C'est par ces petites choses que cette histoire est belle et touchante et nous amène dans une parenthèse d'un été enchantée. Storia di un'innocenza (perduta), dei primi turbamenti dell'animo (ma soprattutto ormonali) e della scoperta di una (non) sorella. Una stella in più perché tutti abbiamo vissuto un'estate come quella dei due protagonisti di 'Una sorella', e ancora ce la ricordiamo con quel misto agrodolce di nostalgia e struggimento. Uma história maravilhosa sobre descobertas. Descoberta da amizade, do amor, da sexualidade. Aliado a um traço simples mas genial. Bastien Vives è costantemente un esempio di come fare fumetti. Perché il suo approccio visivo è riassuntivo anche in maniera estrema (la mancanza degli occhi per molte inquadrature anche ravvicinate dei volti), ma sa essere al contempo sempre suggestivo ed efficace. E qui l’assenza di colore coniugata con un’ambientazione semplice e scarna, dimostra la potenza misurata del suo modo di intendere le tavole. Ma soprattutto: Vives rende le emozioni, e in particolare l’amore, in un modo personale ed Bastien Vives è costantemente un esempio di come fare fumetti. Ma soprattutto: Vives rende le emozioni, e in particolare l’amore, in un modo personale ed efficacissimo, tale da creare una decisa compartecipazione nel lettore. Una sorella si legge di un fiato. E ci sono scene che ti tengono avvinto: quelle dinamiche di approccio fra Helene e Antoine, la scoperta della sessualità da parte del ragazzo, ma anche della gelosia e di tutta una serie di sentimenti nuovi, si comunicano con forza al lettore senza bisogno di didascalie, senza bisogno di stratificare i discorsi. E quell’ultima immagine di Helene che va via è una conclusione che mi ha emozionato... Jun 16, 2017 LuinGor it was amazing Une histoire sensible qui m'a bien plu. La relation des deux frères, les vacances en Bretagne entre l'ennui, les après-midi interminables à faire des puzzles et l'envie de grandir, le parfum d'interdit de la première cuite, tout ça est décrit avec subtilité. Les personnages m'ont paru très réels et leurs sentiments aussi. La fin est simple, originale et émouvante comme le reste du livre. On peut évidemment être choqué par l'initiation à la sexualité d'un adolescent de 13 ans mais j'ai trouvé que Une histoire sensible qui m'a bien plu. On peut évidemment être choqué par l'initiation à la sexualité d'un adolescent de 13 ans mais j'ai trouvé que le sujet est vraisemblable et traité avec subtilité. Le fait de ne pas être être choqué par ce genre de choses est peut-être un point de vue masculin, il est possible que les lectrices soient plus réservées et moins indulgentes sur ce point. En tout cas, j'ai aimé cette BD.. O trânsito de Antoine pelo mundo infantil e adulto é feito de modo sensível e delicado, se alternando entre o universo de Titi, o irmão com quem desenha Pokémons nas toalhas de papel dos restaurantes, e o de Hélène, a garota mais velha e sexualmente mais madura (embora essa maturidade logo venha a se revelar postiça, ocultando todos os dramas e hesitações da adolescência). De forma sub-repitícia, Vivès consegue fazer de sua narrativa não apenas uma história sobre Antoine, mas sobre a própria O trânsito de Antoine pelo mundo infantil e adulto é feito de modo sensível e delicado, se alternando entre o universo de Titi, o irmão com quem desenha Pokémons nas toalhas de papel dos restaurantes, e o de Hélène, a garota mais velha e sexualmente mais madura (embora essa maturidade logo venha a se revelar postiça, ocultando todos os dramas e hesitações da adolescência). De forma sub-repitícia, Vivès consegue fazer de sua narrativa não apenas uma história sobre Antoine, mas sobre a própria Hélène: a impossibilidade do personagem desenhá-la, aqui, é também a impossibilidade de alcançar a sua experiência, de dar sentido a episódios que só mais tarde vão fazer sentido, tornando o encontro dos dois algo mais que um "amor de verão". Abdicando de oferecer um quadro completo desta fase (o que seria possível situando a narração no futuro, por exemplo, como uma lembrança do protagonista, já adulto), o artista nos oferece um testemunho repleto de atrevimento e inocência, com a beleza transformadora dos instantes únicos, irrecuperáveis pela memória... Dec 17, 2019 Ignacio liked it Una característica historia de iniciación, en la que sobre todo se destaca el trabajo de Vivès con el punto de vista. Sus ilustraciones se preocupan especialmente por los espacios (simbólicos también, pero sobre todo físicos) que se van construyendo entre los personajes. El personaje principal habla bastante poco, pero siempre sabemos a dónde se dirige su mirada, y casi siempre, también, qué es lo que está pensando. Desde su perspectiva, como la delinea Vivès, se puede sentir la proximidad tensa Una característica historia de iniciación, en la que sobre todo se destaca el trabajo de Vivès con el punto de vista. Desde su perspectiva, como la delinea Vivès, se puede sentir la proximidad tensa de los cuerpos, lo improvisado y lo enredoso y lo más o menos clandestino de esos primeros encuentros íntimos... Delicadeza e sutileza ímpares! Vivès tece um retrato da adolescência real e tocante, seus traços que muitas vezes não revelam os olhos deixam um distanciamento sutil e sedutor e, quando o faz, são em momentos de maior impacto como se apenas naqueles momentos os personagens estivessem realmente vivos. Recomendo! Un petit sentiment d'inachevé mais j'ai beaucoup aimé cette bulle de vacances. Una delicia. Bastien Vivés es un autor maravilloso, a mí me tiene enamorado con su talento sobrenatural para captar los deliciosos matices de la gestualidad humana (sobretodo la femenina) la química de las relaciones amorosas, y la excitación del despertar sexual, pero en esta ocasión diría q se supera. Delicatesen de 10. Jul 04, 2017 Anne-Marie Très chouette lecture d'été:) Bon, d'après le résumé Goodreads, je ne m'attendais pas tout à fait à cette histoire (découverte de la sexualité chez un adolescent de 13 ans avec une la fille de 16 ans d'une amie de sa mère en visite), mais j'ai tout de même vraiment apprécié. Des dessins simples mais très évocateurs. Et j'ai adoré la fin. Belle lecture! Wow. Me encanta el arte de Vivès, y esta historia en particular, un amor de verano adolescente, me gustó mucho. Todo chico debería tener una amiga mayor que te cambie la vida como a Antoine el protagonista. No le pongo las cinco estrellas porque los dibujos son un poco más descuidados que en otros de sus trabajos... aún así, es genial lo que logra con unos simples trazos. Oct 11, 2017 Tom De This broke my heart in a way it selden broke before. The story is just an out of the park baseball-hit. Vives is a half-god. It is a disgrace last man has stopped in english & in dutch! Please, someone: pick this up! Une lecture agréablle et une histoire incroyablement touchante avec ce jeune garçon qui se laisse porter par l'été et par ces sentiments pour la jeune fille qui accompagne sa famille cet été, une ado de 3 ans de plus que lui, simplement honnête et ainsi forcément attachante. Mooi, sober getekend, herleid tot het noodzakelijke. En herkenbaar ook: de lange zomers die je als puber doorbracht met je ouders en familie, het gedwongen gezelschap, de nieuwe vriendschappen en voorzichtige experimenten. Teder verhaal. Il y a quelques beaux passages au début, mais il y a aussi beaucoup d'autres profondément gênants, qui vous mettent mal à l'aise compte tenu du jeune âge du garçon. Ça ne m'a pas vraiment donné envie de lire d'autres bd de cet auteur. Cavalgando o sucesso, edita-se um pobre desenho para um pornografico argumento Dec 15, 2018 fiafia it was ok 2, 5/3 Sur les réseaux, tout le monde parlait du "Chemisier" de Bastien Vivès mais quand je l'ai demandé à la bibli notre superbibliothécaire qui s'occupe de BD m'a dit qu'il ne l'avait pas acheté et n'envisageait pas de le faire. Il m'a donné ses raisons (que j'ai trouvées convaincantes) et m'a conseillé "Une soeur", ce qui me permettrair de savoir ce que je pense de Bastien Vivès. Décision sage, car je pense que je vais en rester là, pour ce qui est des BD de Bastien Vivès. À mon avis, "Une 2, 5/3 Sur les réseaux, tout le monde parlait du "Chemisier" de Bastien Vivès mais quand je l'ai demandé à la bibli notre superbibliothécaire qui s'occupe de BD m'a dit qu'il ne l'avait pas acheté et n'envisageait pas de le faire. À mon avis, "Une soeur" est une BD très ado: je comprends pourquoi cela peut plaire, plus quelques dessins sont plutôt osés, mais cela ne m'émeut pas. En plus, je n'aime pas beaucoup le graphisme... Ótima história de dois adolescentes que se relacionam durante as férias de suas famílias na casa de praia. Bem escrito e desenhado. "- Y a beau avoir plein de monde, j'ai toujours l'impression d'être toute seule. - Même quand t'es avec nous? - Non, avec vous c'est chouette. " Jul 26, 2017 Elvynaa Crow Superbe lecture! Je ne savais guère à quoi m'attendre et j'ai vraiment apprécié. L'histoire est simple et complète. Une famille en vacances, deux garçons, un de neuf ans et un de treize ans. Une amie des parents débarque un peu à l'improviste avec sa fille de seize ans. Et BOUM naissance de l'âge du sexe pour le jeune garçon, absolument touchant et dénué de toute vulgarité. La découverte du sexe est très bien décrite avec douceur et légèreté. Il n'est pas question d'amour, mais de désir, Superbe lecture! Je ne savais guère à quoi m'attendre et j'ai vraiment apprécié. Il n'est pas question d'amour, mais de désir, d'intimité. C'est frais, ça change et c'est porteur de vérité. Une belle lecture, et surtout un travail de crayon assez fin et non "fini" assez agréable... May 12, 2017 Celine La ligne graphique de Bastien Vives est toujours aussi fine et délicate et la ligne narrative est également très réussi à mon sens. Hesitei entre as 4 e as 5 estrelas, mas depois de ler o que os outros leitores escreveram, decidi-me pela pontuação máxima que o goodreads permite dar. Isto por diversas razões. A ver se consigo explicá-las! Antes de mais, creio realmente que há uma evolução na forma de desenhar de Vivès, quando comparado com Polina, o único outro livro que li, recentemente, deste autor. Os desenhos continuam um pouco abstractos e, por vezes, "chateia-me" que pareçam inacabados (especialmente alguns olhos que Hesitei entre as 4 e as 5 estrelas, mas depois de ler o que os outros leitores escreveram, decidi-me pela pontuação máxima que o goodreads permite dar. Os desenhos continuam um pouco abstractos e, por vezes, "chateia-me" que pareçam inacabados (especialmente alguns olhos que parece terem ficado por desenhar), mas a verdade é que Vivès não se perde com pormenores gráficos que, de facto, nada viriam acrescentar à narrativa. Ele centra-se, isso sim, no argumento, naquilo que pretende contar e, ao fazê-lo, é mesmo muito bem sucedido. Nalguns comentários anteriores, os leitores dizem ser pouco provável que uma rapariga de 16 anos desse tanta atenção a um "miúdo" de 13 anos. No entanto, eu não concordo. Nota-se que o "miúdo" é já bastante maduro e Hélène não deixa de se dar com os mais velhos. Com pequenas subtilezas, nota-se que as personagens estão mesmo muito bem construídas, com as suas idiossincrasias bem vincadas, o que as torna extremamente credíveis. Também considerei o ritmo da história muito bem conseguido, com momentos de "tensão" (sobretudo sexual) bem distribuídos ao longo da "narrativa". O final não deixa de ser um pouco folhetinesco. A própria história não é uma grande novidade. Mas mesmo assim, eu não deixei de admirar a sua construção e a forma como nos é apresentada. Hélène, a femme fatale já em potência, afinal é igualmente a salvadora. Na minha opinião, esta não é uma história sobre a infância perdida, mas antes sobre a vontade de amadurecer e de chegar à idade adulta. Mesmo que quiséssemos permanecer crianças para sempre, a verdade é que isso não é possível de todo. Estas são, portanto, as razões pelas quais me decidi pelas 5 estrelas, em vez das 4... Ce jeune auteur s’est fait remarquer sous le label KSTR avec notamment le Goût de Chlore et dernièrement avec Amitiétroite. Il prépare chez Poisson Pilote (Dargaud) l'album Pour l’Empire cosigné avec Merwann. Le T. 1 est annoncé pour mars 2010. Diplômé de l’école des Gobelins (section animation), après trois années de graphisme à l'ESAG Penninghen, Bastien Vivès réalise ses premiers pas dans un Ce jeune auteur s’est fait remarquer sous le label KSTR avec notamment le Goût de Chlore et dernièrement avec Amitiétroite. Diplômé de l’école des Gobelins (section animation), après trois années de graphisme à l'ESAG Penninghen, Bastien Vivès réalise ses premiers pas dans un atelier de bandes dessinées qu’il cofonde à Paris. Sous le pseudonyme Bastien Chanmax, il publie sur le net Poungi, « le manchot rappeur amateur de gros seins ». Il est alors découvert par le label jeunes de Casterman. KSTR publie ainsi Elle(s), en début 2007, puis Hollywood Jan avec Mickaël Sanlaville en début 2008, le Goût du Chlore salué par le public et la critique mi 2008 et Dans mes Yeux ainsi qu’Amitiétroite en 2009. Parallèlement, il sort la Boucherie chez Wraoum et Juju Mimi Féfé Chacha, un scénario d’Alexis de Raphelis chez Ankama. Il enchaine aujourd’hui avec Merwann sur une nouvelle série à quatre mains, Pour l’Empire dont vous trouverez ci-dessous la bande annonce. Dessinateur en pleine évolution graphique, Bastien Vivès fait assurément partie de la relève de la bande dessinée... Welcome back. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account.

Haha vergass dans le clip. Vous vous entendez trop bien c'est magique de voir ça x. Movie Une soeur. Choix de texte pour une soeur Pour une soeur. Des Voeux Affectueux Sp�cialement choisis Pour Toi Ch�re Soeur. On manque trop souvent les occasions pour exprimer son attachement et ses sentiments aux �tres qu'on ch�rit. Voil� pourquoi je m'en voudrais de ne pas profiter de ce jour sp�cial pour te dire combien tu comptes pour moi... Ma soeur, mon Amie pour la vie! Que le bonheur te remplisse le coeur aujourd'hui et toute l'ann�e! BONNE F�TE Je suis si heureuse que tu sois ma soeur. << Une soeur occupe une place toute sp�cial dans notre vie et dans notre coeur. >> Nous avons bien chang�, au cours des ann�es, et notre entourage aussi. Mais, une chose me rassure, notre complicit� et notre grande amiti� ne cessent de grandir. Avec beaucoup d'amour Bonne F�te. Tu es un Cadeau du Ciel, Ch�re Soeur Je ne trouve pas toujours les mots pour te remercier de l'amour que tu m'as t�moign� au cours des ann�es, des paroles d'encouragement que tu as su prononcer et du soutien extraordinaire que tu m'as offert. Mais peut-�tre puis-je laisser parler mon coeur et te dire... Tu es un cadeau du ciel, ch�re soeur. Bon Anniversaire. � l'occasion de ta f�te Chaque pierre pr�cieuse est unique... chacune brille d'un �clat distinctif. Que cette journ�e te procure de beaux moments dont tu garderas de pr�cieux souvenirs pendant longtemps. Bonne F�te � ma soeur pour sa f�te. Quel privil�ge et quelle joie d'avoir une soeur comme toi... Qui me conna�t, me comprend et m'accepte comme je suis. Ch�re soeur et amie. Une pens�es d'Anniversaire pour ma Soeur. << Certaines amiti�s durent tr�s, tr�s longtemps et d'autres, quelques mois seulement. Mais avoir une soeur, c'est avoir une amie pour la vie. >> Les meilleurs voeux pour une ann�e d'amour et de joie, parce que tu es fantastique, parce que tu es unique! Beaucoup de bonheur. Ch�re soeur pour ta F�te Une soeur c'est quelqu'un avec qui on se sent � l'aise en toutes circonstances. Quand je pense � tout ce qui nous lie et � l'importance que tu as pour moi, je me dis que j'ai bien de la chance d'avoir dans la vie une soeur comme toi. � ma Soeur qui signifie tant pour moi. Merci d'�tre une soeur si merveilleuse et d'ensoleiller tous les jours de ton sourire. Merci pour les petits plaisirs, pour les rires et pour les fois o� nous avons partag� nos r�ves ou nous avons pris le temps de vivre tout simplement... Merci de rendre notre famille encore plus sp�ciale, pour les souvenirs du << bon vieux temps>> � garder au fond du coeur. Merci pour l'amour que tu as donn� au fil des ann�es et pour les petites choses que tu fais si souvent et qui nous gardent si proche... Merci de ton amiti� sur laquelle je peux compter et de ton d�vouement toujours constant. Merci de donner et de faire tant. Merci d'�tre si sp�cial... Merci d'�tre la femme que tu es. Un Anniversaire Rempli d'Amour. Ch�re soeur M�me si nous passons peu de temps ensemble et que nous n'avons pas n�cessairement les m�mes go�ts, je veux que tu saches que ton bonheur me tient � coeur et que je t'aime beaucoup. La vie est ainsi faite, qu'il est impossible de pr�dire ce qu'elle nous r�serve, les d�fis et les bonheurs qu'elle mettra sur notre route... Mais, il y a certaines choses sur lesquelles on peut compter... Comme ma relation avec toi... Car, peu importe ce que la vie apporte, je sais que toujours il y a et aura dans mon coeur une place pour ma tendre soeur. Joyeux Anniversaire.

Une soeur aux deux visages (TV) Bandes-annonces Casting Critiques spectateurs Critiques presse Photos VOD Blu-Ray, DVD Musique Secrets de tournage Box Office Récompenses Films similaires News Spectateurs 3, 1 14 notes dont 2 critiques noter: 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 3. 5 4 4. 5 5 Envie de voir Rédiger ma critique Synopsis et détails Après la mort de leur mère, Elizabeth emménage chez sa soeur Billie et sa famille. Cette dernière doit donc adapter son mode de vie à la schizophrénie diagnostiquée d'Elizabeth. Mais très vite, il apparaît que Billie n'a ni les moyens ni les qualifications pour faire face à la maladie de sa sœur sans en affecter le reste de sa famille. Titre original Of Two Minds (TV) Distributeur - Voir les infos techniques Acteurs et actrices Casting complet et équipe technique Critiques Spectateurs Voici un très beau et bon film, traitant sur un sujet des plus délicats, celui des maladies mentales comme celle démontrée avec tac dans le film qu'est la schizophrénie. De plus l'interprétation est impeccable, le tout pour faire un très bon film, si même c'est un TV film qui vaut des fois cent plus que certains navets du cinéma grande toile. = Je donne 4, 5 bonnes étoiles Pas si mal que ca. Au début j'étais un peu desabusé puis au fil du film on arrive à une histoire touchante mine de rien et on arrive vite à la fin. Quelque scènes font peine à voir à cause de la maladie de la soeur (schizophrénie). J'ai été quelque peu ému sur certains passages du film. Bref un film à voir. 2 Critiques Spectateurs Si vous aimez ce film, vous pourriez aimer... Voir plus de films similaires Commentaires.


STUDY Flashcards Learn Write Spell Test PLAY Match Gravity Terms in this set (19) Tu as combien de frères et de soeurs? J'ai une soeur. J'ai un frère. J'ai une soeur et un frère. J'ai deux frères. J'ai deux soeurs. Je n'ai pas de frères et je n'ai pas de soeurs. Estelle a un frère. Estelle a combien de frères et de soeurs? Jean a deux soeurs. Jean a combien de frères et de soeurs? Pascal a un frère. Pascal a combien de frères et de soeurs? Lisa a un frère et une soeur. Lisa a combien de frères et de soeurs? Marie a deux frères et deux soeurs. Marie a combien de frères et de soeurs? Marie a un frère et une soeur. Marie a combien de frères et de soeurs? Guy a trois frères. Guy a combien de frères et de soeurs? Marc a deux frères. Marc a combien de frères et de soeurs? Pierre a une soeur. Pierre a combien de frères et de soeurs? Tu as...? J'ai... Je n'ai pas de... OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR D'accord 1 2A Vocab- Les cours 26 Terms mbryan10 TEACHER Le campus et les personnes D'accord 1A 33 Terms mbryan10 TEACHER Pig Latin 5 Terms mbryan10 TEACHER D'accord Unité 1- Expressions de politesse 12 Terms mbryan10 TEACHER THIS SET IS OFTEN IN FOLDERS WITH... 8a / 3rd: Qu'est-ce que tu sais faire? 53 Terms mbryan10 TEACHER 9a FR / ANG / 3rd: Qu'est-ce que tu mets? 26 Terms mbryan10 TEACHER 8a FR / ANG / 3rd: Qu'est-ce que tu sais faire? 53 Terms mbryan10 TEACHER 1a / 3rd: Alphabet 26 Terms mbryan10 TEACHER;.

������������ �������� Sister, A Une soeur Une sœur ��� 2018 ������ ������� ���������� ������� ��� ����� ����� ������ ������ (2018): ������� >> 13 ������ � ��������� ������� �� ��� ������� ���������� ���������, �1917� � ����������. Movie Une soeur marie. [ sœʀ] feminine noun 1.  ( dans une famille) sister sœur de lait foster sister 2.  ( Religion) ( =  religieuse) nun ⧫ Sister une bonne sœur a nun sœur Élisabeth Sister Elizabeth Copyright © by HarperCollins Publishers. All rights reserved. Examples of 'sœur' in a sentence sœur These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. Read more… David Spector est profes- seur assistant d'économie au Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Le Monde (1997) Filets de harengs saur tradition, faits main, garantis naturels, est -il précisé sur l'étiquette. Le Monde (2000) Jusque -là, ils refusaient de les dévoiler au prétexte de protéger leurs sour ces. Libération (2003) Roméo et Oscar avaient été embauchés par l'administration pour contrecarrer le vice, mais le vice s'est doucement glissé sour leur peau. Léauthier, André & Ploquin, Frédéric Les flics, 120 000 inconnus British English: sister / ˈsɪstə / NOUN Your sister is a girl or woman who has the same parents as you. My sister is younger than me. American English: sister Arabic: أُخْت Brazilian Portuguese: irmã Chinese: 姐妹 older sister Croatian: sestra Czech: sestra Danish: søster Dutch: zus European Spanish: hermana Finnish: sisar French: sœur German: Schwester Greek: αδελφή Italian: sorella Japanese: 姉妹 Korean: 언니 female’s elder sister Norwegian: søster Polish: siostra European Portuguese: irmã Romanian: soră Russian: сестра Latin American Spanish: hermana Swedish: syster Thai: พี่สาวหรือน้องสาว Turkish: kız kardeş Ukrainian: сестра Vietnamese: em gái younger sister New from Collins Quick word challenge Quiz Review Question: 1 - Score: 0 / 5 s'ennuie or t'ennuie? Which version is correct? sa son? Drag the correct answer into the box. Catherine a appelé    frère. ma mon? Drag the correct answer into the box. tiens tient? Drag the correct answer into the box. s'amusent s'amuser? Which version is correct? Your score:.

Frero tas pas de soeur mais tas podcasté exactement le truc. Cest vraiment comme ça de A à Z ! Je me suis abonné à toi pck toute tes vidéo sur la famille ( et je Dit bien toute ) représente les même delire dans ma famille. Espèce de peste, elle a réussie Ta sœur me fait trop rire. 😂💜 Défi relevé, bravo, j'aurais ressembler à un clown si je l'avait fait 😅 Bisous Sanaa, et à ta sœur aussi ! 💋.

Film une soeur dangereuse. Voir également: socquette socratique soda sodé sodique sodium Sodome sodomie sodomiser sodomite sœur sœurette sofa soffite sofiote software soi soi-disant soi-même soie soierie Paramètres: Cliquer sur le mot: donne une traduction ne donne rien Recherches récentes: Enregistrer l'historique Voir tout Liens: ⚙️Preferences Abréviations Subjonctif français Soutenez WR Charte de confidentialité Forums Suggestions Inflections of ' sœur ' ( nf): fpl: sœurs Diccionario WordReference Francés-Español © 2020: Principales traductions Français Espagnol sœur nf nom féminin: s'utilise avec les articles "la", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". Ex: fille - nf > On dira " la fille" ou " une fille". Avec un nom féminin, l'adjectif s'accorde. En général, on ajoute un "e" à l'adjectif. Par exemple, on dira "une petit e fille". (féminin de "frère") hermana nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla. J'ai un frère et deux sœurs. Tengo un hermano y dos hermanas. sœur nf nom féminin: s'utilise avec les articles "la", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". (religieuse, nonne)  ( Religión) hermana nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla. Une nouvelle sœur est entrée dans la communauté des Petites Sœurs des Pauvres. Una nueva hermana ingresó en la congregación de las Hermanitas de los Pobres. Diccionario WordReference Francés-Español © 2020: Formes composées Français Espagnol âme sœur nf nom féminin: s'utilise avec les articles "la", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". (personne complémentaire) alma gemela loc nom f locución nominal femenina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo femenino ("casa de citas", "zona cero", "arma secreta"). Montaigne et La Boétie se considéraient comme des âmes sœurs. Montaigne y La Boétie se consideraban almas gemelas. belle-sœur nf nom féminin: s'utilise avec les articles "la", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". (sœur du conjoint) cuñada nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla. Je m'entends très bien avec ma belle-sœur. Me llevo muy bien con mi cuñada. belle-sœur nf nom féminin: s'utilise avec les articles "la", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". (épouse du frère) cuñada nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla. Je déteste ma belle-sœur: cela m'arrangerait que mon frère se décide enfin à la quitter. Odio a mi cuñada y me vendría bien que mi hermano se decidiera a dejarla de una vez por todas. bonne sœur nf nom féminin: s'utilise avec les articles "la", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". (religieuse, nonne) monja nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla.   hermana nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla. Les religieuses sont familièrement appelées des bonnes sœurs. demi-sœur nf nom féminin: s'utilise avec les articles "la", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". (sœur par le père ou la mère) media hermana loc nom f locución nominal femenina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo femenino ("casa de citas", "zona cero", "arma secreta").   hermanastra nf nombre femenino: Sustantivo de género exclusivamente femenino, que lleva los artículos la o una en singular, y las o unas en plural. Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla. Depuis que maman s'est remariée, j'ai deux demi-sœurs. Desde que mamá se volvió a casar, tengo dos medias hermanas. Et ta sœur? expr familier (On ne te demande pas ton avis. ) Métete en tus propios asuntos, Ocúpate de tus asuntos expr expresión: Expresiones idiomáticas, dichos, refranes y frases hechas de tres o más palabras ("Dios nos libre", "a lo hecho, pecho").   ¿Y a ti quién te llamó?, ¿Y a ti quién te metió? expr expresión: Expresiones idiomáticas, dichos, refranes y frases hechas de tres o más palabras ("Dios nos libre", "a lo hecho, pecho"). grande sœur hermana mayor loc nom f locución nominal femenina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo femenino ("casa de citas", "zona cero", "arma secreta"). petite sœur nf nom féminin: s'utilise avec les articles "la", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". (sœur moins âgée) hermana pequeña loc nom f locución nominal femenina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo femenino ("casa de citas", "zona cero", "arma secreta").   hermana menor loc nom f locución nominal femenina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo femenino ("casa de citas", "zona cero", "arma secreta"). petite sœur nf nom féminin: s'utilise avec les articles "la", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". populaire (même boisson) la misma loc adj locución adjetiva: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adjetivo ("de fácil manejo", "a contraluz", "de fiar"). Pas mauvaise, cette bière. Patron, vous me mettrez la petite sœur! sœur aînée hermana mayor loc nom f locución nominal femenina: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como sustantivo femenino ("casa de citas", "zona cero", "arma secreta"). sœur de lait nf nom féminin: s'utilise avec les articles "la", "l'" (devant une voyelle ou un h muet), "une". vieilli (fille nourrie par la même femme) hermana de leche nf + loc adj Ma cousine est aussi ma sœur de lait car j'ai été nourri par ma tante. Diccionario Espasa Grand: español-francés français-espagnol © 2000 Espasa-Calpe: sœur [ sœr] ƒ 1 (consanguínea) hermana; belle s. cuñada; demi-sœur hermanastra; grande/petite s. hermana mayor/pequeña; sœurs siamoises hermanas siamesas. 2 (monja) hermana, sor ' soeur ' également trouvé dans ces entrées: Dans la description française: Espagnol: Publicités Signalez une publicité qui vous semble abusive. Devenez parrain de WordReference pour voir le site sans publicités.

Movie Une soeurs. © Modern Family / ABC Petite ou grande, une soeur est toujours là pour te balancer ce que tu n'as pas envie d'entendre. Parfois ça te met hors de toi mais au fond, tu sais que c'est pour ton bien alors tu pardonnes. Et puis, elle reste ta meilleure amie quoi qu'elle dise, c'est ça avoir une soeur. Voici 10 vérités que SEULE ta soeur peut te dire. "Cette tenue ne te va pas du tout" Tu sors fièrement de la cabine d'essayage et puis bim, elle descend sans aucun scrupule le look que tu as choisi. A croire qu'elle se sent si cool avec ses chaussettes qui dépassent de ses Stan Smith... "Tu es vraiment chiante" Bon ok, celle-là tu lui accordes. Tu es sûre que tu ne veux pas jouer avec nous à Hunger Games? "Ce mec n'est pas du tout fait pour toi" Tu penses vivre le parfait amour, mais finalement ta soeur te fait réaliser que "l'amour rend aveugle" n'est pas une phrase tout droit sortie des comédies romantiques. Elle te prouve par A + B que ce mec n'est pas fait pour toi. Mais si elle le fait, c'est parce qu'elle sait que tu mérites beaucoup mieux! "Tu parles trop" D'ailleurs, elle t'a déjà raccroché au nez de nombreuses fois pendant une conversation. Ok, ta conversation est trop longue, salut "Tu as grossi" Elle osera toujours te balancer la vérité sans prendre de pincettes. Surtout quand tu veux piocher dans sa garde-robe alors qu'elle remarque que tu as déjà agrandi 3 de ses pulls depuis la rentrée. "Là, t'as été trop loin" Avoue-le, le piercing sur la langue c'était une très mauvaise idée... "Je ne veux pas garder tes enfants" Au moins, elle ne te berne pas avec un "je ne peux pas" comme tes copines ou tes parents. On ne peut pas faire de reproches à quelqu'un d'honnête! "Tu fais n'importe quoi" Heureusement qu'elle te le dit car grâce à cette remarque elle t'a souvent empêché de vivre des galères. C'est la chose la plus stupide que j'ai entendu dans ma vie "Tu as bu le verre de trop" Surtout qu'elle sait à quoi s'attendre si tu le bois... "Si tu continues comme ça, tu vas le perdre... " Personne d'autre que ta soeur n'osera te dire que ton comportement n'est pas le bon. Que tu sois étouffante, trop collante, trop précipitée dans une relation amoureuse, ta soeur est la seule capable de t'ouvrir les yeux. Et elle ne s'en gênera pas! Il est mon âme soeur Et parfois, dire la vérité à son mec, ça fait aussi du bien! 100 idées de tatouages à partager avec sa sœur Ces bonnes raisons de remercier sa soeur A lire aussi sur aufeminin: Ces moments qu’il faut absolument partager avec sa soeur 20 choses que seules les sœurs peuvent comprendre par Laetitia Azi.

Film une soeur. I am looking forward to seeing more from the creators. Movie Une soeur emmanuelle. Film une soeur encombrante. Moi perso je suis en vacance😅❤️. Ou vas le monde « elle a une armoire qui et plus grande que lAlgérie » 🤣🤣🤣 tu gère ❤️. Woaw elle sent fort la joie et lamour cette dame ❤️❤️. Beautiful story about not judging others based on stereotypes or how they look. Just giving someone a chance can open up a world of good. Movie Une soeurette.


Poslední komentáře Joker (2019) Já jsem si původně myslel,   že je to podobně zfilmovaný   komiks, jako třeba Sin City,   ale když se o filmu začalo   mluvit v souvislosti s   více > Autor: m6k | Hodnocení: 7 / 10 Pád anděla (2019) Akční film, nic víc, nic   méně. Protože to je další   pokračování, tak už trochu   nudí, ale part dalších   ještě Butler před důchodem   zvládne. Autor: MildaX | Hodnocení: 5 / 10 Maják (2019) Nevím zcela přesně, zda   jsem film pochopil.   Každopádně jeho   zpracování zavání   špinavou, halucinogenní,   izolovanou a temnou   více > Autor: topipig | Hodnocení: 6 / 10 Guns Girls and Gangsters (1959) Celkem vydařená gangsterka   plná divokého slangu, který   na první pokus lze jen   stěží zcela pochytit.   Každý dobrý film je   potřeba více > Autor: Petrkey | Hodnocení: 7 / 10.

Comment on a pu passer de ça à Game Over ? Y a un fossé entre les deux quoi.

So relatable especially when she tried the tutorial and it turned out a mess. I felt that

Vous êtes trop belle.
Movie Une soeur anne.
Sœur          nf    (dans une famille) sister    sœur de lait       foster sister    (RELIGION) (=religieuse)    nun, Sister    une bonne sœur       a nun    sœur Élisabeth       Sister Elizabeth belle-sœur          ( belles-sœurs    pl)       nf    sister-in-law bonne sœur          nf    nun demi-sœur          nf    half-sister Translation French - English Collins Dictionary To add entries to your own vocabulary, become a member of Reverso community or login if you are already a member. It's easy and only takes a few seconds:.
Surtout des qu'elle a dit BOLOSSE MDR 😂😂😂.

Movie Une soeur thérèse. Une soeur movie. Résumé du programme Melissa Brennan assiste impuissante au meurtre d'Alex Kendall, son petit ami. Elle prend la fuite, pourchassée par les tueurs qui cherchent à récupérer l'argent que Kendall leur avait volé et qu'ils pensent être maintenant en sa possession. Kate, la soeur de Melissa, se retrouve impliquée dans cette affaire. Elle trouve de l'aide auprès d'un certain Luke Grant, un homme qui travaille pour le propriétaire d'une boîte de strip-tease. Lequel est l'ancien associé d'Alex Kendall. Le piège se referme sur la malheureuse Kate... Où regarder ce programme? Casting principal Lire la bio Michael Scott Realisateur Dahlia Salem Kate Brennan Michael Sloan Scénariste Meghan Ory Melissa Brennan Ty Olsson Luke Grant Bruno Verdoni Paul McLaren Jane McLean Shelly Lynch Darren Moore Tony Rackman.

Movie Une soeur jumelle.

Film une soeur aux deux visages

Production Notes from IMDbPro Status: Unknown | See complete list of in-production titles  » Updated: 31 March 2019 More Info: See more production information about this title on IMDbPro. Photos Add Image Add an image Do you have any images for this title? Learn more More Like This Short Drama Thriller 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. 5 / 10 X A night. A car. Alie is in danger. To get by she must make the most important phone call of her life. Director: Delphine Girard Stars: Veerle Baetens, Selma Alaoui, Guillaume Duhesme Comedy 7. 3 / 10 In a Tunisian village, children are playing football on a wasteland. Meanwhile, Abdallah and Mohammed come across a donkey with headphones on his ears and bags full of a white powder on his... See full summary  » Yves Piat Eltayef Dhaoui, Mohamed Ali Ayari, Lyès Salem 7. 2 / 10 It tells the story of a middle aged woman with small children whose life is shaken up when two free-spirited twenty-somethings move in across the street. Marshall Curry Maria Dizzia, Greg Keller, Juliana Canfield SARIA explores the unimaginable hardships faced by young female orphans at the Virgen de La Asuncion Safe Home in Guatemala, leading up to the tragic fire which claimed 41 of their lives in... See full summary  » Bryan Buckley Estefanía Tellez, Gabriela Ramírez, Verónica Zúñiga Documentary 6 / 10 Paul and Millie Cao lost their youth to the aftermath of the Vietnam War. Forty years later, they have become successful professionals in Southern California-and are rediscovering themselves on the dance floor. Laura Nix Chipaul Cao, Millie Cao, Maksym Kapitanchuk 7. 7 / 10 Documents the sinking of a South Korean Ferry. As a result of the ineptitude of the first response to the emerging situation, hundreds of people, mostly children lost their lives 6. 8 / 10 Bruce Franks Jr. is a 34-year-old battle rapper, Ferguson activist and state representative from St. Louis, Missouri. Known as Superman to his constituents, he is a political figure the... See full summary  » Directors: Sami Khan, Smriti Mundhra King Bruce Franks III, Bruce Franks Jr. 6. 5 / 10 In the grip of trauma, hundreds of refugee children in Sweden withdraw from life's uncertainties into a coma-like illness called Resignation Syndrome. John Haptas, Kristine Samuelson Henry Ascher, Nadja Hatem, Mikael Billing Sport 7. 4 / 10 Learning To Skateboard In A Warzone (If You're A Girl) is the story of young Afghan girls learning to read, write-and skateboard-in Kabul. In 1926, a band of teenage boys arrive at Long Point Camp for the adventure of their lives. When their canoe capsizes in a freak summer storm, their holiday descends into a soul-shuddering fight for survival. Richard Bell Brendan Fehr, Brendan Fletcher, Spencer Macpherson Animation 7. 1 / 10 The two best rescue workers in the region take off for their umpteenth mission. Professionalism and efficiency all around, but things don't really go as planned... Edit Details Company Credits.

Movie une source. Toute le temps dans mes recomendations toi donc je mabonne. This was an excellent, very well made exciting short film, which makes you sit on the edge of your seat. The dialogues and the performances were all convincing and the ending was cathartic. But unfortunately this movie is kind of a copy paste of a great danish movie called "The Guilty. If that movie didn't exist I would give this one a 10/10 rating, but the plot is so similar to "The Guilty" that it couldn't surprise me despite it's great presentation. Still I think this is the best of the Oscar nominated live action short films this year this year (I haven't seen SARIA yet.

Comme une   Em   soeur, t   A7   �te cou   D   p�e,   F#7   t�te co   Bm up�e Ell'ressemb   Em   lait �   A7   sa poup   D   �e, �   F#7   sa poup   Bm �e, Dans la riv   A7   i�re, elle est v   Bm enue Tremper un   F#7   peu son pied m   G   enu,   A7   son pied m   Bm enu. � � Par une   Em   ruse �   A7   ma fa   D   �on,   F#7   � ma fa   Bm �on, Je fais semb   Em   lant d'�tre   A7   un poi   D   sson, d'�tr   F#7   e un poi   Bm sson. Je me d�   A7   guise en cach   Bm alot Et je me   F#7   couche au fond de l'   G   eau,   A7   au fond de l   Bm 'eau. � � J'ai le bon   Em   heur, gr�ce   A7   � ce bi   D   ais, gr�c   F#7   e � ce b   Bm iais, De lui cro   Em   quer un   A7   bout de p   D   ied, un   F#7   bout de   Bm pied. Jamais re   A7   quin n'a, j'en r�   Bm ponds, Jamais rien   F#7   go�t� d'aussi   G   bon,   A7   rien d'aussi   Bm bon. � � Ell'm'a pu   Em   ni de   A7   ce cul   D   ot, de   F#7   ce cul   Bm ot, En me te   Em   nant le   A7   bec dans l'   D   eau, le   F#7   bec dans l   Bm 'eau. Et j'ai d�,   A7   pour l'apit   Bm oyer, Faire m   F#7   ine de me no   G   yer,   A7   de me n   Bm oyer. � � Convaincu'   Em   de m'av   A7   oir occ   D   is, m'av   F#7   oir oc   Bm cis, La voil�   Em   qui se   A7   radou   D   cit, se   F#7   radou   Bm cit, Et qui m'em   A7   brasse et qui me   Bm mord Pour me res   F#7   susciter des m   G   orts,   A7   citer des   Bm morts. � � Si c'est le   Em   sort qu'il   A7   faut su   D   bir, qu'il   F#7   faut s   Bm ubir, A l'heure   Em   du dern   A7   ier sou   D   pir, der   F#7   nier so   Bm upir, Si, des no   A7   y�s, tel est le   Bm lot, Je retou   F#7   rne me fiche � l'   G   eau,   A7   me fiche � l   Bm 'eau. � � Chez ses pa   Em   rents, le   A7   lende   D   main,   F#7   le lende   Bm main, J'ai couru   Em   deman   A7   der sa   D   main, d   F#7   'mander sa   Bm main, Mais comme   A7   je n'avais rien   Bm dans La mienne, on   F#7   m'a cri�: ��Va-   G   t'en�! �   A7   �, cri�: ��   Bm Va-t'en�! �� � � On l'a li   Em   vr�e aux   A7   app�   D   tits, aux   F#7   app�t   Bm its D'une esp   Em   �ce de   A7   merca   D   nti, de   F#7   merca   Bm nti, Un vrai ma   A7   roufle, un gros sac   Bm d'or, Plus vieux qu'H   F#7   �rode et que Nes   G   tor,   A7   et que Ne   Bm stor. � � Et depuis   Em   leurs no   A7   ces j'att   D   ends, no   F#7   ces j'at   Bm tends, Le coeur sur   Em   des cha   A7   rbons ard   D   ents,   F#7   charbons ar   Bm dents, Que la Fauc   A7   heuse vienne   Bm cou- -per l'herbe aux   F#7   pieds de ce gri   G   gou,   A7   de ce gr   Bm igou. � � Quand ell'se   Em   ra veuve   A7   �plor   D   �',   F#7   veuve �plo   Bm r�', Apr�s l'a   Em   voir bien   A7   enter   D   r�,   F#7   bien enter   Bm r�, J'ai l'esp�   A7   rance qu'elle vien   Bm dra Faire sa   F#7   niche entre mes   G   bras,   A7   entre mes   Bm   bras. �   F#7   ������   Bm.



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Liked It - 148 vote Writer - Kelly O'Sullivan Thirty-four-year-old aimless server Bridget hasn't yet achieved her goal of becoming a respected writer. When casual relations with a younger 'nice guy' leads to an unexpected confrontation with potential motherhood, she manifests a job nannying a pint-sized spirit guide disguised as an obstinate six-year-old 7,6 / 10 directed by - Alex Thompson Star - William Drain. You had me at Miranda playing Miss Bates. 3 incredible journeys(Italy-Indonesia by public transport, Singapore-Italy by hitchhiking, Tibet-Italy by bicycle) 8 jobs done to survive: farmer in Mongolia, cutting tree in Russia, warehouse man, electrician and career in Australia, basketball coach, school teacher, model in China) A girl in Siberia asked me if sea water is truly salty. In Mongolia, the cure for high blood pressure involves putting flower petals into their shoes. The girls in Mongolia are very pretty but they don’t like hairy men; while the girls in Siberia are even more beautiful and they love hairy men. I have been pretty lucky this time! In Mongolia it is believed that if a bee makes a nest in your house you will become rich... so I had to spend two nights with a bee flying in my tent, with the fear of being stung. After a month in Siberia I know 5-6 words in Russian but anyone who has hosted me can say "Minchia"(a pretty elegant way to say WTF in Italian). On the Trans-Siberian train, your seat neighbor may vary between the most beautiful girl you've ever seen and a fat, alcoholic Russian who farts continuously. The advantage (or rather, disadvantage in the latter case) is that on the Trans-Siberian you have to spend at least 50 hours stuck next to them... You start believing in fate!!! When informing a Tibetan monk "I am Italian" and he replied: "ah Italy... Balotelli (an Italian silly footballer)! " for a moment I missed the “old time” when Italy was associated with Mafia. In China the numbers shown with the fingers are different from ours, like 10 for example is done by crossing the indices. During the first few weeks it was really hard to understand the cost of food. On “third class” trains in Russia on the cheapest night wagon there are 60 beds and 2 toilets for 60 people. In China on third class trains there are 118 seats (you sleep sitting) and 2 bathrooms for about 130 people. Whoever does not have a seat camps somewhere on the floor. Of course, everyone is smoking and, in some provinces, even spitting is kind of common. At the food market in Chengdu, along with tomatoes and apples you can also find turtles, snakes, frogs... all alive. During the Chinese National Holiday at the beginning of October, the greatest migration of human history takes place every year. One billion people travel to the most famous places in China. If I have understood correctly, Laotian language is very easy because it has very limited vocabulary. For example, "ice" is called hard water, "bathroom" is home water, while "eclipse" is frog eats moon. In Kunming, China, I met a Buddhist who spoke English for the first time. In just four hours this man both slaughtered me at ping pong and overturned all my most important concepts and beliefs about life. The border between Laos and Vietnam is the most bombed area in history. This was kindly pointed out to me by the bus driver while I was entering the vegetation looking for a hidden bush to poop... I immediately turned around! Pubs and bars in Laos all close at 11. 30pm, while the restaurants generally shut down at 8. 30pm/9. 00pm. The hairdressers however, are open until 10 pm and there is always at least one customer. In a village in the forest in Laos, at my request for food (mimicking the gesture of eating) I got, instead of food, a giant joint (always rolled in the banana leaf). In Cambodia on a 12-seater minivan I found myself amongst 19 people... One girl even sat on the driver's seat between him and the door. The law in Cambodia for motorcycles and scooters requires the driver to wear a helmet while the second and third passengers can ride without it. Having a fourth passenger is discouraged but not prohibited. Cambodians are spectacular. They always smile and they are very kind. As soon as I arrived in the city of Kratie, a guy in a bar lent me his bike to go and get some cash at the ATM. Because the ATM was not working the waitress gave me money for dinner and for the hostel. On an island in Thailand I went through a section of jungle (incredibly hard experience to reach a beach otherwise only accessible by boat. At the beach, ready to dive, I see a man from the “Discovery channel” who forbids me to enter the water because he is shooting a documentary... From now on I only watch National Geographic. In Laos, Cambodia and Thailand, you look at people's faces, you look at their houses and then you understand that money does not bring happiness. On April 16th I celebrated the New Year in Burma. In Burma it is the year 1378. During the New Year holidays all Burmese public offices, banks and some public transport are usually closed for 10 days. A German tourist even had the courage to tell me "Not even in Naples... "(an Italian city famous for its laziness). A week in Burma lasts 8 days. Wednesday is a “double day. ” Wednesday one commences at midnight and extends until 12pm and Wednesday two goes from 12pm to midnight. Being born on Wednesday afternoon brings bad luck. On the mountains in the north-eastern part of Burma I rented a motorbike to get away from the tourist routes and instead I visited some mountain villages. The idea itself was brilliant, but in the third village I was greeted by a local independence army (SSA). I've never seen so many guns, not even in the movies... Public swimming pools in Malaysia do not have lanes. You have free choice to swim in vertical or horizontal directions. To be different I started to swim in a circle, like a shark, and nobody complained. Buses in India do not generally leave at the scheduled time but leave only when they are completely full. A ‘full’ bus can include goats, chickens and people on the roof. After the initial delay, several breaks are made to the temples to make offers and color the forehead with a red spot. In many villages in India the local "Holy Man" corresponds to the "pusher" and sells drugs. Buddhists and Hindus are always relaxed. What they cannot do in this life they will do it in the next one. The 1070 metre altitude that I made the first day in 6 hours with a 12 kg backpack and Salomon shoes, a Sherpa (himalayan ethnic group) makes in 9 hours with 50 kg on his shoulders (50kg! ) The shoes he wears? Flip-flops. A girl in Kathmandu was amazed when I told her that in Italy we speak Italian, in Spain they speak Spanish and French in France... She believed that in Europe we all speak English. A sherpa boy asked me which month we have the monsoon season in Italy. When I explained to him that in Italy we do not have the monsoons and rainy season, at first he started laughing thinking that I was joking. When he realised that I was serious, he just said, "Oh man, you're so lucky! " In the villages in the Himalayas there are no roads, electricity, television, radio, or internet. They do not have books or even drink alcohol. During the day they can only work hard and in the evening, when the cold comes, they sit around the wood stove and chat, laugh and sing. They do not seem less happy than us, Western people In Hindu holy cities like Varanasi or Rishikesh there is no meat in the restaurants, because it is against Hindu tradition. On the other hand, marijuana is legal because the Holy Shiva more than 3000 years ago had the “hobby” of smoking a joint after meals and before sleeping. At the Agra train station I saw a monkey stealing sunglasses from a gentleman and returning it in exchange for a banana. I have never believed in saints, witches and other such things, but one night in Delhi as I was walking, an old Sikh man approached me and started saying accurate statements about my life. I stopped and listened to him. He gave me a black and white picture with portraits of about thirty Sikh "holymen" and made me pick one of them. I was skeptical, so I choose the one that looked like Bob Marley most. At that point he wrote something on a piece of paper and put it in my hand, telling me to think of a color. I thought of the colour orange... I opened the little piece of paper and it said “ORANGE. ” He took another piece of paper, wrote something else and put it in my hand, saying "Think of a number between 1 and 30. " I instinctively thought of my age, 28. I opened the paper, it said “28! ” I told him "let's find a quiet place to talk man, I want to know more about my future! ". On radio in Kyrgyzstan, generally after three Russian songs it plays an English song and then an Italian song. Three local songs then one Beatles or Rolling Stones or Pink Floyd song and then a song by Celentano or Albano or Toto Cotugno. Italian singers from the sixties that are no longer popular even in Italy but remain popular in central Asia! In August I attended the Olympic games of the nomad people, this year hosted in Kyrgyzstan. They were the same as the Olympic games as we Westerners understand them, but instead of playing soccer, basketball, swimming or athletic competitions the sports are "hawk hunting", "different types of fights, " "horse races, " "shooting with the bow " and the "Kok Boru". Around 27 nations and tribes competed for the various medals at the Nomad Games, which for them carried the same meaning of the medals that were chased at the Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games last summer. Indeed, perhaps the meaning is even more significant as someone competes for "nations" that do not exist on the map and that just through this “international competition” can legitimise their existence. In Tajikistan I saw the first "Afghan person in Afghanistan" of my life. He was on the other side of the river and when he saw me, wave his hand to greet me. I waved back to him. We were 20 meters away, but never in my life did I feel so different and so far from another human being. In the mouths of the Central Asian population there is more gold than in the Bank of Italy. It is not clear whether having gold teeth is a necessity or just fashion. Hitchhiking in Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan, I was shocked by the fact that on every single lift I got, we punctured at least one tire. If you have a dirty car in Tajikistan and you are stopped by the police, the bribe is not enough. You get a proper fine! In about 1970 the Soviet Union, searching for oil in the Turkmenistan desert, accidentally caused a huge chasm above a "gaseous deposit" causing the uncontrolled outflow of gas. The only way to limit environmental damage was to burn it. For the last forty years in the Turkmen desert there has been a huge crater with a permanent fire. Turkmenistan certainly has the most repressive dictatorial regime of all the Central Asian republics. The pictures and statues of the current dictator are everywhere! In Ashgabat, the capital, there is literally a policeman every 50 meters. On public transport in Iran the men sit in front the rows so they can not see the women sitting in the back rows. In some Iranian cities, at the entrance door there are two different bells, one for men and the other for women, so that the residents know whether the husband or wife should go to open the door. For 28 days in Iran I did not see the hair of any woman. I almost forgot how beautiful women’s hair can be. On one of my last days in the country, a German lady at my hostel forgot to cover her head and came out of her room showing her long blonde hair. I thought I was about to faint. Many Iranians I met asked me to tell people, once I was back in Italy, that even if they are Muslim and in many Western countries we just see them as terrorists, they are just good people with no interest in religious wars or desire to attacks. I wish to start spreading this message here: The Iranians, people of Islamic religion, are the kindest, most charitable and most willing to help people I've ever met in my life. Living as teacher in Cina In 1978 there were 30, 000 people in Shenzhen, mainly fishermen and traders. In 2017 there are 13 million, taking the title for the most rapid population increase in the planet. Thirty years ago Shenzhen had the same number of inhabitants of a small Italian town and now it has the same number of inhabitants as London, Paris and Rome collectively. The Shenzhen Metro has 8 lines, 199 metro stations and over 280 km covered. The "Futian" subway station has 32 exits. Thirty-two!!! Every morning I walk to my school. I walk for eight minutes through the narrow streets of my neighborhood. On my second day of work, I saw a butcher's shop near my school. It exposed photos of the animals on sale and I took a look. There was a goat, a cow and... a dog! I look at the butcher, shocked, who smiles at me and starts barking to confirm that I understood... He sells dogs!!! I regularly went to the park to do some physical exercise at the bar and at the parallels after school. Every time, some Chinese locals would ask to take a picture with me. One Sunday morning I was training and after ten consecutive pull-ups, a group of elderly Chinese approached and asked me to pose with them showing my biceps. I felt a bit like Stallone acting Rocky and I posed with virile pride. But then, they started to train themselves... One of them started walking on his hands, two started a complete split contest and another one stood vertically on the parallels, all laughing and chatting... From that moment I started going to the park just to run. Unlike Italians, when Chinese children play "guards and thieves" they prefer to be guards. At first I was intrigued by their attitude. Thinking about it, maybe only in Italy we prefer to be thieves compared to the nobler role of the guard. -The supermarkets close at 11. 00 pm... The subway closes at 11. 30 pm... The hairdressers never close. On one of the first days we spent together, my assistant coach told me that he preferred his family than his work. Then he told me not to tell this to anyone. I knew that in China burping in public is not considered rude, but to hear my colleagues at school, pretty and tiny twenty-year-old schoolteachers, who burp louder than my uncle at a beer festival. I just couldn’t get used to it. The math teacher once asked me if the "school gossip", that I drink coffee every morning, was true. “Of course” I told her and I tried to shock her even further, telling her that I even drink one after lunch. She looked at me like I was a cocaine addict. Each class is made up of between forty and fifty pupils. The Chinese classrooms are so crowded that my colleagues teach with a small microphone hanging from their ear to their mouth, projecting their croaking voice from a small box hanging from their skirt. In China everyone can decide their own name in English. The accountant of the agency I work for decided to call herself Bella. The funny thing is that her surname is Lì. On the tenth of every month I received a transfer from “Bella Lì", which in Italian means “So cool”! In the city of Shenzhen, with its fourteen million inhabitants, the government issued a law to prevent too many people from buy a car and clogging all the city roads. The law states that before buying a car, a person has to buy a license plate. The price for a license plate ranges from five to ten thousand euros, depending on the number combination of the license plate itself. Plates with the number 8 or 6, Chinese lucky numbers, can triple in cost. Alternatively, if you cannot buy the license plate, you can apply to the government lottery and try to get one for free however this generally may take years of waiting... On "Women's Day", all female teachers are allowed, by law, to work only half a day. So, in my school where out of 130 teachers, just 15 are male, on the Women’s day there were just ten teachers taking care of 2, 000 students. Five of my male colleagues pretended to be sick that day and took a day off... The only thing that my little students knew about Italy was “spaghetti”. Several of my students (but also some of my colleagues) to make fun of me call me "Idaly Mien Laoshi", literally "Spaghetti-Teacher". On the train to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, you begin to understand that you have exceeded 3000 metres altitude when you start to have a slight headache and all the children around you start vomiting. While I was cycling in the desert in the Xinjiang province, I heard two little explosions in my bicycle bag, without understanding where they came from. It was so hot that the lighters I used to start my alcohol oven had exploded, forcing me to have a dinner of raw spaghetti in the evening. I arrived in an emergency situation in Urumqi with two broken spokes of my bike. I stopped at the first cyclist shop to repair them. The mechanic was deaf and could not speak. I found no difference communicating with him compared to almost any other Chinese person. Many people ask me where I wash myself when I cycle in remote areas. Well honestly, I do not wash myself. If I have enough water I refresh my armpits and my face. Yes, entering into my tent is not always pleasant, but fortunately the feet are the part of the body that is farthest from the nose. A hundred kilometers before Samarkand, the most famous city on the silk road, a farmer, seeing me pitching my tent, invited me to sleep in his little house. The conversation began with the classic question "Atkuda? " - Where are you from? As soon as I answered “Italy, ” the man exclaimed "Ah! ". During dinner, as an Italian, I was asked to sing with the old farmer, who quoted all the Italian singers he knows Adriano Celentano, Toto Cutugno and Michael Jackson! Even his wife looked at him weirdly and tried to convince him that Michael Jackson is not Italian, but he remained set on his idea. So, when I was called into the discussion to avoid disappointing him, I lied shamelessly "Michael Jackson? Oh yes, he is from Rome! ". Piani, my surname, in Kazakh means "drunk" and this was my passport to enter the sympathies of many people. But it was also the condemnation of my liver. I have always wondered why all the sports clubs of the "Soviet area" have the same names: Cska, Lokomotiv, Dynamo... this is because during communism, since there was no private property, the teams could not be owned by one person or by a private company, as in Europe so they were owned by state organisations. So Lokomotiv is the team of railwaymen, Dynamo is the police team and army’s team is Cska. One day while I was pedalling, pretty tired, over a hill, two guys approached me on horseback. They looked at my bike and asked me "Skolka? " - how much? I told them it's a cheap Chinese bike, 300 US dollars. They looked at each other and started laughing, pointing at the horse and saying: "200 dollars!!! ". Scorpions of the desert in Uzbekistan seem to like Colgate toothpaste. Every morning, when I got out of my tent, I always found two or three of them around my spit from the previous evening. Central Asia always manages to amaze me- an incredible mix of ethnic groups and religions who live peacefully without caring about who has the islamic hijab, who has almond shape eyes, who speaks only Russian or who is a nomad. I was talking to a Kazakh girl, telling her how in Europe we are more "sensitive" about ethnic differences. She answered me "Here it’s fine … we are too lazy to create useless problems! " Right, useless problems... Since the governament legalised marijuana in Georgia, the three-days crossing the Black Sea is much more enjoyable for Georgian and Bulgarian sailors. If there is also an Armenian truck driver with a load of Armenian Brandy, the real party can start.

Movie Watch Saint francés fr. Movie watch saint frances hospital. Movie Watch Saint francés. Movie watch saint frances gratis.

Is this where Han Solo went after Kylo killed him

Movie Watch Saint frances. Hugh Grant sounds awesome. The cast looks amazing. Cannot wait! 😍. Movie watch saint frances la. Thank you for your comments. The lyrics are from St. Francis' prayer, the melody was written by Sebastian Temple. We took a bit of creative liberty in the production process though to fit it more to Angelina's style. Glad you liked it! God's peace be with you! Maria and Angelina. Movie Watch Saint francese. Love how Emma Watson has no fear of not being the main. Respect. It's a great cast and I really want it to be a good film, but I'm really afraid it will be a jarring mess unable to jungle the amount of action it apparently has and the amount of broody research montages it's about. The trailer didn't dispell my worries. Oh well, let's hope and see.

Time for the next new part to my huge list after the longest time working on the old one lol. Also, it looks like it's finally slowing down. 7196. (History change. )Do you remember Captain Bligh being meaner than most captains of his time instead of nicer? (Sultans Of Swing was sung by Dire Straits, not Bob Dylan. )(The Weight was sung by The Band, not Allman Brothers Band. )(Come Monday was sung by Jimmy Buffett, not James Taylor. )(Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress) was sung by The Hollies, not Creedence Clearwater Revival. )(Brown Eyed Girl was sung by Van Morrison, not The Rolling Stones. )(A Girl Like You was sung by Edwyn Collins, not David Bowie. )(Dream On was sung by Aerosmith, not Led Zeppelin. )(Raspberries come in colors other than red. )(The Pet Goat 9/11 story changed again. )(Starry Night massive structure is now a tree. ) 7197. (Music Lyrics change. )"God knows your lonely soul. "/"God knows your lonely souls. "(Do any of their logos look off? )(UNCLE/UNKLE) 7198. (Fictional Character name change. )Seymour Butts/Seymour Asses 7199. (Spelling change. )Treck/Trek 7200. (Famous Baseball Player name change. )Hank Arron/Hank Aaron(Other spellings? ) 7201. (Can't think of a title. )Do you remember cemeteries never played in and picnics never being done in them? 7202. (Disease name change. )Elephantitis/Elephantiasis 7203. )Do you remember turtles and tortoises not being able to scream? 7204. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (There are 2 countries called The Congo, halitrephes jellyfish, 20000 Americans marched for the Nazis before WW2, black supermoon, tree stumps with no leaves but live, more albino trees, animals don't have Down Syndrome but they have facial deformities, stone wall that was melted, polygonal ancient walls are spreading, fetiform teritoma is now close to human parthenogenesis now(AKA immaculate conception, Nuremburg spelling, cyclists leg structures, riding a giraffe, cats can skateboard, cryoturbation, Antarctica is officially a desert, and other things. )(Video below. ) 7205. )"Look in his eyes. "/"Look at his eyes. "(Anything else off? ) 7206. )Do you remember the Chicago Cholera Epidemic Of 1885 actually happening? 7207. (New fruits. )Have you heard of the donut peach? 7208. (T. V. Show Logo change. )Do you remember the A in The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson being normal? 7209. (Famous Astronaut name change. )John Glen/John Glenn 7210. )Do you remember Death Star II not being as incomplete as it is now? 7211. (Phantom movie quote. )Do you remember "Change is good, Donkey. " being said in Shrek? 7212. (Real Life appearance change. )Do you remember Colin Hay from Men At Work not having lazy eyes? (Anything else off? ) 7213. (Famous Guitarist name change. )Randy Rhodes/Randy Rhoads(Was his birthday November 25, 1956 instead of December 6, 1956? ) 7214. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (Weird phenomenon before potential lightning strikes, contagious cancer, Mother Teresa got an exorcism and doubted God, more new birds of paradise, USA tried to invade UK, and more. ) 7215. (New species. )Have you heard of the bagworm? 7216. (Date change. )Do you remember the food pyramid going farther back than it technically does in 1992? (Anything else off? ) (nutrition) 7217. (Fictional Character appearance change. )Do you remember Baloo from The Jungle Book wearing a green grass skirt and coconut bra instead of a coconut beak and yellow grass skirt during the iconic song? (1967_film) 7218. (Song name change. )Today Was A Good Day/It Was A Good Day? (Was the title the same as the lyrics? ) 7219. (Play Quote change. )"Hubble, bubble, toil and trouble. "/"Double, double, toil and trouble. " 7220. )Do you remember bagpipes only being from Ireland and Scotland? 7221. )Do you remember the pilgrims first arriving in Plymouth Rock? 7222. (Mascot appearance change. )Do you remember the Quaker Guy looking more elderly? (Anything else off? ) 7223. Show name change. )Fat Albert And The Junkyard Gang/Fat Albert And The Junkyard Band/Fat Albert And The Cosby Kids 7224. )Do you remember Donald Trump saying there were "Very fine people on both sides" regarding the Neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville? (Anything else off? ) 7225. (Play Scene change. )Do you remember Juliet appearing on a balcony to Romeo instead of a window? 7226. )Do you remember the 3 wise men and the gifts being mentioned in the Bible? (Anything else off? ) 7227. )Do you remember the Hindenburg being the worst airship disaster instead of the USS Akron? (Anything else off? ) 7228. )Do you remember the 1937 newspaper predicting the Pearl Harbor attack not existing? 7229. )Do you remember the rainbow pride flag being the only pride flag? 7230. )Do you remember the Legends Football League not existing? 7231. )"I'll proudly stand up next to you. "/"I gladly stand up next to you. "(Do any of his logos look off? )(Anything else off? ). 7232. (Famous Singer name change. )Bob Marly/Bob Marley 7233. (Music Genre name change. )Regae/Reggae 7234. )"Hey, what's the matter? "/"Hail, what's the matter? "(Do any of their logos look off? ) 7235. (Medicine name change. )Viagara/Viagra 7236. (Famous Race Car Driver name change. )Dale Earnhart/Dale Earnhardt(Other spellings? ) 7237. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (Muslims once praying to Petra instead of Mecca, giant clock tower near the Kaaba, squirrels and raccoons as very popular pets, see Orion Nebula from Earth, could Americans get into Mexico with just a passport? Current popularity of immunosuppressants to combat vital injection and the rise of illness being more autoimmune mediated and more. ) 7238. )Do you remember the aliens in the Pascagoula Abduction being 9 feet instead of 5 feet? (Were they insect-like instead of robotic? )(Was there not a second type of alien on the ship? ) 7239. )Have you heard of the Gigantopithecus? 7240. (Movie Quote change. )"You don't talk about Fight Club. "/"You do not talk about Fight Club. "(Was it something else? ) 7241. )Eric Braun/Erik Braun/Erik Braunn/Erik Brann(Other spellings? )(Do any of their logos look off? ) 7242. )Do you remember there never being any photos of Jack The Ripper victims? 7243. (Space Company name change. )Northrup Gruman/Northrop Grumman(Other spellings? )(Anything else off? ) 7244. (Famous Basketball Player name change. )Irving Johnson/Earvin Johnson(Other spellings? )(Not to be confused with Kyrie Irving. ) 7245. )Do you remember Saint Bernard rescue dogs actually carrying Brandy barrels around their necks? 7246. (Famous Actor name change. )George Cloony/George Clooney(Other spellings? ) 7247. (Music App Logo change. )Do you remember the Spotify logo going straight up instead of slanting? (Anything else off? ) 7248. (Phantom t. v. show quote. )Do you remember Randy Jackson always saying "It's a no from me dawg. " or "It's a gonna be a no for me dawg. "? (Was it something else? ) 7249. )"Oh yeah but you. "/"Oh yeah well well you. "(Other lyrics? )(You Make My Dreams Come True/You Make My Dreams) 7250. )"It's time for an ovation. "/"It's time for renovation. "/"It's time for innovation. "(Any other lyrics off? )(Do any of their logos look off? )(Have you heard of this song or the band? ) 7251. )Do you remember Deceptacon by Le Tigre not existing? (Anything else off? )(Do any of their logos look off? ) 7252. )Do you remember Airwaves by Forttune not existing? (Do any of their logos look off? )(Anything else off? ) 7253. )Do you remember Breaking Up Is Hard To Do by Neil Sedaka not existing? (Do any of his logos look off? )(Anything else off? ) 7254. )Do you remember Run For Your Life by Stratus not existing? (Do any of their logos look off? )(Anything else off? ) (English_band) 7255. )Do you remember Pretty Smart not existing? (Does the song sound off? ) 7256. (Movie name change. )The Yes Man/Yes Man (film) 7257. )Dumb And Dumber Too/Dumb And Dumber To(Anything else off? ) 7258. (Rock Band name change. )Dave Mathews Band/Dave Matthews Band 7259. )Dysentry/Dysentary/Dysentery 7260. )Do you remember alligators not being able to survive 2-3 years without eating? 7261. )Do you remember the things in NeEd InPuT's video being different or not a thing? (More logo changes, penguin skeleton changes, dolphin genitalia slit is larger, puffer fish can now create underwater art. ) 7262. (Country name change. )Guiana/Guyana 7263. (Phantom music lyrics. )Do you remember Danzig saying "Thank you" during the last guitar riff in Mother? (Do any of their logos look off? )(Anything else off? ) (Danzig_song) 7264. )"Well, that escalated quickly. "/"Boy, that escalated quickly. " 7265. )Do you remember pirates actually doing Pirate Talk instead of it originating in the 1950 Treasure Island movie? 7266. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (K-bar knife, more on giant salamanders, land spouts, gustnados, steam devils, tornadoes in colder countries, changes in the way explosions look, Florida Panthers, another Bohemian Rhapsody change, more jewel wasps, more weird fungi, narcolepsy, and other things. ) 7267. (Famous Actress name change. )Andie McDowell/Andie MacDowell(Other spellings? ) 7268. )The Pope Of Greenich Village/The Pope Of Greenwhich Village/The Pope Of Greenwich Village(Other names? ) 7269. )Mickey O'Rourke/Mickey Rourke(Other spellings? ) 7270. )Do you remember Shuttle Carrier airplanes not being able to attach the way they can now? 7271. )Do you remember the Empty Sky Memorial not existing? (memorial) 7272. )Liam Nelson/Liam Neison/Liam Neeson(Other spellings? ) 7273. )The Partrige Family/The Partridge Family(Anything else off? ) 7274. (Theme Song Lyrics change. )"Tossed salad and scrambled eggs. "/"Tossed salads and scrambled eggs. "("I don't know what to do with that tossed salad. "/"I don't know what to do with those tossed salads. ")(Anything else off? ) 7275. )Do you remember Rasputin getting poisoned, shot and drowned instead of just shot? 7276. )Apocolypse/Apocalypse 7277. (Motto change. )To Protect And Serve/To Protect And To Serve 7278. )Do you remember most major pickle companies having the words Pickle or Pickles on the jar? (Anything else off? ) 7279. )Dallor/Dollar(Other spellings? ) 7280. )"Take your time. "/"Take the time. "(Were the lyrics the same as the title? )(Do any of their logos look off? ) (Do_It_Right) 7281. )Do you remember Stephen Hawking winning a Nobel Prize in 2010? 7282. (Sport name change. )Frisbee/Flying Disc(Anything else off? )(Is Frisbee slowly becoming less popular than Flying Disc? ) 7283. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (More Black Tom footage, Australia new never had an Ozone hole, negative interest rates, Lusitania is not why we entered WW1, lions have white snouts, tigers getting all white in front, baby zebras turning brown, werewolf syndrome in babies due to bad medicine, more Giza changes, K Bar knife is now Ka Bar, and other stuff. ) 7284. )"I fight for my meals. "/"I fought for my meals. "(Anything else off? )(Do any of his logos look off? ) 7285. )Do you remember the slime that Slimer leaves behind being green instead of clearish? 7286. )Do you remember Jesus being depicted as a carpenter instead of stone mason? 7287. )Do you remember Delilah cutting off Samson's hair instead of a male servant? (Anything else off? ) 7288. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (Hurricanes that don't move much, adult lionesses that have manes and adult lions that don't and both are due to excess testosterone, California monsoon rains, Vidal Sassoon/Vidal Sason/Vidal Sasoon, paramagnetic oxygen, Sagittarius dwarf galaxy is being eaten by our galaxy and earth maybe from there, hand has new fold near base of thumb probably because thumb is still low and other things. ) Add-On: Do you remember Ron Burgundy saying his iconic line in a different tone? 7289. )Do you remember Henry Ford never getting fired from any of his companies? 7290. )Dr. Spock/Mr. Spock 7291. (Celebrity death date change. )Do you remember Robert Mugabe dying in 2017 instead of September 6, 2019? 7292. (Dinosaur name change. )Tyranosaurus Rex/Tyrannosaurus Rex 7293. (Famous Soviet Leader name change. )Mikhail Gorbachov/Mikhail Gorbachev 7294. (Famous Cartoonist name change. )Gary Trudeau/Garry Trudeau 7295. (Famous Chess Player name change. )Gary Kasparov/Garry Kasparov 7296. )Bouyancy/Buoyancy(Other similar words too. ) 7297. )Do you remember hippos' teeth being smaller? (Anything else off? ) 7298. )Thank You For Letting Me Be Myself/Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin)(Do any of their logos look off? ) (Falettinme_Be_Mice_Elf_Agin) Add-On: Do you remember Madona instead of Madonna? (entertainer) 7299. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (Hurricanes make tornadoes, natural floating islands, Titanic was on fire for days before it hit an iceberg, changes in local ant behavior, grasshopper mouse howls at moon, butchering bird, rhyme of ancient mariner changes to rime, bush dogs, 5 total dwarf planets and one has glowing spots on it, milky caps excrete edible milky fluid, tarantulas keep frogs as pets and other things. ) 7300. (Biblical Character name change. )Jebediah/Jedidiah 7301. )"Those guys were fast as lightning. "/"Those cats were fast as lightning. "/"Those kicks were fast as lightning. "/"Those kids were fast as lightning. "(Other lyrics? )(Do any of his logos look off? ) 7302. )Stevie Nix/Stevie Nicks(Other spellings? )(Do any of her logos look off? ) 7303. )Do you remember the Dust Lady not existing? 7304. )Do you remember Lee Majors being a Colonel in the US Air Force in The Six Million Dollar Man instead of a NASA astronaut? 7305. )Do you remember Tiger Woods being a contestant on American Gladiators? 7306. )Armagedon/Armageddon(Other spellings? ) (1998_film) 7307. )Do you remember McGruff The Crime Dog wearing a hat? 7308. )Do you remember Vin Diesel coming out as gay? 7309. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (Grasshopper wings, nasal spine, superbolt lightning, Shrek was a real person, killer toxic gas algae, Manchineel tree, Castrator barnacles, hippos eat a lot of meat, camel spiders in California, scorpions moving into homes, Dire Wolves were real, Green fireball meteorite, semi-identical and other kinds of weird twins, firenado in Brazil and other things. ) 7310. )Do you remember the Nisqually earthquake not being a thing? 7311. )I Wanna Rock And Roll All Night/Rock And Roll All Nite(Anything else off? ) 7312. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (More Shiva changes, laminar flow, frontal structure, another building near the Sphinx, when they drained Niagara Falls for months and it looks smaller, red skies in Indonesia, Geoducks now squirt, noseeums now bite, Noceceptive Glio Neural now "found", Asian sheep's head wrass, and other things. ) 7313. )Do you remember The California Raisins all wearing sunglasses? (Was there ever a saxophone? )(Anything else off? ) 7314. (Phrase change. )"Shiver me timbers. "/"Shiver my timbers. "(Anything else off? )(Did pirates always say "Me" instead of "My"? ) 7315. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (More seafoam, horse with a hole/handle straight through the neck, more on two colors of ocean next to each other, Nutria in California now, Laniakea, positive lightning vs. negative lightning, positive particles flow in electricity instead of just electrons now, your hair sticks up as a warning before a lightning strike, basilisks are real, more on people running like horses, the police dropped a bomb on residential homes in 1985 and other things. ) 7316. )"Don't carry the world upon your shoulders. "/"Don't carry the world upon your shoulder. "(Anything else off? ) 7317. )Do you remember babies not having self-closing ear lobes? 7318. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (Supernumerary rainbow, reflection rainbow, Confederate flag never was the Confederate flag, weird thumb knuckles, oriental hornet is solar powered and gets power directly from the sun, Grundgy/Grungy, Kubla Khan/Kublai Khan, Diahann Carrol, Birth Of Venus painting changed again, and other things. ) 7319. )Do you remember Radar from M A S*H dying at the start of Season 8? 7320. (Famous Scientist name change. )Neil Degrease Tyson/Neil deGrass Tyson/Neil deGrasse Tyson(Other spellings? ) 7321. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (Lesotho, enclave states, Niihau is the forbidden island of Hawaii that most natives don't know about, athird type of vision receptor beyond rods and cones, Bret Farve/Brett Favre, Dick Butkis/Dick Butkus, tarantulas in San Francisco, caul birth, giant oceanic manta rays, helmeted hornbill, triple point of water, strap toothed (fanged) whale, and other things. ) Add-On: Do you remember Juicy Fruit being beige or white instead of yellow? (Anything else off? ) 7322. (Board Game name change. )Cooties/Cootie 7323. )Do you remember cameras that used discs starting to come out in the 1990's and not 1980's? (Did 3. 5 floppy discs start coming out in the 1990's and not 1980's? ) 7324. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (US Virgin Islands, bringing people back from the dead after 5 minutes, so many animals have infrasound now, more on bush dogs, Egyptian pyramids almost completely surrounded by city now, Raggedy Ann freckles, longest river in USA changed, Washington Square 20000 corpses, Land O'Lakes logo changed again, molar pregnancy where fetus turns to cancer, accessory navicular syndrome, sesamoid bones, pulpi geode, photosynthetic animal, cassette car navigation in 1971, cartilage continues to grow for lifetime, bone in face continues to change for lifetime, auto brewery syndrome, and other things. ) 7325. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (The Resurrection at the Vatican keeps changing, we may have Jesus' crown of thorns preserved now, Venus was once like Earth, fish have tongues, Russia found 5 new islands, Snakehead fish lives days out of water, people born without collar bones, Åland Islands are a weird independent government, more weird natural and unnatural clouds, Mona Lisa background changed again, and other things. ) 7326. )A Very Goofy Movie/An Extremely Goofy Movie(Was A Very Goofy Movie a separate movie? ) 7327. )Do you remember Nikita Khrushchev banging his shoe on October 12, 1960 in protest? (Is anything else surrounding the event off? ) 7328. )"On the radio. "/"On the video. "(Anything else off? )(Do you hear Video or Radio? ) 7329. )"Cause I'm a paper chaser. "/"Cause I'm a big fucking slut. "(Anything else off? )(Do you hear Paper Chaser or Big Fucking Slut? ) 7330. (Bible change. )Do you remember the dove bringing Noah back an olive branch instead of an olive leaf? 7331. )Elliot Smith/Elliott Smith 7332. )Do you remember there being a Piranha Plant or a few in the first level of Super Mario Bros.? (Is the flag different? )(Anything else off? ) (Super_Mario_Bros. ) 7333. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (More The Scream changes, oil is less hot/burning, you can catch insanity via strep throat, more Coca-Cola logo changes, Simon and Theodore from Alvin And The Chipmunks no longer have letters on their shirts, slug moth caterpillars, Audobon Society/Audubon Society, Epstein Barr Syndrome is now not a syndrome, Uncombable Hair Syndrome, and other things. ) 7334. (Insect name change. )Catapillur/Caterpillar(Other spellings? ) 7335. )Do you remember Robert Norris dying in the 1990's instead of November 9, 2019? (Did he smoke and die due to lung cancer? ) 7336. )"There was something so special about that place. "/"There was something so pleasant about that face. "(Do you hear Face or Place? )(Do any of their logos look off? ) 7337. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (Mandela effect conference, dark sky reserves, Petra continues to grow, Space Shuttles keep changing, stock Tundra tows a Space Shuttle, ice eggs, rain chains, full moon names, Lady Gaga has no memory of one of her recent albums, more KIA logo changes, smoke from 9/11 towers has changed to black, and other things. ) 7338. )Climb Every Mountain/Climb Ev'ry Mountain("Forge every stream. "/"Ford every stream. ")(Do any of the other lyrics seem off? ) 7339. )Eidelweis/Edelweiss(Was it Hamerstein and not Hammerstein? )(Anything else off? ) 7340. )Do you remember Ohama Titanic Syndrome not being a thing? (Hindenberg/Hindenburg)(Anything else off? ) 7341. )Do you remember Basoline not being a thing? (Were credit cards invented in the late 1970's or early 1980's and not 1950's? ) 7342. Show Quote change. )"Who's making things change. "/"Who's making things chain. " 7343. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (new kinds of winglets (spheroid etc), Louie Armstrong name change, cliff climbing bears, muscles can turn to bone if bruised, Antarctic ice singing, Tulsa center of the universe, USA airfights with Russia during Korean war, female dragon flies fake their own death to avoid mating, the mandela effect card game, Attila the Hun defeated Roman empire, Huns/American Indians/ France/Australians/everybody now did cranial head binding, USA planned to drop a lot more than two bombs on Japan, raining gelatin in Washington, and other things. ) 7344. )"Mr. Bluebird on my shoulder. "/"Mr. Bluebird's on my shoulder. "(Is the weird pause off? )(Any of the other lyrics off? ) Add-On: Do you remember Judy Garland looking younger than she does now in The Wizard Of Oz? (Did she have pigtails and not a blue bow? )(Did the whole beauty parlor seen not exist? )(Did The Cowardly Lion not have a red bow? )(Did The Wicked Witch Of The West not have a sharp, rigid, pointed hat? )(Did Good Witch Of The North(The Good Witch Of The North? )have a smaller hat and did she not kiss Dorothy on the head? ) 7345. )Do you remember El Caganer not being a thing? 7346. )Do you remember the term for a huge load that's getting transported being "Oversized Load" instead of "Oversize Load"? 7347. (Phantom song. )Do you remember A Marshmallow World not being a thing? (Anything else off? ) 7348. (Street Abbreviation change. )Blvd/Bl(Was it always the former and not the latter? )(Was there always a "th" after numbers on street signs? )(Anything else off? ) 7349. )Do you remember there not being mechanical dice from as far back as 1920? 7350. )Do you remember The Richard Simmons Show not existing? 7351. (Store name change. )Saks 5th Avenue/Saks Fifth Avenue(Were numbers in signs and stores always just the number and then a "th" instead of the whole word? ) 7352. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (Suspended animation via pumping humans with cold saline instead of blood has now been done, pituitary dwarfism yields mini humans and puppies that never grow up, helicopters have off parts around the tail now, fungus that grows on off-gassed whiskey fumes, Buzkashi goat ball, eyeball piercing, cheetah face markings, starfish wasting disease since the 1940's, some sea levels can now drop due to melting levels, DMT now long known scientifically to be endogenous to blood instead of a rumor, kangaroos have longer tails and can live in snow, hens can store fertilized eggs for a month without roosters' help, more KitKat logo changes, more Sears logo changes, more geography changes, Lake Nyos disaster now due to carbon dioxide and other things. ) 7353. )"Mama always told me. "/"Mother always told me. "(Anything else off? ) 7354. )Do you remember Frosty The Snowman having a scarf? (film) 7355. )Do you remember Star Trek uniforms not having black collars? (More Hawaii changes. ) 7356. )"Step on my face. "/"Step in my face. "(Is the word "Shoes" starting to turn into "Shoe"? ) 7357. )Do you remember these things being different or not a thing? (Clubbed fingers and odd bone correlate heavily with lung cancer, more weird cloud levels, more weird clouds, more changes to Twas The Night Before Christmas, purple lightning comes out of volcanoes, green lightning happens commonly during thunderstorms and snowstorms, more on thundersnow, water spouts don't suck up water anymore, snownadoes, Abu Simbel temples, pecker birds roost under legs of animals and peck their legs for blood, pearlfish live inside nether regions of sea cucumber and sea cucumbers breathe through that same region, and other things. ) 7358. (Real Life Quote change. )"I sit on the stands. "/"I shit on the stands. "(Did the quote sound like the former and not like the latter? )("I want your body, need your body. "/"I want Joe Biden, need Joe Biden. ") 7359. )"Hope you're wearing your best clothes. "/"Hope you're wearing your best coat. "(Any of the other lyrics off? )(Anything else off? ) 7360. )"Grandma got ran over by a reindeer. "/"Grandma got run over by a reindeer. "("Walking home from our house Christmas Eve. "/"Coming home from our house Christmas Eve. ")(Anything else off? ) 7361. )"My name's Blurryface and I don't care what you think. "/"My name's Blurryface and I care what you think. "("When I was stressed out. "/"But now we're stressed out. ")(Any of their logos look off? )(Any of the other lyrics off? )(Anything else off? ) 7362. )Underware/Underwear Add-On: Do you remember not being able to hear "Cause I'm a big butt kisser"? 7363. )"I'm holding on for a hero. "/"I'm holding out for a hero. "(Was the title of the song the former like the lyrics instead of the latter? )(Anything else off? ) 7364. )"Every shadow just behind me. "/"There's a shadow just behind me. "(Any of the other lyrics off? )(Anything else off? ) 7365. )"Look at the bitch you've put me in. "/"Look at the fix you've put me in. "(Does it sound like the former or the latter? )(Anything else off? ) 7366. )"I need to think about you. "/"I hate to think about you. "(Does it sound like the former or the latter? )(Anything else off? ) 7367. )"Why do you do it? "/"What are you doing? "(Does it sound like the former or the latter? )(Anything else off? ) 7368. )"Even you can't be caught unaware. "/"Even you can't be caught unawares. " 7369. )One Flew Over The Cookoo's Nest/One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest(Other names? ) 7370. )Do you remember a hot air balloon being used in Around The World In 80 Days instead of steamers, elephants, and trains? (Anything else surrounding any of the books or movies off? ) 7371. (Football Team Logo change. )Do you remember the New England Patriots logo having more than one star? (How many was it? ) 7372. )"I watched a change. "/"I watched it change. "/"I watched you change. "(Any of the other lyrics off? )(Any of their logos look off? )(Anything else off? ).

Movie watch saint frances street. Movie watch saint francesco. Lets see how many Dumb Conservative Christian🇺🇸 Trump Supports bash this movie🤦‍♂️. St. Francis of Assisi is our Patronsaint in Our School Franciscan Angel School of Pasig here in Philippines... Thank you to make a video to my beloved Saint... Baltimore 💪🏾. Movie watch saint frances movie. Thank you for your comment, may God bless you.

I LOVE THIS SONG. Movie watch saint frances church. Movie watch saint frances story. This movie should make 10's of dollars. Of course we had to throw in some SJW crap in the trailer. Looks awful. Movie watch saint frances de.

Cant wait for this I saw I can only imagine and I cried. That first picture is in my family album! i just realized that.

Hello, this is my first MD ever but I’ve been writing them in my head for a long time (complete with references to sexy times with my SO, humblebragging about my egg white and quinoa breakfasts, and skipping my $100 spin classes--jk I don’t do any of that) so I figured I might as well get roasted for my finances for real. Basic Info: Age: 26 Gender: Female Location: New York City Industry: Publishing Occupation: Assistant Section 1 - Debts and Assets Retirement balance: $3841. 31 (My work set up automatic contributions to an SEP-IRA. I have no idea what the fuck I am doing here and I need to ask. I didn’t go to fucking school for math. ) Savings: $2, 120. 14 (Regular savings account; I’m going to open a HYSA for 2020 when I get my Christmas bonus) Credit Card Debt: $9, 924. 55, combined total across 2 credit cards (What makes me sad is that I paid off both of credit cards in full this time last year but I had an expensive year [moving out, going on family vacation twice, and buying Broadway tickets for the holidays] and now spend more of my income on rent, so it’s harder to pay it off as quickly. ) Student Loan Balance: $0 (I had a scholarship that covered room and board and we used credit cards to cover the rest. My mother is undocumented and at the time I was in college, my sister was a DACA recipient so I didn’t have anyone to co-sign a loan. The college expenses were part of the credit card balance I paid off in 2018. ) Other debt: $0 Section 2 - Income Monthly take home after taxes, etc: $2, 500 (I am an assistant who works in publishing; would rather not get specific in exactly which area. But if you have questions about the industry, I can answer what I know in the comments or via PMs. ) Section 3 - Monthly Expenses Rent: $1, 600 (I am subletting a 1-bedroom apartment in upper upper Manhattan. When it ends, I hope to join the lease. My boyfriend Pierre* and I are getting serious and while we’re not ready to live together, we did want more privacy to test the waters. Also, I love living alone. ) Health insurance: $0 (Covered by work) MTA: $127/month for a monthly pass Internet: $59. 99/month (introductory rate for the first year) Utilities: Between $60-90 per month, varies (I pay for gas and electric, water is paid by landlord) Subscriptions: Hulu/Disney+: $12. 99/month (I share the password with my sister Lily* and ex-roommates and don’t charge them) Amazon Prime: $0 (Lily shares her password w/ me) AMC Pass: $23. 95/month Renters insurance: $14. 67/month Phone: $0 (Still on the family plan and they don’t charge me) Gym membership: $43. 95/year Netflix: $15. 99/month (I share the password with Lily and her friend, who gave me $100 at the beginning of the year to cover her share for 2 years) Other: $0. 99/month donation to the Texas Monthly Observer, $10/month donation to The Guardian, $30/month to ex-roommates in exchange for the cable/HBO password (It’s cheaper than me getting my own cable), $25/year for Barnes & Noble membership (I just signed up for this since I run a book club and members get discounts on purchases) *=Fake name. I hate the "My friends A, B, C, " thing. Day 1: 11/25 8:00am - Wake up and hit the snooze. I was up until 12:30 am baking keto chocolate zucchini bread that would just not bake all the way through. 8:15am - Finally get out of bed and start my morning routine. Skincare: Rhoto Hada Labo Gokyujyun foaming facial wash, Dr. Thayer’s Witch Hazel Toner, followed by Herbivore Prism Glow Potion, Cetaphil Pro Oily Skin with SPF 30. No make up. Cocoa butter lotion for the body. With a non-stick frying pan, I fry up turkey bologna and scrambled eggs. I also eat a soggy banana that’s on the verge of turning completely black. I pack a lunch (tomato soup) and head out the door. I was hoping to get to work early, which will happen, but not as early as I would have liked. I was out of the office on Friday attending a local conference so I need to catch up on things. 9:30am - On the train to work and I text with Lily to discuss my mom's recent decision to move to Mexico. She lives in a pro-Trump state and as an undocumented person, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for her to fly under the radar. She’s fearful of being detained by ICE and so she’s going back on her own terms. I tell Lily that I feel like Trump won. He succeeded in building a culture of fear and intimidation. Lily tells me that with or without Trump in office, it is likely that Mom would have had to return to Mexico while we applied for her residency anyway (Lily is now married to a US citizen and has a green card). This doesn’t make me feel better and I want to cry. 9:46am - Arrive at the office 15 minutes early and get a head start on answering emails. Lily once asked me what I do all day and honestly, it’s a bunch of emailing. Emailing publishers to ask about status updates about deals, emailing clients to let them know about said status updates, emailing to chase after information I need on behalf of publishers or clients, responding to submissions, etc. Just emails, emails, emails. 1:21pm - Lily texts me a screenshot from an article about cheap living costs in Cancun. She jokes, “Why aren’t we moving with Mom too? ” I text back that when Mom moves to Mexico, we should go with her to look at potential properties for her to buy so she isn’t renting indefinitely. I feel like crying again. I type up my expense report from the conference to distract myself. I don’t have a company card so I get reimbursed for using my personal card when I travel. The conference paid for my hotel and train so I just get reimbursed for my meals. 1:35pm - Lily texts me that we should set up a savings account that we can contribute to for Mom’s living expenses in Mexico. I admire my sister’s practicality in all of this, but I am not emotionally equipped to deal with this stuff when I am at work!!!!!!!!!! 1:54pm - I heat up my tomato soup while my boss writes my reimbursement check. I take my lunch to eat outside and I buy a bag of salt and vinegar chips from Pret a Manger to go with my soup ($1. 69). After I eat, I go check out the holiday shops at Bryant Park and treat myself to a “giant s’more” ($8. 17). The s’more is the size of my hand which makes me feel slightly better about the expense. I text Pierre about how sad I feel and go back to the office. I take the stairs instead of the elevator so I burn off some of the empty calories I just consumed. - $9. 86 3:48pm - Pierre texts me his sympathies and sends me a Baby Yoda meme to cheer me up. Goddamn, I love him so much. And Pierre’s great too. 6:06pm - Finally done with work! I’m halfway to the train station when I realize I forgot my gym bag at work. I double back and while on the train, I eat a pre-workout snack of string mozzarella cheese and a baggie of roasted peanuts that I packed from home. 7:15pm - I do a 1 hour workout on the treadmill--30 mins of interval running and then 30 min incline workout, plus a cool down--but I feel sluggish and slow. Must be the s’more. Or maybe I’m still thinking about my mom. 8:40pm- Back at home! I shower and then eat some of the zucchini bread and a Greek yogurt for dinner. Too tired to cook a real meal. I call my mom and we talk more about moving plans. She plans to buy a home in a touristy area and rent part of it out. When I go home for Christmas, we’ll have to start cleaning the house out. Luckily, Lily lives near our Mom and will be able to store important family mementos. Our plans sound cheerful but the way we talk reminds me of that same dejected feeling we had in 2016 when she came to visit me, post-Trump election. “Paciencia, fey, y fuerza, ” is what we agreed to carry through the next four years. But it feels like we’ve run out. While I’m on gloomy matters, I pay my bills. $1600 for rent, $65. 03 for the electric bill, and $150 payment for each credit card. I deposit my reimbursement check and a $10 check I received from the Pew Research Center. I’ve recently been selected to be part of the Pew Research surveys and this is this first survey that I have been paid for, but I don’t know how often I will receive them. - $1, 965. 03, +$40. I spend the rest of my evening setting up this Money Diary and watching 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way. The Jenny/Sumit drama is insane. 11:41pm - Finally got my MD set up and turn in. Nighttime skin routine: Vitamin C serum on neck and face; Estee Lauder Night Repair Creme on my eyes. I don't think it's really working but I want to finish the bottle before I try a new eye cream. Day 2: 11/26 8:00am - Wake up and hit the snooze. Not as tired as yesterday but still want to stay in bed. Pierre texts me to wish him luck on his annual review. I text him back and then get distracted checking Reddit on my phone. 8:30am - Whoops. How did a half hour go by so quickly? I get out of bed, do my skincare routine, get dressed, etc. I eat a bowl of Special K for breakfast and pack my lunch (turkey bologna sandwich on a plain bagel, Ruffle chips, mozzarella cheese stick, 3 clementines, and a half-empty Coke zero that I bought over the weekend). I am an elementary school child. 9:10am - Catch the train and listen to Slate’s Dear Prudence podcast. In this episode, a LW complains about her friend, who whipped out her Macbook to finish writing a term paper in the middle of the LW’s wedding ceremony. The LW claims you can hear the click-clacking of typing in the wedding video and the friend even took a Skype call in the middle of the ceremony to chat with a study buddy (which you can also hear in the wedding video! ). I am horrified. 9:42am - Arrive at the office and I’m the first one here. Half of our office, including my boss, took vacation days to get a head start on the holiday. This means I can listen to podcasts while I work since no one will really need me throughout the day. I check my personal email before I look at work stuff and find an email from my bank, announcing that there was a “recent merchant data breach” and while my account wasn’t compromised, they’re going to send a new credit card which means I will have to update the information for my recurring payments. Great. Okay, back to work. I grab a fun-size Snickers bar from the communal candy bowl for a mid-morning snack and get to work. 12:22pm - Ugh, Special K was not that filling. I drink hot water to help my stomach feel full but I am so hungry. I decided to eat my lunch at my desk even though it’s earlier than I usually eat. 6:45pm - Finally leave work! I stayed late to check my mom into her flight but check-in is based in her time zone, not mine so I could have left earlier. Grr. I text Lily and she promises to check Mom in. 8pm - Pierre and I get home at the same time! We make dinner together: spaghetti with truffle oil along with sauteed onions and kale, plus Trader Joe’s turkey meatballs. I pull out mini bottles of prosecco that I bought for Lily’s visit that went unused. While we cook, I pour out my feelings to Pierre. I know that we are in a very privileged position: Lily and I can support my mother to have a very comfortable life in Mexico. We can afford to fly out to see her 3, maybe even 4 times a year. My mom will be able to stop living in fear. But there’s just something wrong about us not being in the same country. Pierre knows a little of what I’m feeling because his mother is back in France and he misses her terribly, especially since she's been sick. (Nothing serious, but he feels bad that he can't be there for her. ) After dinner, we watch The Mandalorian. God, I would die for Baby Yoda. Pierre just got into Dragula so we watch an episode but I hate the format. It just feels so disorganized, especially compared to Rupaul’s Drag Race. Pierre gets squicked out by an elimination challenge featuring needles so we watch Call the Midwife so he can calm down. Poor guy. Day 3: 11/27 12 am - Finally, we turn off Call the Midwife. I clean up the kitchen while Pierre gets dressed for his overnight shift. (He’s a security guard. ) We kiss goodbye and he promises everything is set for him to come to Thanksgiving. 12:40 am - I stay up to finish the Call the Midwife episode and then go to bed. I call my mom even though it’s late because I just want to hear her voice. We talk through the airport pick up plans and say good night. I have the day off so I can stay up late. 10 am - Wake up and lay in bed. I text Pierre to ask for good thoughts. I’m super anxious about my mom flying even though she uses her Mexican passport and hasn’t had issues before. After a half hour, I get up to go to the gym and burn off some of my nervous energy. I only eat a mandarin for breakfast. 11:30 am - At the gym. Since I didn’t have a good breakfast, I do a low-intensity incline work out. 12:30 pm - Back at home. I shower and eat the keto zucchini bread for my brunch. I know I should eat more but I’m too anxious. I go to the train station, buy 2 weekly metro cards. One is for my mom and the other is a refill for me. Normally I would get the monthly but since I’m going home for the holidays in 2 weeks, it makes more sense to buy weekly passes. - $67. 00 1:45 pm - First stop on my errands: Michael’s. I buy supplies to convert an arrowhead earring into necklace for Lily. I use a 40% off coupon so my total is $5. 55 1:59pm - I buy two rotisserie chickens at Whole Foods for Thanksgiving. I’m not fucking with turkey with my tiny ass oven. - $16. 69 2:38pm - Buy a half dozen plain bagels at Zabar’s for breakfast. - $5. 60 3:00pm - I walk to the train station and pass the Macy’s parade balloons being inflated. So cool! Maybe next year I’ll come down to get a better look, but for now I need to get home. 3:35pm - At the farmer’s market near my train stop, I buy 3 lbs of grapes and a stalk of celery. I don't know how long this market is going to stick around but I hope it stays all year round. It's where I can get super cheap produce. I stop at the local grocery store and pick up sparkling cider. - $12. 42 4:00pm - Finally home! I put away my groceries, prep the Thanksgiving sides, and clean up while I wait for my mom’s flight to land. I finish 90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days and then pick up where I left off on 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way. I love the 90DF franchise but they’re releasing so many seasons at once that I can’t keep up. 6:08pm - My mom calls that she’s about to board her flight. Hurray! I can finally relax and eat leftover spaghetti before I go to meet her at the airport. 10:33pm - Take public transport to LaGuardia. I find my mom, who made friends with her seat partner on the flight and they exchange numbers so they can get in touch. We pick up her suitcase and I lead her to the rideshare pick up area. We pass a lost-looking couple in their 60s who are trying to figure out where to call an Uber so my mom adopts them. She helps the wife with her suitcase and tells them that I’ll show them where to go. They chatter about Thanksgiving plans on the way. I don’t know how, but my mom always makes friends wherever she goes. When we get to the pick up area, a parking lot attendant helps the couple call an Uber while I call a Lyft for us. - $41. 00, including tip. 11:46pm - Finally home! I give my mom a quick tour of my apartment. She says it’s nice but I need to clean better. Moms. I’m ready for bed, but she asks me to put on her telenovela so she can unwind. I set her up (she’s watching Apocalipse, btw) and leave her on the couch while I go to bed. Day 4: 11/28 8:30am - I wake up but my mom isn’t in bed with me. Evidently, she fell asleep on the couch. She’s an early bird so she has NBC playing, ready for the parade to start. We shower, get dressed, etc. 9:14am - Pierre arrives, having come straight from his overnight shift. He is, understandably, exhausted. He takes a nap in my room while my mom and I watch the parade and prep everything to warm up in the oven. We FaceTime with Lily, who is spending Thanksgiving with her neighbors. 12:28pm - Food is ready just as Pierre’s sister, Colette*, arrives. I'm serving rotisserie chicken, macaroni and cheese, mashed potatoes, roasted veggies, and cornbread dressing. I wake up Pierre and I put on the Fleetwood Mac radio station on Spotify to listen to as we eat. It’s a nice time just eating our fill and talking. Pierre and I are discussing marriage and it’s nice to imagine that this will be what holidays will be like when our families combine. My mom says she likes Pierre but she seems lukewarm. Lily tells me that's exactly how she was like with her husband and now adores him as a son in law. I hope we'll have other opportunities for her to get to know Pierre. 3:00pm - We are done eating and put away the leftovers. I give some to Colette to take with her while Pierre gets ready to go back to work. Yep, he has to work again. I think Pierre’s job takes advantage of his eager to please nature and I tell him so, but he says he can handle it. Plus, he gets holiday pay. Colette also leaves and my mom and I take a short food coma nap. 4:48pm - We bundle up and head out to see the window displays at Saks Fifth Avenue and Macy’s. My mom is annoyed that so many shops are open. She complains that back home, Thanksgiving plans revolve around the football games and here, everything revolves around shopping. Still, we go into Macy’s to look for my birthday gift and take advantage of their “pre-Black Friday” sale. We find a BCBG genuine leather jacket for 50% off. The sales clerk says it’s the last one and it just so happens to fit me perfectly. My mom uses her Macy’s card to pay for it. I thank her for the birthday gift. 7:50pm - We stop to buy Palmolive dish soap at CVS. I’m running low at soap at home and my mom says my Trader Joe’s branded soap is not up to the task of handling Thanksgiving dishes. - $2. 49 8:59pm - I take my mom to The View, the revolving restaurant within the Times Square Marriott. I get a margarita and she gets a non-alcoholic Apple Pie. We talk more about her upcoming move and I tell my mom my complicated feelings about it. She tells me that this is a good thing and Trump isn’t winning here. “I raised two daughters who are both great successes and now I’m going to retire and live my life. We won, not him, ” she says. - $56. 98 10:00pm - Back home! I shower and go to bed. My mom stays up to watch her telenovela. Day 5: 11/29 10:00 am - Wake up and get ready to go. Mom fell asleep on the couch again. At this rate, I might as well just make her a bed out there. She insists that she’s fine. Anyway, today is all about my mom. I take her shoe shopping at a mom and pop store on the Upper East Side store that carries SAS shoes, her favorite brand. My mom is very picky and only finds one pair that she likes in her size. And it's on sale! - $20. 00 12:49pm - I take my mom to El Museo del Barrio. El Museo is in partnership with The City Museum of New York next door so once we’re done with El Museo, we go next door and don’t have to pay a second admission fee. - $18. 00 2:40pm - I take my mom to Grand Central Station to admire the main hall and we eat lunch in the food court. I order ramen and chicken dumplings for the both of us. - $33. 57 3:30pm - I take my mom to oo35mm, my favorite beauty supply shop in Chinatown. I buy a bottle of facial wash for myself and convince my mom let me buy her an anti-wrinkle cream, a hair mask, and a pair of sheet masks for us. My mom is skeptical (she’s an Estée Lauder and Clinique gal) but I swear to her that the sales clerks know what they’re talking about in their recommendations. She does admit that my skin has cleared up a lot this past year so she agrees to let me buy the products for her. - $60. 92 5:40pm - We walk to Little Italy and have a light dinner at a touristy restaurant that has a really good Napoleon. Maybe there still is good Italian food in Little Italy. - $35. 06 8:00pm - We go see Ain’t Too Proud to Beg, the Broadway musical based on lives of The Temptations. (I bought tickets last week on Today Tix). My mom likes the show but while I agree that the singing and dancing is spectacular, the acting was bland. Also, no one said “Ain’t nobody coming to see you, Otis! ” so that was disappointing. 11:00pm - Back at home and we gotta go to bed because we’re going to Philadelphia in the morning! Day 6: 11/30 7:00 am - Wake up! This time, I waited until I heard my mom snoring on the couch and then gently roused her to get a night’s rest on an actual bed. We eat a light breakfast and head to Penn station. 11:30am - Arrive in Philly! I bought Amtrak tickets a week ago to return at 10pm but my mom thinks that’s too late so she asks me to change them for an earlier time. - $44. 00 11:46 am - We leave the station by walking and head towards City Hall and Dilworth Park. I need caffeine so we stop at Starbucks. - $4. 67 12:00pm - The holiday shops at Dilworth Park and Love Park are amazing! I find an artist who has this adorable cat print that would be the perfect Christmas present for Colette. I find the artist's Etsy page and see that she's going to be at the holiday markets in NYC. I vow to check out her booth there too even though my mom tells me to stop spending my money. Well, Mom, tell the lady to stop making cute stuff! - $36. 47 1:30pm - We are both hungry so we go to Reading Terminal Market and get lunch. Mom orders a Philly cheesesteak and I get a tortellini pasta salad and kale juice. - $25. 34 2:30pm - We take the PHLASH bus to do a loop around the sights. We see the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, go up the Rocky Steps at the Philadelphia Art Museum, and then head to Old City to see the Betsy Ross House. Mom pays admission for the Betsy Ross House and I pay for our PHLASH fare. - $10. 00 6:00pm - We are both tired and are ready to head home but still have a couple of hours at the station until our train. We still have leftovers from lunch so we finish those off and my mom buys herself a coffee and donut from Dunkin’. (She won't let me pay for it. ) She lets me have a bite of the donut. While we wait, I pull up the Hulu documentary Tiny Shoulders: Rethinking Barbie on my phone for the both of us to watch. 10:30pm - Finally back home! Shower, get ready for bed, wait until I hear my mom fall asleep watching TV and then wake her up to come to bed. Day 7: 12/1 9:30 am - Wake up! It’s my mom’s last day in NYC. I ask her what she wants to do. She says that she wants to do my laundry and scrub my bathtub. We get dressed and eat a light breakfast. Then we attend Sunday service at my church. The sermon topic uses the recent climate change disasters as a jumping off point to discuss how climate change detrimentally affects the poor and marginalized and what our Christian duty is to help each other and the planet. My mom likes my church’s liberal, social justice oriented focus. She tells me that I should be a more active member and I am trying, but socializing with new people doesn’t come as easily to me as it does to her. Still, when one of the deacons asks me to read a passage from the Bible next week, I agree. Also, I donate $10 to the offering plate. 00 2:00pm - After church, I take my mom to the Staten Island ferry so she can see the Statue of Liberty. My mom is impressed that we can get such a good view for free. Pierre texts me that he can meet us when he gets off at work at 4pm so I suggest we have an early dinner at my place before my mom goes to the airport. 2:34pm - After we get back to Manhattan, we take a bus to visit a church that was featured in The Devil’s Advocate (the 1997 movie with Keanu Reeves and Al Pacino) but the doors are locked. They must have locked up after morning mass. I feel bad because my mom loves old churches and she was really hoping to see what the interior looked like. The rain is starting to come down so I check my mom’s flight and see it’s been pushed back to 10pm. 3:00pm - On the way home, we stop by Trader Joe’s and pick up fixings to help transform the Thanksgiving leftovers into a new meal. We get milk, sandwich bread, almonds, grape tomatoes, mandarin oranges, green grapes, and cereal bars. The plan is to make grilled cheese sandwiches and kale chicken salad. 73 5:00pm - We’re back at home but Pierre has bad news. Towards the end of his shift, he noticed something suspicious on the CCTV and when they went to investigate, they found someone died in the building. He’s still stuck at work answering questions from the NYPD and his company and doesn’t know when he’ll get out. He sends his regards to my mom and tells her “Bon voyage! ” Mom and I make dinner for ourselves and when I check her flight again, it’s back to its original departure time of 8pm. Shit! We rush to get everything ready and then I call the Lyft. In the car, I check the flight again and it’s been pushed back to 10pm. What the hell? - $30. 86, including tip. 6:30pm - Mom and I are at the airport and are super confused. The boards still say her flight leaves at 8pm but my flight tracker says it’s been pushed. My mom doesn’t want to miss it so she decides to go ahead and go through security. We say goodbye and I wait until she passes through before taking public transport home. 8:30pm - Finally back home! I’m super exhausted and clean up a little. My mom calls and reports that her flight got moved to 9pm. The winter storm is coming in so I think flights are trying to figure out who is going to get out tonight and who’s not. I tell my mom to call me if her flight ends up being cancelled so I can send a car to pick her up. If you really care, my mom’s flight ended up leaving at 11:30pm and she landed back home around 2:30am. I called her a Lyft and stayed up tracking it until she called me to report she was in the house. - $23. 10, my mom tipped in cash. Breakdown Food/drink: $227. 62 Entertainment: $18. 00 Transport: $215. 96 Other: $2100. 46 Total: $2562. 04 Reflections This wasn’t a typical week since it was Thanksgiving and I was hosting my mom, but my Day 1 is a typical spending day. I think I would have spent more if I had a different travel partner than my mother. She is extremely frugal and kept turning down stuff for us to do or buy even though I insisted it was my treat. In my defense, it’s my mom and I want to treat her. However, she did teach me good spending habits and it’s what gave me the push to find deals like the El Museo/City Museum partnership, the PHLASH fare, and ideas for things that we could experience for free or at a low-cost. I think I would say that I am better at spending money wisely but I want to get better at saving and building investments. Okay, go ahead and roast me for still being on the family phone plan.

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Resume: First Cow is a movie starring John Magaro, Orion Lee, and Rene Auberjonois. An skilled cook has traveled west and joined a group of fur trappers in Oregon, though he only finds true connection with a Chinese immigrant also seeking
liked it: 72 Votes
release year: 2019
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Two verMy different men – Blake and DMylan – have their hearts set on handing their rose to Hannah G., but who will offer it to her and will she accept? All About The movies Euphoria centers on CDC researcher AbbMy Arcane. When she returns to her childhood home of Houma, Louisiana, in order to investigate a deadlMy swamp-borne virus, she develops a surprising bond with scientist Alec Holland — onlMy to have him tragicallMy taken from her. But as powerful forces descend on Houma, intent on exploiting the swamps mMysterious properties for their own purposes, AbbMy will discover that the swamp holds mMystical secrets, both horrifMying and wondrous — and the potential love of her life maMy not be after all. #123Movies Watch Online First Cow: Complete movies Free Online Strengthens Crusaders and mountan Moorish commanders rebelled against the British crown. How long have Myou fallen asleep during First Cow Movie? 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On the other hand, their streaming, No Manches Frida 2s, has 65 million members. In a March 2020 studMy that assessed “The Impact of movies of Streaming on Traditional DVD Movie Rentals” it was found that respondents did not buMy DVD movies nearlMy as much, if ever, because streaming had taken over the market. So we get more space adventures, more original storMy material and more about what will make this 21st MCU movie different from the previous 20 MCU films. Watch Final Space Season 2 — Movie 6, viewers dont consider the qualitMy of movies to differ significantlMy between DVDs and online streaming. Problems that according to respondents need to be improved bMy streaming movies including fast forwarding or rewinding functions, and search functions. This article highlights that streaming qualitMy movies as an industrMy will onlMy increase in time, because advertising revenues continue to soar on an annual basis across industries, providing incentives for the production of qualitMy content. He is someone we dont see happening. Still, Brie Larsons resume is impressive. The actress has been plaMying on TV and film sets since she was 11 Myears old. One of those confused with Swedish plaMyer Alicia Vikander (Tomb Raider) won an Oscar in 2016. She was the first Marvel movie star with a female leader... And soon, he will plaMy a CIA agent in a movies commissioned bMy Apple for his future platform. The movies he produced together. Unknown to the general public in 2016, this “neighbor girl” won an AcademMy Award for best actress for her poignant appearance in the “Room”, the true storMy of a woman who was exiled with her child bMy predators. He had overtaken Cate Blanchett and Jennifer Lawrence, both of them had run out of statues, but also Charlotte Rampling and Saoirse Ronan. Watch First Cow Movie Online Blu-raMyor BluraMy rips directlMy from Blu-raMy discs to 1080p or 720p (depending on source) and uses the x264 codec. TheMy can be stolen from BD25 or BD50 disks (or UHD Blu-raMy at higher resolutions. BDRips comes from Blu-raMy discs and are encoded to lower resolution sources (ie 1080p to720p / 576p / 480p. BRRip is a video that has been encoded at HD resolution (usuallMy 1080p) which is then transcribed to SD resolution. Watch First Cow The BD / BRRip Movie in DVDRip resolution looks better, however, because the encoding is from a higher qualitMy source. BRRips onlMy from HD resolution to SD resolution while BDRips can switch from 2160p to 1080p, etc., as long as theMy drop in the source disc resolution. Watch First Cow Movie Full BDRip is not transcode and can move down for encrMyption, but BRRip can onlMy go down to SD resolution because theMy are transcribed. At the age of 26, on the night of this Oscar, where he appeared in a steamMy blue gauze dress, the reddish-haired actress gained access to HollMywoods hottest actress club. BD / BRRips in DVDRip resolution can varMy between XviD orx264codecs (generallMy measuring 700MB and 1. 5GB and the size of DVD5 or DVD9: 4. 5GB or 8. 4GB) which is larger, the size fluctuates depending on the length and qualitMy of release, but increasinglMy the higher the size, the more likelMy theMy are to use the x264 codec. With its classic and secret beautMy, this Californian from Sacramento has won the Summit. He was seen on “21 Jump Street” with Channing Tatum, and “CrazMy AmMy” bMy Judd Apatow. And against more prominent actresses like Jennifer Lawrence, Gal Gadot or Scarlett Johansson, Brie Larson signed a seven-contract deal with Marvel. There is nothing like that with Watch The Curse of La Llorona Free Online, which is signed mainlMy bMy women. And it feels. When hes not in a combination of full-featured superheroes, Carol Danvers runs Nirvana as greedMy anti-erotic as possible and proves to be verMy independent. This is even the keMy to his strength: if the super hero is so unique, we are told, it is thanks to his abilitMy since childhood, despite being ridiculed masculine, to stand alone. Too bad its not enough to make a film that stands up completelMy … Errors in scenarios and realization are complicated and impossible to be inspired. There is no sequence of actions that are trulMy shocking and actress Brie Larson failed to make her character charming. Spending his time displaMying scorn and ridicule, his courageous attitude continuallMy weakens empathMy and prevents the audience from shuddering at the danger and changes facing the hero. Too bad, because the tape offers verMy good things to the person including the red cat and Myoung Nick FurMy and both eMyes (the film took place in the 1990s. In this case, if Samuel Jacksons rejuvenation bMy digital technologMy is impressive, the illusion is onlMy for his face. Once the actor moves or starts the sequence of actions, the stiffness of his movements is clear and reminds of his true age. Details but it shows that digital is fortunatelMy still at a limit. As for Goose, the cat, we will not saMy more about his role not to “express”. AlreadMy the 21st film for stable Marvel Cinema was launched 10 Myears ago, and while waiting for the sequel to The 100 Season 6 Movie war infinitMy (The 100 Season 6 Movie, released April 24 home) this new work is a suitable drink but struggles to hold back for the bodMy and to be reallMy refreshing. Lets hope that following the adventures of the strongest heroes, Marvel managed to increase levels and prove better.

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GET MAD AT 'EM DAMN EGGS. First cow watch free episodes. First cow watch free full. Oh boy its the first creepy possessed doll movie of the decade lets see how many we have by 2030. First Cow Watch free. First cow watch free movies. First Cow Watch free web site. Successfully reported this slideshow. Upcoming SlideShare Loading in … 5 ×... Published on Dec 15, 2019 Watch First Cow full movie free download 1. Watch First Cow full movie free download, Watch First Cow full movie download free, Watch First Cow full free download movie, Watch First Cow full free movie download, Watch First Cow full download movie free, Watch First Cow full download free movie, 2. LINK IN LAST PAGE TO WATCH OR DOWNLOAD MOVIE 3. A taciturn loner and skilled cook has traveled west and joined a group of fur trappers in Oregon Territory, though he only finds true connection with a Chinese immigrant also seeking his fortune; soon the two collaborate on a successful business, although its longevity is reliant upon the clandestine participation of a nearby wealthy landowners prized milking cow. 4. Type: Movies Genre: N/A Written By: N/A. Stars: N/A, History Director: Kelly Reichardt Rating: 0. 0% Date: August 30, 2019 Duration: 2h 1m Keywords: N/A 5. Download Full Version First Cow Video OR Watch now.

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3.8 stars - Norby Mohammed







Summary - After a meteorite lands in the front yard of their farm, Nathan Gardner (Nicolas Cage) and his family find themselves battling a mutant extraterrestrial organism as it infects their minds and bodies, transforming their quiet rural life into a technicolor nightmare

Rating - 5024 votes

release date - 2019

Duration - 111 Minutes

7 / 10

Using a lot of colour and thus creating a kaleidoscope, what you are only doing, is exactly that. Creating an illusion of a supposedly quality film, in which the colours just make you dizzy, to get lost in between, and desperately wanting for the film to become black and white for a change, or even disappear completely from the screen.
Do not misunderstand my saying. I love colours and I love kaleidoscopes. What I didn't appreciate, was this film. They tried to carry us all in a LSD inspired world, to enchant us and distract us from a particularly bad Nicolas Cage acting and many other similar blanks of nothingness that made the "construct" childish and vulnerable. br> We were saved by the portal that absorved them all turning them to particles, by the collapse of the energy field, just in time or better say, on the brink of our brain exploding from boredom.


El color que cayó del cielo. Dear trailer editors: You showed me the whole movie, stop it. El color que cayó del cielo azul. El color que cayó del cielo. Favorite track (and scene) from the movie. El color que cayó del ciel. Kevin Bacon: laughs in hollow. El color que cayó del ciel et espace. El color que cayó del ciel bleu. El color que cayo del cielo pelicula online. Una historia de el color que cayo del cielo. 1:08 What I would do if I was invisible ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X W Z. Nic Cage

Color Out of Space (2019) A story of cosmic terror about The Gardners, a family who moves to a remote farmstead in rural New England to escape the hustle of the 21st century. They are busy adapting to their new life when a meteorite crashes into their front yard. The mysterious aerolite seems to melt into the earth, infecting both the land and the properties of space-time with a strange, otherworldly color. To their horror, the Gardner family discover that this alien force is gradually mutating every life form that it touches…including them. Genre: Drama,  Hollywood,  Horror,  Sci-fi,  Sci-Fi & Fantasy,  Science Fiction Director: Richard Stanley Actors: Brendan Meyer, Joely Richardson, Julian Hilliard, Madeleine Arthur, Nicolas Cage, Q'orianka Kilcher, Tommy Chong Country: Malaysia, Portugal, USA Duration: 111 min Quality: 720p Release: 2020 IMDb: 6. 4.

Thats a hard yes. 9, 412 views A town is struck by a meteorite and the fallout is catastrophic. Anonymous Duration: 111 min Quality: HD Release: 2019 IMDb: 62 Keywords. Copyright Cmovieshd. All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: This site does not store any files on its server. All contents are provided by non-affiliated third parties. El color que cayó del ciel et terre. They completely ruined the plot of The Invisible Man. El color que cayo del cielo online. Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 HD Server A story of cosmic terror about The Gardners, a family who moves to a remote farmstead in rural New England to escape the hustle of the 21st century. They are busy adapting to their new life when a meteorite crashes into their front yard. The mysterious aerolite seems to melt into the earth, infecting both the land and the properties of space-time with a strange, otherworldly color. To their horror, the Gardner family discover that this alien force is gradually mutating every life form that it touches…including them. Duration: 111 min Quality: HD Release: 2019 6. 4 Color Out of Space Photos.

El color que cayó del cielo azul. Watch Color Out of Space On TamilRockers Director: Richard Stanley, Writer: H. P. Lovecraft, Richard Stanley, Scarlett Amaris, StarCast: Brendan Meyer, Elliot Knight, Joely Richardson, Julian Hilliard, Madeleine Arthur, Melissa Nearman, Nicolas Cage, Q'orianka Kilcher, Tommy Chong, Producer: Daniel Noah, David Gregory, Elijah Wood, Elisa Lleras, Johnny Chang, Josh C. Waller, Lisa Whalen, Simão Cayatte, Stacy Jorgensen, Timur Bekbosunov, Press Ctrl + D To Bookmark Us... Synopsis: A story of cosmic terror about The Gardners, a family who moves to a remote farmstead in rural New England to escape the hustle of the 21st century. They are busy adapting to their new life when a meteorite crashes into their front yard. The mysterious aerolite seems to melt into the earth, infecting both the land and the properties of space-time with a strange, otherworldly color. To their horror, the Gardner family discover that this alien force is gradually mutating every life form that it cluding them. Don't forget to Bookmark Us... Color Out of Space (2019. Download Torrent Files Color Out of Space (2019. Watch Online (Single Links - Quality) Color Out of Space, Color Out of Space (2019) Color Out of Space tamilrocker, Color Out of Space tamilrocker Movies, Color Out of Space tamilrockers, Color Out of Space tamilrockers Movies.

El color que cayó del ciel bleu. This looks good, I also think it deserves a sequel - the story of an invisible man bent on revenge is classic. Copyright 2020 123movies. All Rights Reserved Disclaimer: This site does not store any files on its server. All contents are provided by non-affiliated third parties. The color merges things to try and create new things. Luckily for the lifeforms it merges they are basically dead and it's just their flesh that lives on as a monster. The moment the color touched the mom and boy they basically died but their flesh was reworked into a monster.

Producers: Let's make a thriller and then reveal everything in the trailer! Production company: But. why? Producers: Cause! Production: good enough for us. Dysmorphia IMDb: 3. 8 2014 88 min Siblings find their dead uncles secret stash VHS tapes. The tapes feature sick solicitors, gruesome dares, patricide, demonic technology, monstrous fruit and many more horrors. As they eagerly watch each… Country: United States of America Genre: Comedy,  Horror,  Science Fiction Watch movie Favorite.

El color que cayo del cielo. El color que cayo del cielo lovecraft. They should've just called this Hollow Man 2. Like a less stylized version of Mandy and a less intriguing Annihilation. There's lots to like but plenty to dislike. It has a solid set up and classic horror atmosphere but, yo, this falls off the rails quick. The characters. don't do anything hardly ever. There's a girl that does rituals until she does more rituals. Nic Cage keeps smelling something gross until he keeps smelling something gross. It's like wheelspinning the movie. A movie like this desperately needs to have characters that figure things out about this treat and find ways to beat it. Or at least have them take steps to get away from it, but they kinda don't. Things just happen to them until they don't anymore. If that's not bad enough, then there's this water guy that takes up a ton of screen time who literally does nothkng aside from have exposition told to him. The plot also has about as much progression to it as the characters do and definitely feels like a short stretched to feature length. Glad to see 'The Thing' esque creatures and puppeteering in a modern movie though.

Can we launch Nick Cage into space, preferably to somewhere in the vicinity of the Oort Cloud? Strictly for scientific purposes, of course. I'm totally not suggesting this as a method for keeping him as far as possible from any sort of movie cameras or film production. About time, gonna have to dust off that Kevin bacon movie “Hollow man”.

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Looks pretty good. has Nicolas Cage finally paid his debts and can star in real movies and not bottom of the shelve trash. I'm really glad to see John Cena getting more movie roles. Unlike any ever seen on earth really? not even once. El color que cayo del cielo pelicula completa. Im gonna purchase an invisble ticket and pretend I went to see this. ShowboxMovies is a Free Movies streaming site with zero ads. We let you watch movies online without having to register or paying, with over 10000 movies and TV-Series. You can also Download full movies from ShowboxMovies and watch it later if you want. Terms of service - DMCA - Contact - Sitemap ShowboxMovies does not store any files on our server, we only linked to the media which is hosted on 3rd party services. ShowboxMovies.

Yeah, one word: STUPID 😂😂. What genre hasn't Nic Cage be in yet. Color Out of Space Color Out of Space is a movie starring Nicolas Cage, Joely Richardson, and Q'orianka Kilcher. A town is struck by a meteorite and the fallout is catastrophic. 111 min: HD: 2019 6. 3. The thumbnail looks like the invisible man is having a little fun with the girl. El color que cayo del cielo pdf. Just get some paint and throw it on him. This literally a scooby-doo episode. Boo.



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Adventure, Drama; story - A young Chinese maiden disguises herself as a male warrior in order to save her father. A live-action feature film based on Disney's 'Mulan.' director - Niki Caro; 2020. I cry while watching this trailer like how I cry when I smash my toe against the wall. They filmed it in newzealand I know because me and me fam accidentally ran into there set 😆. Disney: Mulan Me: Mushu. 00:51 goose bumps... Loyal, brave, true? I'm sorry, I think you meant WE MUST BE SWIFT AS THE COURSING RIVER, WITH ALL THE FORCE OF A GREAT TYPHOON, WITH ALL THE STRENGTH OF A RAGING FIRE, MYSTERIOUS AS THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON.

Love yet, Scs. Looks nice. Favorite princess: Mulan Favorite Disney movie:Princess And The Frog Wisest Disney charater: mama Odie I like how Mulan don't need no man, she wasn't saved, she saves. I still can't believe Aurora is a mortal human, I still believe that woman is an angel, the proof? Her voice, omg. Loki: I'm gonna do a 'get help. What an amazing film, story and relationship between a man and his dogs, what an amazing dog Togo was!  This 57 year old cried like a ten year old at the end and I make no apologies for it, amazing story, thank you Disney.

Hmmmm... I like it but it just shouldnt have been called Mulan. It just doesnt feel like Mulan the animation. This is going to be Disney best film in a long time. Thank you. I can't stop getting goosebumps while watching this trailer. When I saw Elsa running across that beach and then onto the dark sea, I felt every little texture and sensation that she mightve felt while running across cold, wet stones, the ocean and ice. Call me crazy but this live action remake actually looks good. Okay everybody is talking about all the Elsa's. But can we take a minute to appreciate Aurora.

Seeing this as a transman: Hmmm,interesting. Everyone: no mushu Me: where is the grandma. Am I the only one looking for Mushu. I love the music of this trailer,reminds me of @Dr DisRespect. 0:53 he sounds like jarvan IV from league of legends. Watching this after that trailer*it was awful. It will never catch the beauty this one has. Plus that actress said some pretty unflattering things. YESSSSS BITCHHHHH YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.


Epic! Reminds me of the cinematography of Netflix's Marco Polo. Music Producer: How dramatic do you want it? Writer: Yes.

Quand on mes pause a 1:3 on dirait des spyscopate qui veulent l égorger 😆

Everyone: start crying when reflection plays in the background Me: cries harder.



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I think you should do a part 2 with bosco and the children of atom. Lorelei. Lore reloaded. Lore - get up. Haven't found what you're looking for? Let us know what learning option(s) you'd like to see on Lore! Company Company Careers Blog HELP & SUPPORT Contact Us Helpdesk Partner with us FAQ PRIVACY & SECURITY Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy. Lore olympus merch. LoreFree 2020 本站所有资源来源于用户自发分享,若侵犯到版权方,请发邮件至,并附书面权利通知,我们核实后移除处理. Loremaster of sotek. Lorenzo mendez. Discaimer: Putlocker is a legal Website which indexes and Embeds links to external sites such as (Putlocker, SockShare, Thevideo, Idowatch. Google Video, Etc. As We do not host any films, media files like (Flv, Mp3, Mp4, Torrent) on our server, perhaps it is not our responsibility for the accuracy, compliance, copyright, legality, decency. If you have any legal issues please contact the appropriate media file owners or host sites. Copyright 2020.

Damn, I dropped a tear when I realized that Siegward killed Yhorm for this exact reason, it's because of this promise. Holy cow, how deep must a friendship be that one asks the other for killing him when something specific happens to him and the other one not only accepts but fullfils the promise he gave to the other. Damn, I mean, really, this is so cruel and beautiful at the same time, killing your best, most beloved friend because of a promise you gave to him, jezuz cryst. I always struggle at getting a deeper understanding of the story behind dark souls, because it's not like in other RPG's (like The Witcher) where you have hours of content heavy dialogues. Now I know the background of that cutscene, it's really short, but so deep and meaningfull, I am absolutely amazed, wow, I feel how an other tear makes itself ready to drop out of my eye right now, absolutely beautiful. God, I should punish myself for not helping Siegward when he was stuck in the well at one of my NG's. Thank you so much for sharing these deep insides, I am absolutely overwhelmed by it.

Lorene scafaria. Lore This anthology series brings to life Aaron Mahnke's “Lore” podcast and uncovers the real-life events that spawned our darkest nightmares. Blending dramatic scenes, animation, archive and narration, Lore reveals how our horror legends - such as vampires, werewolves and body snatchers - are rooted in truth. Genre: Horror, Documentary Actor: Campbell Scott, Robert Patrick, Colm Feore, Adam Goldberg, Kristin Bauer van Straten, Sandra Ellis Lafferty, Holland Roden, John Byner, Kristen Cloke, Cathal Pendred, Aaron Mahnke, Nadine Lewington Director: Country: USA Duration: 40 min Quality: HD Release: 2017 IMDb: 6. 1. Lore olympus webtoon. Lore podcast episodes. They typed 'instantresearch' to cheat console and they researched everything at the start of their existence. That's how they were too advanced.

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The „Super Eagles“ (German: Super Adler) had barely won the World Cup ticket after a 1-0 win over Zambia, when the players let coach Gernot Rohr live on. The 64-year-old German then did a lap of honour in the Godswill-Akpabio Stadium, of course with Nigeria flags in his hand! „The odds will go crazy“ reports the UK betting portal Curious: There was almost real trouble for the Nigerians, even a World Cup exclusion was discussed! The reason: The Super Eagles had set up Abdullahi Shehu (Bursaspor, Turkey) in their last group match against Algeria. However, the defender was not allowed to play because of a yellow ban. Shehu had already seen yellow in a 0-0 draw with football dwarf Swaziland. But the game was two years ago – and the Nigerian officials had simply forgotten the warning! Double bad luck: An email from Fifa saying Shehu was not eligible to play against Algeria went to an official who was fighting for his life in the hospital at the time. The reed troops were lucky, Fifa was lenient. A World Cup exclusion was rejected, only the match against Algeria was scored 0:3 (actually 1:1. However, the „Super Eagles“ could not care, by that time the team was already qualified. The team had dominated Group B of the African World Cup qualifiers, four of six games against Zambia, Cameroon and Algeria were won. Key to success: The team is peppered with legionnaires (more than 90 percent play abroad) Nigeria are the first African team to qualify for the World Cup finals in Russia. A 1-0 home win over Zambia on the penultimate day of qualifying was enough for German coach Gernot Rohrs team to win Group B early. Arsenal substitute Alex Iwobi scored the goal of the day in Uyo in the 73rd minute. This is the sixth time the Super Eagles are represented at the world tournament – the African record holder is Cameroon with seven participations. It was precisely these Cameroonians who missed out on a 1-1 draw with Nigeria in September. With the exception of the 2006 World Cup in Germany, Nigeria have been represented in all final rounds since 1994. Prior to the Super Eagles, Germany, Belgium, England, Spain, Iran, Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Brazil had already qualified for the 2018 tournament alongside hosts Russia. The best betting sites for Nigeria you will find here. Manchester City on Wednesday having gained a huge amount of attention already. Despite Pep Guardiolas side being just one win away from securing the Premier League title, there is a real feeling at Anfield that Jurgen Klopp and his men can upset the champions elect. For those looking to place a bet on the match between two of English footballs biggest names, there is perhaps no better place than Coral. Having registered with a new account at Coral, you will find yourself with the opportunity to collect a 25/1 pay-out on your very first bet. Simply open an account, before betting on just a single goal being scored in Wednesday evenings encounter between Liverpool and Manchester City. With the duos two encounters so far this season having resulted in nine goals being scored, this is certainly a market worth utilising ahead of kick-off. For those looking to take advantage of the offer, lets take a closer look at the terms and conditions surrounding it. Coral New Customer Offer: Terms & Conditions Although Coral terms and conditions mean that a maximum bet of 1 can be placed, this is still a potentially lucrative promotion. Just one goal must find the back of the net during the 90 minutes in order to be successful, with players such as Mohamad Salah, Roberto Firmino and Gabriel Jesus potentially looking to add to their tallies this weekend. Simply open an account online or via your mobile device with Coral, as well as depositing a minimum of 5 in order to be in with a chance of getting in on the act. The bookmaker offers see here a favorite in Manu City. Goals are certainly expected at Anfield on Wednesday, further justifying your decision to take advantage of this offer from Coral. Should the unthinkable happen and no team score in the final, you will receive a free 5 bet as a consolation prize. Sounds too good to be true? It isnt! Open an account with Coral today, before enjoying one of the most in-depth football markets around. You could have an easy 25 win before you have even properly got started. I dont go to theatre except for horror, Star Trek, and superhero movies. Sometimes I write reviews or review essays on them. You might think I am reading way too much into these flicks. See what you think. This time out I am exhuming a couple of reviews. Eli Roths Hostel has much more to it than meets the eye, as you will see, at least in my tortured psyche. My review appeared a few years ago in my newsletter/monthly essay on line, Zarathustra Speaks (subscribe for free at. My review of The Whole Wide World appeared in Crypt of Cthulhu #93 (Lammas 1996) then in The Cimmerian 14 (October, 2004. I thought it might be worth another look now that a new film version of Conan is current. And who doesnt love Godzillla movies (whether or not they will admit it) I prevailed upon Stephen Mark Rainey to allow me to reprint an article on them he ran in his pre- Deathrealm zine Japanese Giants. Mark, in case you didnt know, is a polymath: a graphic artist, a musician, and a truly gifted writer of horror fiction. He and that other Marc (Cerasini) happen to be the worlds greatest authorities on Gojira and Toho Studios films. LORE began in 1995 as an approximately 70-page, saddle-stitched, digest-sized labor of love. It ran for nine issues until 2000. Throughout those five years, we printed some outstanding work by writers and artists we had admired for years and ones we would come to know and regard as friends. We gathered many cherished memories, accepted two awards for our efforts: The Deathrealm Award and the Dragons Breath Award, and were thrilled to be featured on The Sci-Fi Channels Sci-Fi Buzz! Many of the works we published received Honorable Mentions in Datlow & Windlings The Years Best Fantasy & Horror, and some of the work we published even went on to win awards such as The Bram Stoker Award and The World Fantasy Award. LORE surpassed our wildest dreams! But we were younger then, and the unpredictability of real life at the time and demands of emerging careers eventually forced closed the vault doors in 2000. Fast forward to January 2011 in Tempe, Arizona at MythosCon, a celebration of the life and work of H. P. Lovecraft, where something was stirred to life. Through the hazy weekend merriment with some old comrades like Dan Clore, Robert M. Price, Michael Cisco, and Peter Cannon, we got the idea to take a prybar to those vault doors and let some fresh air in (and the old spirits out. LORE would return! The intervening five months have been a flurry of activity: meetings, conference calls, tracking down old friends. And, finally, we are able to start setting down the next chapter in LOREs history. This site is the culmination of our shared love for imaginative fiction, in its many guises. It is also a work in progress. Through the coming days and weeks, we will present compelling content here, and continue to refine the components weve set into motion. Our ultimate aim, of course, is to publish outstanding fiction, and more will be announced to this end soon. We hope you will join us and be a part of our continuing journey. The 2011 Nebula Awards banquet was held on Saturday evening, May 21st at the massive Washington Hilton in Washington, D. C. The Nebula Award is one of Science Fictions „big two“ awards (along with the venerable Hugo. Awarded since 1965 by The SFWA (Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America) the Nebulas showed an impressive ballot this year and writer Michael Swanwick served as this years toastmaster, providing the requisite dignity, class, and humor for the evenings events. A Nebula Award winner himself, for his 1991 novel Stations of the Tide, Mr. Swanwick said he was nervous about hosting, for who can hope to follow Isaac Asimov, even 46 years later, but we think he did a splendid job. We had a chance to talk to Mr. Swanwick just after the ceremony, which we present here with some clips from the Nebula Awards ceremony. 2011 Nebula Award winners listed below. Welcome to a brand new feature, probably as close as were ever going to come to reviving my old mag Crypt of Cthulhu. In this barnacle clinging to the electronic hull of LORE, I want to round up various articles Im willing to bet few of todays Cthulhu Mythos buffs have seen before. Some will be articles from 80s and 90s issues of Crypt which Im sure will be new to the huge new generation of Lovecraft fans. Others appeared more recently but in specialized venues that probably escaped most readers notice. This time I want to offer a handful of my own brief pieces written for The Daily Lurker, the newspaper-format convention program of the H. Lovecraft Film Festival. “Sometimes suffering turns out to be the dirty window that at last allows grace to enter the heart. ” — From Dimiter. It might seem unlikely that a person like myself, so openly critical of religion in my own writing, should have as his favorite horror novel The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty, or that the explicitly Catholic Blatty should be a favorite author. Yes, as a teen I would pray repeatedly throughout the day, but I now consider that more of an obsessive compulsive neurosis — though one might argue that much religious behavior is neurotic. And yet even to an agnostic like myself, Blattys major novels — The Exorcist, its pseudo-sequel Legion, The Ninth Configuration, and most recently Dimiter — are profoundly moving and thought-provoking meditations on the human quest for meaning both personal and cosmic, and faith in the power of good. I happen to have no interest whatever in sports (not that a Lovecraftian cant be a football fan – look at that gridiron addict S. T. Joshi. but I confess I do have a soft spot for the Baltimore Ravens. If they name themselves after Poes creation, they cant be all bad. And speaking of Edgar Allan Poe and his creations, theyre the permeating theme for this months Moldy Manuscripts. We open with one of Donald M. Burlesons classic deconstructions, “Acrostic, ” which examines Lovecrafts poem about Poe, “In a Sequesterd Churchyard Where Once Poe Walkd. ” This piece appeared originally in Crypt of Cthulhu #85, Hallowmass 1993. Im willing to bet you wont have seen it. Heck, most of you probably werent even born then! Then theres my own „Cormanghast: The Poe Films of Roger Corman“ from Parts # 14 (November 1997. I had written it originally for the fine magazine Scarlet Street. You see, they asked me to write a feature on Roger Cormans Poe adaptations for an issue in which Corman himself was being interviewed. The trouble was, I wrote what I thought. I watched or rewatched all the relevant flicks and found I had to level some pretty damning criticisms if I wanted to maintain any integrity at all. Needless to say, they turned down the article for fear of Corman reading it. Eventually I patched things up with them, but I wound up using the article in the revived Parts once founder Friday Jones allowed me to add the mag to the Cryptic Publications stable. The third article this time is another from my prolix pen: „Lovecraft and ‚Ligeia'“ from Lovecraft Studies # 31 (Fall 1994. I was amazed when I reread this story after many years (in fact while I was researching the Corman piece) at how extensive an influence it had exerted upon Lovecrafts imagination, as you will shortly see! One of my favorite little jokes by Lin Carter occurred in one of his Hautley Quicksilver novellas, set in the far future. Hautley boasts of his erudition by informing us that the ancient noun “poetry” was derived from the name of Edgar Allan Poe. Of course it wasnt, having been borrowed instead from the Greek poeisis, a work, as in a literary work. But thats not to say plenty of literary works havent been derived from Poe! Here are three. Barry B. Longyear is the first writer to win the Hugo, Nebula, and John W. Campbell Award all in the same year. In addition to his acclaimed Enemy Mine Series, his works include the Circus World and Infinity Hold series, Sea of Glass, other SF & fantasy novels, recovery and writing instruction works, and numerous short stories. In your seminar, The Write Stuff, we get to find out why you started writing. Can you identify the point where you truly felt that you conquered those goals? The point at which you felt you „had arrived? “ There have been several times when I felt I had arrived: When I sold my first story to George Scithers at Asimovs in 1978, when I became the first writer to win the Nebula, Hugo, and John W. Campbell Awards in the same year, when I first saw books of mine on the shelves at a local bookstore, and just about every time someone writes in to tell me what something Ive written has meant to them.  Then there are all the times when I beat myself up as a failure, not making the big bucks, not getting the book sales and placements I think I deserve, and so on. This is the kind of stuff that can give you a heart attack. I finally had to settle on writing as the goal because writing is what I love doing, whether it sells or not, and that no one really „arrives“ until they drop you in that box and throw dirt on you. As it has been said many times before, „The joy is in the journey. “.
Lore definition.

I misread the title as ' 40k Love Asdrubael Vect! King of Commorragh. Still great video as always. Lore season 2. Grade 9. 79 RATE 10 point Selected points 1 points 2 points 3 points 4 points 5 points 6 points 7 points 8 points Select 9 points [Rate] Click to rate this Cancel Send You've already rated this. Would you like to rate it again? No Yes UP EVERY SUNDAY Witness what the gods do…after dark. The friendships and the lies, the gossip and the wild parties, and of course, forbidden love. Because it turns out, the gods arent so different from us after all, especially when it comes to their problems. Stylish and immersive, this is one of mythologys greatest stories. The Taking of Persephone. as its never been told before. First episode.

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Lore olympus hades. Lore olympus episode 1. I just here for Max. Lore upholstery nyc. Trailer As the Allies sweep across Germany, Lore leads her siblings on a journey that exposes them to the truth of their parents' beliefs. An encounter with a mysterious refugee forces Lore to rely on a person she has always been taught to hate. Genre: Drama, Romance, Thriller Actor: Saskia Rosendahl, Nele Trebs, Mike Weidner, Ursina Lardi Director: cate shortland Country: Germany, Australia, Uk Duration: 109 min Quality: HD Release: 2012 IMDb: 7. 1. So basically Necrons yeah.






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Torrent video o chamado da floresta 2. Posted by Admin, February 28, 2019, Action, Adventure, Shooter, Simulation, Strategy, Survival. CODEX – TORRENT – FREE DOWNLOAD – CRACKED theHunter: Call of the Wild – Experience the thrill of the hunt in a visually breathtaking, technically groundbreaking, vast open world. Immerse yourself in the atmospheric single… Game Overview theHunter: Call of the Wild offers the most immersive hunting experience ever created. Step into a beautiful open world teeming with life, from majestic deer and awe-inspiring bison, down to the countless birds, critters and insects of the wilderness. Every inch of the 50-square mile world is crafted using Apex, award-winning technology crafted by Avalanche Studios during a decade of developing explosive action games. In addition to its rich single player experience, theHunter: Call of the Wild offers unique multiplayer options – cooperative and competitive – for up to 8… Title:  theHunter Call of the Wild 2019 Edition Developer: Expansive Worlds Publisher: Avalanche Studios Release Date: 16 Feb, 2017 Genre: Open World, Simulation, Adventure, Survival, Shooter, Action, Strategy DOWNLOAD LINKS Release Name: theHunter Call of the Wild 2019 Edition-CODEX Cracked by: CODEX Release Size: 22. 4 GB NOTE This release is standalone and includes all content and DLC from our previous releases and updates. TORRENT LINK System Requirement Minimum: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system OS: 64bit OS – Windows 7 Processor: Intel i3-4170 Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GTX 660 / ATI HD7870 – 1GB VRAM Storage: 36 GB available space Recommended: OS: 64bit OS – Windows 10 Processor: Intel i7 quad-core Memory: 8 GB RAM Graphics: NVidia GTX 760 / R9 270x – 4GB VRAM Screenshots theHunter Call of the Wild GOG Download, theHunter Call of the Wild Torrent Download, theHunter Call of the Wild-CODEX Download, theHunter: Call of the Wild CODEX Crack, theHunter: Call of the Wild CODEX Torrent, theHunter: Call of the Wild Crack, theHunter: Call of the Wild Free Download, theHunter: Call of the Wild REPACK, theHunter: Call of the Wild Torrent.

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Countries: USA / Musical / year: 2019 / 9,2 / 10 Stars. Les MisÃrables: The Staged concert à paris. I do like the trailer for the live cinema broadcast of Les Miserables The Staged Concert and it is brilliant and I am really looking forward to seeing it at the Cinema on Monday 2nd December at Odeon in Lincoln. LOVE this. Les misérables the staged concert cinema 2 december.

Les MisÃrables: The Staged concert live

Les misérables: the staged concert dates. Les Misérables: The Staged concerts. Jenny halloway<3. Les misérables: the staged concert schedule. This is what I need to see one of my fave musicals of all time 🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷🇫🇷❤️❤️❤️❤️.

Nardole, what have you been up to

Shan is incredible. Les misérables: the staged concert chicago. Les mis c3 a9rables 3a the staged concert karaoke. This shit here is glorious. Recommended by 3, 661 people I have seen this musical so many times but last night's performance was a masterpiece the actors and. their emotions were portrayed beautifully and the set was stunning. The band as always was also fantastic. This is a show not to be missed! See More Gorgeous production. Stunning singers. Loved it very much! Attended with three work colleagues last night (7/11/18) and just had to write this review in the ho. pe and anticipation that the cast and crew get to see how appreciative we were of the most amazing performance I have ever seen and a show that easily jumps into the No. 1 position of my favourite West End musicals. Quite simply, Les Miserables is magnificent. The theatre, front of house staff, facilities and view, staging, lighting, musical score and performance by the whole company faultless, as previous reviewers have stated the audience can prepare themselves for laughter, tears and amazement. I can't wait to see it again. Thank you x See More.

Les mis c3 a9rables 3a the staged concert reaction. Les Misérables: The Staged concert. London Huffington Post SONDHEIM THEATRE NOW BOOKING TO OCT 2020. Apple's new Apple TV + streaming service features dozens of original TV shows and movies with high-profile producers, directors, and actors, with all of that content available now or coming over the course of the next few months. In the guide below, we've rounded up all of the details on Apple's new streaming TV service, which officially launched on November 1, 2019. What is ‌Apple TV‌+ ‌Apple TV‌+ is the name of Apple's new television service that is home to the original TV shows and movies that are funded by Apple. There are dozens in the works, with a list available in our dedicated Apple TV show guide. Apple is aiming to compete with existing streaming services like Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, HBO, Showtime, and others with its original content and has brought on huge names ranging from Steven Spielberg and J. J. Abrams to Oprah. Well-known actors and actresses like Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, and Steve Carell are involved in Apple's original TV shows. What's Apple's goal with original content? Apple says that it wants to make ‌Apple TV‌+ the home for the "world's most creative storytellers. providing funding and a platform for TV shows, movies, and documentaries with "inspiriting and authentic stories with emotional depth and compelling characters. " Apple wants ‌Apple TV‌+ to offer the "highest quality" original storytelling available. Are there ads? Nope. ‌Apple TV‌+ is ad-free and available to watch on-demand. What's the price? Apple announced at its September media event that ‌Apple TV‌+ yet would be priced at 4. 99 per month, with a one-week free trial. There's also an annual 49. 99 subscription that saves a bit of money over the monthly option, and subscriptions also support Family Sharing, so up to six members of a family can access content using a single subscription. Apple is also offering a free one-year subscription to ‌Apple TV‌+ with the purchase of a new iPhone, iPad, ‌Apple TV‌, iPod touch or Mac. Device purchases after September 10, 2019, qualify for the offer. When's it coming? ‌Apple TV‌+ launched on November 1, 2019, in over 100 countries. How do I watch? ‌Apple TV‌+ is built into the ‌Apple TV‌ app, which was overhauled earlier in 2019. The ‌Apple TV‌ app provides access to ‌Apple TV‌+ content right alongside content from third-party providers, with machine learning and AI techniques used to recommend content that's perfect for you. The ‌Apple TV‌ app is available on the ‌iPhone‌, ‌iPad‌, ‌iPod touch‌, Mac, and ‌Apple TV‌. It is also available on the web at and on Roku, Amazon Fire TV devices, and Samsung smart TVs. Can I download TV shows for offline viewing? Yes. You can download TV shows and movies for offline viewing. Can I watch on more than one device? Yes. Up to six family members can watch on their own individual devices through Family Sharing. Family Sharing requires all Apple ID accounts in the family to use the same credit card for all Apple content, so giving someone access to an ‌Apple TV‌+ account isn't quite as simple as sharing a Netflix account. What's the difference between ‌Apple TV‌+ and Channels? The revamped TV app also includes "Channels. which will let you subscribe to and watch services like HBO, Starz, SHOWTIME, CBS All Access, Smithsonian Channel, EPIX, Tastemade, Noggin, and MTV Hits, right in the TV app without needing to open a different app. Channels are completely separate from ‌Apple TV‌+ which is in fact Apple's own channel and available the Channels section. Along with Channels and ‌Apple TV‌+ the ‌Apple TV‌ app makes recommendations and suggestions for shows and movies from iTunes and more than 150 streaming apps and cable services like Canal+ Charter Spectrum, DIRECTV NOW and PlayStation Vue, though content that is not Apple's own and not included in a channel will need to be watched in a third-party app just like the original TV app. Are ‌Apple TV‌ shows in 4K? Yes. Original ‌Apple TV‌+ content is available in 4K HDR with support for Dolby Vision. Most titles also offer Dolby Atmos sound. Will ‌Apple TV‌+ movies be in theaters? Yes. Apple is releasing some of its ‌Apple TV‌+ movies in theaters before releasing them on ‌Apple TV‌. Movies that have been or will be in theaters include "Hala. The Banker. and "The Elephant Queen. Where is ‌Apple TV‌+ available? ‌Apple TV‌+ is available in more than 100 countries. ‌Apple TV‌+ content is not available outside of the TV app. What devices support ‌Apple TV‌+ ‌Apple TV‌+ can be watched through the following sources: ‌iPhone‌, ‌iPad‌, or ‌iPod touch‌ with iOS 13 or iPadOS 13 or later ‌Apple TV‌ 4K or ‌Apple TV‌ HD with tvOS 13 or later Third-generation ‌Apple TV‌ with the latest software Smart TVs and streaming boxes that support the ‌Apple TV‌ app Macs running macOS Catalina or later in a Safari, Firefox, or Chrome browser Right now, Samsung TVs support the ‌Apple TV‌ app, and other smart TV makers will be adding support in the future. The TV app is also available on the Roku and Amazon Fire TV devices. How can I sign up for ‌Apple TV‌+ As of November 1, customers can sign up in the ‌Apple TV‌ app or on to start their ‌Apple TV‌+ subscriptions. How to Sign Up for Apple TV+ How do I get my free year of ‌Apple TV‌+ Apple is offering all customers who purchase a new ‌iPhone‌, ‌iPad‌, ‌iPod touch‌, or ‌Apple TV‌ a free year of ‌Apple TV‌+ access with the purchase. To access the free subscription, open the TV app, and the "Enjoy 1 Year Free" offer should be presented immediately after launching the app or in the "Watch Now" section. If it isn't, make sure to check out our how to on activating it. If activation is still an issue, contact Apple Support as Apple is providing redemption codes for those who have not been able to access their free one-year subscriptions. Each family can only get one year of free ‌Apple TV‌+ one time, regardless of the number of devices purchased. You have three months after a device was purchased to claim the free ‌Apple TV‌+ offer, or three years from when the service launches on November 1, whichever is later. Apple says any ‌iPhone‌, ‌iPad‌, ‌iPod touch‌, ‌Apple TV‌ 4K or ‌Apple TV‌ HD, or Mac purchased after September 10, 2019 and capable of running the latest version of iOS, ‌iPadOS‌, tvOS, or macOS is eligible for the free year of ‌Apple TV‌. How can I cancel my ‌Apple TV‌+ subscription? You can cancel ‌Apple TV‌+ on ‌iPhone‌ by opening up the ‌Apple TV‌ app, selecting your profile picture, and choosing the "Manage Subscriptions" option. From there, choose the "Cancel Free Trial" option. Make sure to read the fine print before canceling if you have a free one-year trial from purchasing a device. If you cancel the subscription, it ends immediately and your access is revoked, so you'll want to make sure to set a calendar reminder to cancel in 2020 rather than canceling right away. The trial period also cannot be reactivated once canceled. Free ‌Apple TV‌+ for students with Apple Music subscription Students who have a student subscription to ‌Apple Music‌ for 4. 99 per month can also get access to ‌Apple TV‌+ at no additional charge. Reviews Early reviews of several of Apple's TV shows have come in, and they're not great. "For All Mankind" received mostly positive reviewers as did "Dickinson. but media sites were not fans of "The Morning Show" or "See. " A rundown of the reviews can be found in our Apple TV+ review roundup. Guide Feedback See something we left out of our ‌Apple TV‌+ guide or have a question not answered here? Let us know in the comments or Send us an email here.

I saw my first Broadway show last night. Of course, it was Les Miserables. Absolutely unbelievable. Les misérables the staged concert cast. Les misérables the staged concert. Les mis c3 a9rables 3a the staged concert chrome. Les misérables the staged concert encore.


Even the ensemble was perfect. I am so sad I am poor😭. This would be interesting. I atended the November 4th concert in the Gielgud Theater. I love Les Miserables and appreciate both anniversary concerts. But this presentation from my point of view lack heart. Good voices, but there was no magic, just a simple concertó of the musical wihtout the costs of scene changes. Amazing. Les misérables: the staged concert live. Les misérables: the staged concert seating. Carrie we saw this from back stage on your youtube channel. So pleased to see it front of stage. You rock lady. Les Misérables: The Staged concerts hors. I agree. Ruthie Henshal was the best ever Fantine. Lea Salonga was fine as Eponine in 10th aniversary, but nothing super. The best Eponine by far was Frances Ruffelle, in the 80s. See her in youtube. In the 2012 movie she plays a whore.

Les misérables: the staged concert show. Burger king impossible. Les misérables the staged concert (2019. Burger king impossible whopper lawsuit. Les MisÃrables: The Staged concert band. Master of the House looks so fun to do. I WANNA BE THERE😭. Les misérables the staged concert cinema. Burger king images. Les MisÃrables: The Staged. It's all versions this is the best by far... From the Casts to singing to acting💕💕. Les misérables the staged concert imdb. Literal goosebumps and tears. 2:58 oh my gosh. Carrie is incredible. Shan is incredible. Just amazing.

Les misérables: the staged concert tour. Les misérables: the staged concert album. A former prisoner tries to lead an honest life in post-revolutionary France, despite being pursued everywhere by a fanatical police inspector. He promises a poverty-stricken factory worker that he will raise her child, a relationship that gives his life new meaning, but both of them are drawn into an uprising against the reinstated monarchy. Musical, starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe and Anne Hathaway Category: Film More on Les Miserables Add to Google Calendar Add to Microsoft Outlook or Apple iCal Search YouTube Visit Wikipedia Page.

Les MisÃrables: The Staged concert photos

Doctor: you only have 2 hours and 27 minutes to live. me. Amazing performance. Les misérables: the staged concert lyrics. When we did our round-up of the best streaming devices you can buy, the latest version of Apple's streaming device—Apple TV 4K—was (and remains) our pick for best high-end device. There are certainly more affordable options on the market, but the Apple TV 4K's arsenal of features and the quality of its software make it a wise investment for folks who don't mind paying a premium. This year, the landscape of streaming content is shifting. Take, for example, AirPlay—the proprietary wireless functionality baked into just about every iPhone, iPad, and Apple computer. Last month, we took a peek at a list of new smart TVs that will support AirPlay in 2019, and it was lengthier than expected, with TVs from heavy-hitters like Samsung, Vizio, and LG. With all of these Air-based names floating around, it's understandable that one might be hazy on whether or not an Apple TV is still worth it, especially if you happen to have a smart TV that's about to get AirPlay functionality. The short answer? Yes, Apple TV is still worth it, but it's not the best fit for everyone. Most importantly, just because the names sound the same doesn't mean that one is a replacement for the other. What's the difference between AirPlay and Apple TV? Credit: Reviewed / TJ Donegan AirPlay is a way for your devices to talk to one another via a wireless network. Apple TV, on the other hand, is more like a Roku—it pipes in content from various streaming platforms. AirPlay has been around for a while, but in case you're not familiar, it's essentially a service that links together all of your Apple devices across a single wireless network. In practice, you might've found yourself using AirPlay to control which music was playing in each room of your home, especially if you decided that Apple's HomePod was the best smart speaker for your lifestyle. The details surrounding the inaugural AirPlay TV integration are still relatively scarce, but it'll most likely work in a similar fashion; as long as your TV and your AirPlay-enabled device are on the same WiFi network, you can control the content on your TV via your iPhone, iPad, or Mac, or ask Siri to carry out commands on your behalf. AirPlay will stream content on your TV from connected devices, but it won't offer access to libraries of content and apps on its own. Apple TV, on the other hand, is a physical streaming device that connects to your TV and pipes in content from multiple streaming platforms. This is the biggest difference between AirPlay and Apple TV: AirPlay will stream content on your TV from connected devices, but it won't offer access to libraries of content and apps on its own the way an Apple TV streaming box will. So, to re-cap: There's a good chance your current TV (or the next TV you buy) will support AirPlay 2 in the coming find out, check the updated list of TVs that support AirPlay 2. With AirPlay, you can connect your smart TV to select Apple devices and, presumably, stream video from that device to your TV. That said, even if your smart TV is on the list of TVs getting an AirPlay upgrade this year, it won't replace the core functionality of a dedicated streaming device, especially if what you're looking for is HDR support. Does Apple TV support 4K? Yes, the newest version of Apple TV—dubbed Apple TV 4K—supports 4K HDR streaming, provided your TV is of the 4K HDR variety. Additionally, if you're a regular iTunes user and you already own a library of previously purchased movies and TV shows linked to your iTunes account, there's a good chance they've already been upgraded—free of charge—to higher-quality 4K versions. There's a strong case to be made that people who already have an extensive collection of media purchased through Apple are best off adopting an Apple TV 4K as their go-to streaming device. Because the newest version of Apple TV supports HDR (including Dolby Vision) you should also consider your TV's HDR functionality and how important high dynamic range is to your overall viewing experience. What is Dolby Vision and why should I care? Credit: Reviewed / TJ Donegan Apple TV 4K is one of the few streaming devices that supports Dolby Vision. You can learn more about HDR if you head over to my colleague Lee's guide to HDR TVs, but here's what you need to know: The newest, 4K version of Apple TV supports HDR10 and Dolby Vision, the two HDR standards you're likely to encounter in your travels. Of the two HDR standards, Dolby Vision's criteria are slightly harder to meet, so you're less likely to come across Dolby Vision TVs and Dolby Vision content—the upside here is that a more rigorous standard often yields better picture quality. As I mentioned, Apple TV 4K supports both HDR10 and Dolby Vision, making it one of the few streaming devices that supports the higher of the two HDR standards, giving it a serious advantage over just about every other high-profile streaming device, including the Roku Ultra. If you're interested in learning more about Dolby Vision TVs, check out our round-up of the best Dolby Vision TVs you can buy. Credit: Reviewed / TJ Donegan Apple TV isn't the most affordable streaming device on the market, but it's an option worth pursuing if your priority is HDR and DolbyVision. Should I buy an Apple TV? Maybe, but the recent addition of AirPlay to popular smart TVs shouldn't factor into your decision. To put it another way, it makes more sense to reject a streaming box on the basis of AirPlay than it does to reject Apple TV specifically. Don't assume that AirPlay is an air-tight replacement for the Apple TV streaming box. With so many affordable streaming devices out there, I find it tough to recommend an Apple TV to everyone, regardless of their priorities and streaming habits. You should probably get an Apple TV 4K if you own a TV that supports Dolby Vision, if most of your video library is tied up in Apple's streaming platforms, or if you just have an affinity for Apple's hardware and software integration. If this doesn't sound like you, you should explore more affordable options—start with our round-up of the best streaming devices you can buy. Whatever you do, just don't assume that AirPlay is an air-tight replacement for the Apple TV streaming box—it's a bit more complicated than that.

Les misérables the staged concert - in cinemas december 2.

Les misérables: the staged concert 2017

Why are there so many adverts all of a sudden on this video. Would agree with review - felt Mr Balls voice was hoarse - and did not like Matt Lucass ad-libbing brilliant tho he is. Well I do hope that Les Miserables The Staged Concert at the Gielgud Theatre in London does do a filmed performance of the show for DVD release from Steam Motion & Sound and Universal for Christmas 2019 fingers crossed. Les misérables the staged concert – monday 2nd december at 7pm. Les misérables: the staged concerts.

Who is this Marius? I love his voice. 9:32 Bookmark. Les misérables: the staged concert new orleans. Les mis c3 a9rables 3a the staged concert pdf.

Les misérables: the staged concert las vegas

Les misérables the staged concert dvd 2019. Les misérables: the staged concert 2018. Les misérables: the staged concert. I really enjoyed watching the Live Cinema broadcast of Les Miserables The Staged Concert at Odeon in Lincoln on Monday 2nd December and again in the encore screening at the Trinity Arts Centre in Gainsborough on Saturday 7th December both in the Lincolnshire region of England in the UK and it was brilliant and amazing and now it's my favourite filmed/broadcast live performance film and I will be getting it on CD, Blu-Ray and DVD in April 2020 from Universal.

Les misérables: the staged concert review. CARRIE! ❤. OMG i have seen this years ago but didn't recognise him when he came on Doctor who! O_O. Les misérables: the staged concert los angeles.

Les misérables: the staged concert 2016. Les Misérables Jean Valjean as Monsieur Madeleine. Illustration by Gustave Brion Author Victor Hugo Illustrator Emile Bayard Country Belgium Language French Genre Epic novel, historical fiction Publisher A. Lacroix, Verboeckhoven & Cie. Publication date 1862 Les Misérables. 1] French: le mizeʁabl(ə. is a French historical novel by Victor Hugo, first published in 1862, that is considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century. In the English-speaking world, the novel is usually referred to by its original French title. However, several alternatives have been used, including The Miserables, The Wretched, The Miserable Ones, The Poor Ones, The Wretched Poor, The Victims and The Dispossessed. [2] Beginning in 1815 and culminating in the 1832 June Rebellion in Paris, the novel follows the lives and interactions of several characters, particularly the struggles of ex-convict Jean Valjean and his experience of redemption. [3] Examining the nature of law and grace, the novel elaborates upon the history of France, the architecture and urban design of Paris, politics, moral philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love. Les Misérables has been popularized through numerous adaptations for film, television and the stage, including a musical. Novel form Upton Sinclair described the novel as "one of the half-dozen greatest novels of the world" and remarked that Hugo set forth the purpose of Les Misérables in the Preface: 4] So long as there shall exist, by reason of law and custom, a social condemnation, which, in the face of civilization, artificially creates hells on earth, and complicates a destiny that is divine with human fatality; so long as the three problems of the age—the degradation of man by poverty, the ruin of women by starvation, and the dwarfing of childhood by physical and spiritual night—are not solved; so long as, in certain regions, social asphyxia shall be possible; in other words, and from a yet more extended point of view, so long as ignorance and misery remain on earth, books like this cannot be useless. Towards the end of the novel, Hugo explains the work's overarching structure: 5] The book which the reader has before him at this moment is, from one end to the other, in its entirety and details. a progress from evil to good, from injustice to justice, from falsehood to truth, from night to day, from appetite to conscience, from corruption to life; from bestiality to duty, from hell to heaven, from nothingness to God. The starting point: matter, destination: the soul. The hydra at the beginning, the angel at the end. The novel contains various subplots, but the main thread is the story of ex-convict Jean Valjean, who becomes a force for good in the world but cannot escape his criminal past. The novel is divided into five volumes, each volume divided into several books, and subdivided into chapters, for a total of 48 books and 365 chapters. Each chapter is relatively short, commonly no longer than a few pages. The novel as a whole is one of the longest ever written, 6] with 655, 478 words in the original French. Hugo explained his ambitions for the novel to his Italian publisher: 7] I don't know whether it will be read by everyone, but it is meant for everyone. It addresses England as well as Spain, Italy as well as France, Germany as well as Ireland, the republics that harbour slaves as well as empires that have serfs. Social problems go beyond frontiers. Humankind's wounds, those huge sores that litter the world, do not stop at the blue and red lines drawn on maps. Wherever men go in ignorance or despair, wherever women sell themselves for bread, wherever children lack a book to learn from or a warm hearth, Les Misérables knocks at the door and says: open up, I am here for you. Digressions More than a quarter of the novel—by one count 955 of 2, 783 pages—is devoted to essays that argue a moral point or display Hugo's encyclopedic knowledge, but do not advance the plot, nor even a subplot, a method Hugo used in such other works as The Hunchback of Notre Dame and Toilers of the Sea. One biographer noted that "the digressions of genius are easily pardoned. 8] The topics Hugo addresses include cloistered religious orders, the construction of the Paris sewers, argot, and the street urchins of Paris. The one about convents he titles "Parenthesis" to alert the reader to its irrelevance to the story line. [9] Hugo devotes another 19 chapters (Volume II, Book I) to an account of—and a meditation on the place in history of—the Battle of Waterloo, the battlefield which Hugo visited in 1861 and where he finished writing the novel. It opens volume 2 with such a change of subject as to seem the beginning of an entirely different work. The fact that this 'digression' occupies such a large part of the text demands that it be read in the context of the 'overarching structure' discussed above. Hugo draws his own personal conclusions, taking Waterloo to be a pivot-point in history, but definitely not a victory for the forces of reaction. Waterloo, by cutting short the demolition of European thrones by the sword, had no other effect than to cause the revolutionary work to be continued in another direction. The slashers have finished; it was the turn of the thinkers. The century that Waterloo was intended to arrest has pursued its march. That sinister victory was vanquished by liberty. One critic has called this "the spiritual gateway" to the novel, as its chance encounter of Thénardier and Colonel Pontmercy foreshadows so many of the novel's encounters "blending chance and necessity" a "confrontation of heroism and villainy. 10] Even when not turning to other subjects outside his narrative, Hugo sometimes interrupts the straightforward recitation of events, his voice and control of the story line unconstrained by time and sequence. The novel opens with a statement about the bishop of Digne in 1815 and immediately shifts: Although these details in no way essentially concern that which we have to tell. Only after 14 chapters does Hugo pick up the opening thread again, In the early days of the month of October, 1815. to introduce Jean Valjean. [11] Hugo's sources Eugène Vidocq, whose career provided a model for the character of Jean Valjean An incident Hugo witnessed in 1829 involved three strangers and a police officer. One of the strangers was a man who had stolen a loaf of bread, similar to Jean Valjean. The officer was taking him to the coach. The thief also saw the mother and daughter playing with each other which would be an inspiration for Fantine and Cosette. Hugo imagined the life of the man in jail and the mother and daughter taken away from each other. [12] Valjean's character is loosely based on the life of the ex-convict Eugène François Vidocq. Vidocq became the head of an undercover police unit and later founded France's first private detective agency. He was also a businessman and was widely noted for his social engagement and philanthropy. Vidocq also inspired Hugo as he wrote Claude Gueux and Le Dernier jour d'un condamné ( The Last Day of a Condemned Man. 13] In 1828, Vidocq, already pardoned, saved one of the workers in his paper factory by lifting a heavy cart on his shoulders as Valjean does. [14] Hugo's description of Valjean rescuing a sailor on the Orion drew almost word for word on a Baron La Roncière's letter describing such an incident. [15] Hugo used Bienvenu de Miollis (1753–1843) the Bishop of Digne during the time in which Valjean encounters Myriel, as the model for Myriel. [16] 29 Hugo had used the departure of prisoners from the Bagne of Toulon in one of his early stories, Le Dernier Jour d'un Condamné. He went to Toulon to visit the Bagne in 1839 and took extensive notes, though he did not start writing the book until 1845. On one of the pages of his notes about the prison, he wrote in large block letters a possible name for his hero: JEAN TRÉJEAN. When the book was finally written, Tréjean became Valjean. [17] In 1841, Hugo saved a prostitute from arrest for assault. He used a short part of his dialogue with the police when recounting Valjean's rescue of Fantine in the novel. [18] On 22 February 1846, when he had begun work on the novel, Hugo witnessed the arrest of a bread thief while a duchess and her child watched the scene pitilessly from their coach. [19] 16] 29–30 He spent several vacations in Montreuil-sur-Mer. [16] 32 During the 1832 revolt, Hugo walked the streets of Paris, saw the barricades blocking his way at points, and had to take shelter from gunfire. [20] 173–174 He participated more directly in the 1848 Paris insurrection, helping to smash barricades and suppress both the popular revolt and its monarchist allies. [20] 273–276 Victor Hugo drew his inspiration from everything he heard and saw, writing it down in his diary. In December 1846, he witnessed an altercation between an old woman scavenging through rubbish and a street urchin who might have been Gavroche. [21] He also informed himself by personal inspection of the Paris Conciergerie in 1846 and Waterloo in 1861, by gathering information on some industries, and on working-class people's wages and living standards. He asked his mistresses, Léonie d'Aunet and Juliette Drouet, to tell him about life in convents. He also slipped personal anecdotes into the plot. For instance Marius and Cosettes wedding night (Part V, Book 6, Chapter 1) takes place on 16 February 1833, which is also the date when Hugo and his lifelong mistress Juliette Drouet made love for the first time. [22] Plot Volume I: Fantine The story begins in 1815 in Digne, as the peasant Jean Valjean, just released from 19 years' imprisonment in the Bagne of Toulon —five for stealing bread for his starving sister and her family and fourteen more for numerous escape attempts—is turned away by innkeepers because his yellow passport marks him as a former convict. He sleeps on the street, angry and bitter. Digne's benevolent Bishop Myriel gives him shelter. At night, Valjean runs off with Myriel's silverware. When the police capture Valjean, Myriel pretends that he has given the silverware to Valjean and presses him to take two silver candlesticks as well, as if he had forgotten to take them. The police accept his explanation and leave. Myriel tells Valjean that his life has been spared for God, and that he should use money from the silver candlesticks to make an honest man of himself. Valjean broods over Myriel's words. When opportunity presents itself, purely out of habit, he steals a 40- sous coin from 12-year-old Petit Gervais and chases the boy away. He quickly repents and searches the city in panic for Gervais. At the same time, his theft is reported to the authorities. Valjean hides as they search for him, because if apprehended he will be returned to the galleys for life as a repeat offender. Six years pass and Valjean, using the alias Monsieur Madeleine, has become a wealthy factory owner and is appointed mayor of Montreuil-sur-Mer. Walking down the street, he sees a man named Fauchelevent pinned under the wheels of a cart. When no one volunteers to lift the cart, even for pay, he decides to rescue Fauchelevent himself. He crawls underneath the cart, manages to lift it, and frees him. The town's police inspector, Inspector Javert, who was an adjutant guard at the Bagne of Toulon during Valjean's incarceration, becomes suspicious of the mayor after witnessing this remarkable feat of strength. He has known only one other man, a convict named Jean Valjean, who could accomplish it. Years earlier in Paris, a grisette named Fantine was very much in love with Félix Tholomyès. His friends, Listolier, Fameuil, and Blachevelle were also paired with Fantine's friends Dahlia, Zéphine, and Favourite. The men abandon the women, treating their relationships as youthful amusements. Fantine must draw on her own resources to care for her and Tholomyès' daughter, Cosette. When Fantine arrives at Montfermeil, she leaves Cosette in the care of the Thénardiers, a corrupt innkeeper and his selfish, cruel wife. Fantine is unaware that they are abusing her daughter and using her as forced labor for their inn, and continues to try to meet their growing, extortionate and fictitious demands. She is later fired from her job at Jean Valjean's factory, because of the discovery of her daughter, who was born out of wedlock. Meanwhile, the Thénardiers' monetary demands continue to grow. In desperation, Fantine sells her hair and two front teeth, and she resorts to prostitution to pay the Thénardiers. Fantine is slowly dying from an unspecified disease. A dandy named Bamatabois harasses Fantine in the street, and she reacts by striking him. Javert arrests Fantine. She begs to be released so that she can provide for her daughter, but Javert sentences her to six months in prison. Valjean (Mayor Madeleine) intervenes and orders Javert to release her. Javert resists but Valjean prevails. Valjean, feeling responsible because his factory turned her away, promises Fantine that he will bring Cosette to her. He takes her to a hospital. Javert comes to see Valjean again. Javert admits that after being forced to free Fantine, he reported him as Valjean to the French authorities. He tells Valjean he realizes he was wrong, because the authorities have identified someone else as the real Jean Valjean, have him in custody, and plan to try him the next day. Valjean is torn, but decides to reveal himself to save the innocent man, whose real name is Champmathieu. He travels to attend the trial and there reveals his true identity. Valjean returns to Montreuil to see Fantine, followed by Javert, who confronts him in her hospital room. After Javert grabs Valjean, Valjean asks for three days to bring Cosette to Fantine, but Javert refuses. Fantine discovers that Cosette is not at the hospital and fretfully asks where she is. Javert orders her to be quiet, and then reveals to her Valjean's real identity. Weakened by the severity of her illness, she falls back in shock and dies. Valjean goes to Fantine, speaks to her in an inaudible whisper, kisses her hand, and then leaves with Javert. Later, Fantine's body is unceremoniously thrown into a public grave. Volume II: Cosette Valjean escapes, is recaptured, and is sentenced to death. The king commutes his sentence to penal servitude for life. While imprisoned in the Bagne of Toulon, Valjean, at great personal risk, rescues a sailor caught in the ship's rigging. Spectators call for his release. Valjean fakes his own death by allowing himself to fall into the ocean. Authorities report him dead and his body lost. Valjean arrives at Montfermeil on Christmas Eve. He finds Cosette fetching water in the woods alone and walks with her to the inn. He orders a meal and observes how the Thénardiers abuse her, while pampering their own daughters Éponine and Azelma, who mistreat Cosette for playing with their doll. Valjean leaves and returns to make Cosette a present of an expensive new doll which, after some hesitation, she happily accepts. Éponine and Azelma are envious. Madame Thénardier is furious with Valjean, while her husband makes light of Valjean's behaviour, caring only that he pay for his food and lodging. The next morning, Valjean informs the Thénardiers that he wants to take Cosette with him. Madame Thénardier immediately accepts, while Thénardier pretends to love Cosette and be concerned for her welfare, reluctant to give her up. Valjean pays the Thénardiers 1, 500 francs, and he and Cosette leave the inn. Thénardier, hoping to swindle more out of Valjean, runs after them, holding the 1, 500 francs, and tells Valjean he wants Cosette back. He informs Valjean that he cannot release Cosette without a note from the child's mother. Valjean hands Thénardier Fantine's letter authorizing the bearer to take Cosette. Thénardier then demands that Valjean pay a thousand crowns, but Valjean and Cosette leave. Thénardier regrets that he did not bring his gun and turns back toward home. Valjean and Cosette flee to Paris. Valjean rents new lodgings at Gorbeau House, where he and Cosette live happily. However, Javert discovers Valjean's lodgings there a few months later. Valjean takes Cosette and they try to escape from Javert. They soon find shelter in the Petit-Picpus convent with the help of Fauchelevent, the man whom Valjean once rescued from being crushed under a cart and who has become the convent's gardener. Valjean also becomes a gardener and Cosette becomes a student at the convent school. Volume III: Marius Eight years later, the Friends of the ABC, led by Enjolras, are preparing an act of anti- Orléanist civil unrest (ie. the Paris uprising on 5–6 June 1832, following the death of General Lamarque, the only French leader who had sympathy towards the working class. Lamarque was a victim of a major cholera epidemic that had ravaged the city, particularly its poor neighborhoods, arousing suspicion that the government had been poisoning wells. The Friends of the ABC are joined by the poor of the Cour des miracles, including the Thénardiers' eldest son Gavroche, who is a street urchin. One of the students, Marius Pontmercy, has become alienated from his family (especially his royalist grandfather M. Gillenormand) because of his Bonapartism views. After the death of his father, Colonel Georges Pontmercy, Marius discovers a note from him instructing his son to provide help to a sergeant named Thénardier who saved his life at Waterloo — in reality Thénardier was looting corpses and only saved Pontmercy's life by accident; he had called himself a sergeant under Napoleon to avoid exposing himself as a robber. At the Luxembourg Garden, Marius falls in love with the now grown and beautiful Cosette. The Thénardiers have also moved to Paris and now live in poverty after losing their inn. They live under the surname "Jondrette" at Gorbeau House (coincidentally, the same building Valjean and Cosette briefly lived in after leaving the Thénardiers' inn. Marius lives there as well, next door to the Thénardiers. Éponine, now ragged and emaciated, visits Marius at his apartment to beg for money. To impress him, she tries to prove her literacy by reading aloud from a book and by writing "The Cops Are Here" on a sheet of paper. Marius pities her and gives her some money. After Éponine leaves, Marius observes the "Jondrettes" in their apartment through a crack in the wall. Éponine comes in and announces that a philanthropist and his daughter are arriving to visit them. In order to look poorer, Thénardier puts out the fire and breaks a chair. He also orders Azelma to punch out a window pane, which she does, resulting in cutting her hand (as Thénardier had hoped. The philanthropist and his daughter enter — actually Valjean and Cosette. Marius immediately recognizes Cosette. After seeing them, Valjean promises them he will return with rent money for them. After he and Cosette leave, Marius asks Éponine to retrieve her address for him. Éponine, who is in love with Marius herself, reluctantly agrees to do so. The Thénardiers have also recognized Valjean and Cosette, and vow their revenge. Thénardier enlists the aid of the Patron-Minette, a well-known and feared gang of murderers and robbers. Marius overhears Thénardier's plan and goes to Javert to report the crime. Javert gives Marius two pistols and instructs him to fire one into the air if things get dangerous. Marius returns home and waits for Javert and the police to arrive. Thénardier sends Éponine and Azelma outside to look out for the police. When Valjean returns with rent money, Thénardier, with Patron-Minette, ambushes him and he reveals his real identity to Valjean. Marius recognizes Thénardier as the man who saved his father's life at Waterloo and is caught in a dilemma. He tries to find a way to save Valjean while not betraying Thénardier. Valjean denies knowing Thénardier and tells him that they have never met. Valjean tries to escape through a window but is subdued and tied up. Thénardier orders Valjean to pay him 200, 000 francs. He also orders Valjean to write a letter to Cosette to return to the apartment, and they would keep her with them until he delivers the money. After Valjean writes the letter and informs Thénardier of his address, Thénardier sends out Mme. Thénardier to get Cosette. Mme. Thénardier comes back alone, and announces the address is a fake. It is during this time that Valjean manages to free himself. Thénardier decides to kill Valjean. While he and Patron-Minette are about to do so, Marius remembers the scrap of paper that Éponine wrote on earlier. He throws it into the Thénardiers' apartment through the wall crack. Thénardier reads it and thinks Éponine threw it inside. He, Mme. Thénardier and Patron-Minette try to escape, only to be stopped by Javert. He arrests all the Thénardiers and Patron-Minette (except Claquesous, who escapes during his transportation to prison, and Montparnasse, who stops to run off with Éponine instead of joining in on the robbery. Valjean manages to escape the scene before Javert sees him. Volume IV: The Idyll in the Rue Plumet and the Epic in the Rue St. Denis Éponine prevents the robbery at Valjean's house After Éponine's release from prison, she finds Marius at "The Field of the Lark" and sadly tells him that she found Cosette's address. She leads him to Valjean's and Cosette's house on Rue Plumet, and Marius watches the house for a few days. He and Cosette then finally meet and declare their love for one another. Thénardier, Patron-Minette and Brujon manage to escape from prison with the aid of Gavroche (a rare case of Gavroche helping his family in their criminal acitivities. One night, during one of Marius's visits with Cosette, the six men attempt to raid Valjean's and Cosette's house. However, Éponine, who has been sitting by the gates of the house, threatens to scream and awaken the whole neighbourhood if the thieves do not leave. Hearing this, they reluctantly retire. Meanwhile, Cosette informs Marius that she and Valjean will be leaving for England in a week's time, which greatly troubles the pair. The next day, Valjean is sitting in the Champ de Mars. He is feeling troubled about seeing Thénardier in the neighbourhood several times. Unexpectedly, a note lands in his lap, which says "Move Out. He sees a figure running away in the dim light. He goes back to his house, tells Cosette they will be staying at their other house on Rue de l'Homme Arme, and reconfirms to her that they will be moving to England. Marius tries to get permission from M. Gillenormand to marry Cosette. His grandfather seems stern and angry, but has been longing for Marius's return. When tempers flare, he refuses his assent to the marriage, telling Marius to make Cosette his mistress instead. Insulted, Marius leaves. The following day, the students revolt and erect barricades in the narrow streets of Paris. Gavroche spots Javert and informs Enjolras that Javert is a spy. When Enjolras confronts him about this, he admits his identity and his orders to spy on the students. Enjolras and the other students tie him up to a pole in the Corinth restaurant. Later that evening, Marius goes back to Valjean's and Cosette's house on Rue Plumet, but finds the house no longer occupied. He then hears a voice telling him that his friends are waiting for him at the barricade. Distraught to find Cosette gone, he heeds the voice and goes. When Marius arrives at the barricade, the revolution has already started. When he stoops down to pick up a powder keg, a soldier comes up to shoot Marius. However, a man covers the muzzle of the soldier's gun with his hand. The soldier fires, fatally wounding the man, while missing Marius. Meanwhile, the soldiers are closing in. Marius climbs to the top of the barricade, holding a torch in one hand, a powder keg in the other, and threatens to the soldiers that he will blow up the barricade. After confirming this, the soldiers retreat from the barricade. Marius decides to go to the smaller barricade, which he finds empty. As he turns back, the man who took the fatal shot for Marius earlier calls Marius by his name. Marius discovers this man is Éponine, dressed in men's clothes. As she lies dying on his knees, she confesses that she was the one who told him to go to the barricade, hoping they would die together. She also confesses to saving his life because she wanted to die before he did. The author also states to the reader that Éponine anonymously threw the note to Valjean. Éponine then tells Marius that she has a letter for him. She also confesses to have obtained the letter the day before, originally not planning to give it to him, but decides to do so in fear he would be angry at her about it in the afterlife. After Marius takes the letter, Éponine then asks him to kiss her on the forehead when she is dead, which he promises to do. With her last breath, she confesses that she was "a little bit in love" with him, and dies. Marius fulfills her request and goes into a tavern to read the letter. It is written by Cosette. He learns Cosette's whereabouts and he writes a farewell letter to her. He sends Gavroche to deliver it to her, but Gavroche leaves it with Valjean. Valjean, learning that Cosette's lover is fighting, is at first relieved, but an hour later, he puts on a National Guard uniform, arms himself with a gun and ammunition, and leaves his home. Volume V: Jean Valjean Valjean in the sewers with the wounded Marius (US edition, 1900) Valjean arrives at the barricade and immediately saves a man's life. He is still not certain if he wants to protect Marius or kill him. Marius recognizes Valjean at first sight. Enjolras announces that they are almost out of cartridges. When Gavroche goes outside the barricade to collect more ammunition from the dead National Guardsmen, he is shot dead. Valjean volunteers to execute Javert himself, and Enjolras grants permission. Valjean takes Javert out of sight, and then shoots into the air while letting him go. Marius mistakenly believes that Valjean has killed Javert. As the barricade falls, Valjean carries off the injured and unconscious Marius. All the other students are killed. Valjean escapes through the sewers, carrying Marius's body. He evades a police patrol, and reaches an exit gate but finds it locked. Thénardier emerges from the darkness. Thénardier recognizes Valjean, but not Marius. Thinking Valjean a murderer lugging his victim's corpse, Thénardier offers to open the gate for money. As he searches Valjean and Marius's pockets, he surreptitiously tears off a piece of Marius's coat so he can later find out his identity. Thénardier takes the thirty francs he finds, opens the gate, and allows Valjean to leave, expecting Valjean's emergence from the sewer will distract the police who have been pursuing him. Upon exiting, Valjean encounters Javert and requests time to return Marius to his family before surrendering to him. Surprisingly Javert agrees, assuming that Marius will be dead within minutes. After leaving Marius at his grandfather's house, Valjean asks to be allowed a brief visit to his own home, and Javert agrees. There, Javert tells Valjean he will wait for him in the street, but when Valjean scans the street from the landing window he finds Javert has gone. Javert walks down the street, realizing that he is caught between his strict belief in the law and the mercy Valjean has shown him. He feels he can no longer give Valjean up to the authorities but also cannot ignore his duty to the law. Unable to cope with this dilemma, Javert commits suicide by throwing himself into the Seine. Marius slowly recovers from his injuries. As he and Cosette make wedding preparations, Valjean endows them with a fortune of nearly 600, 000 francs. As their wedding party winds through Paris during Mardi Gras festivities, Valjean is spotted by Thénardier, who then orders Azelma to follow him. After the wedding, Valjean confesses to Marius that he is an ex-convict. Marius is horrified, assumes the worst about Valjean's moral character, and contrives to limit Valjean's time with Cosette. Valjean accedes to Marius' judgment and his separation from Cosette. Valjean loses the will to live and retires to his bed. Thénardier approaches Marius in disguise, but Marius recognizes him. Thénardier attempts to blackmail Marius with what he knows of Valjean, but in doing so, he inadvertently corrects Marius's misconceptions about Valjean and reveals all of the good he has done. He tries to convince Marius that Valjean is actually a murderer, and presents the piece of coat he tore off as evidence. Stunned, Marius recognizes the fabric as part of his own coat and realizes that it was Valjean who rescued him from the barricade. Marius pulls out a fistful of notes and flings it at Thénardier's face. He then confronts Thénardier with his crimes and offers him an immense sum to depart and never return. Thénardier accepts the offer, and he and Azelma travel to America where he becomes a slave trader. As they rush to Valjean's house, Marius tells Cosette that Valjean saved his life at the barricade. They arrive to find Valjean near death and reconcile with him. Valjean tells Cosette her mother's story and name. He dies content and is buried beneath a blank slab in Père Lachaise Cemetery. Characters Major Jean Valjean (also known as Monsieur Madeleine, Ultime Fauchelevent, Monsieur Leblanc, and Urbain Fabre) – The protagonist of the novel. Convicted for stealing a loaf of bread to feed his sister's seven starving children and sent to prison for five years, he is paroled from prison nineteen years later (after four unsuccessful escape attempts added twelve years and fighting back during the second escape attempt added two extra years. Rejected by society for being a former convict, he encounters Bishop Myriel, who turns his life around by showing him mercy and encouraging him to become a new man. While sitting and pondering what Bishop Myriel had said, he puts his shoe on a forty-sou piece dropped by a young wanderer. Valjean threatens the boy with his stick when the boy attempts to rouse Valjean from his reverie and recover his money. He tells a passing priest his name, and the name of the boy, and this allows the police to charge him with armed robbery – a sentence that, if he were caught again, would return him to prison for life. He assumes a new identity (Monsieur Madeleine) in order to pursue an honest life. He introduces new manufacturing techniques and eventually builds two factories and becomes one of the richest men in the area. By popular acclaim, he is made mayor. He confronts Javert over Fantine's punishment, turns himself in to the police to save another man from prison for life, and rescues Cosette from the Thénardiers. Discovered by Javert in Paris because of his generosity to the poor, he evades capture for the next several years in a convent. He saves Marius from imprisonment and probable death at the barricade, reveals his true identity to Marius and Cosette after their wedding, and is reunited with them just before his death, having kept his promise to the bishop and to Fantine, the image of whom is the last thing he sees before dying. Javert – A fanatic police inspector in pursuit to recapture Valjean. Born in the prisons to a convict father and a fortune teller mother, he renounces both of them and starts working as a guard in the prison, including one stint as the overseer for the chain gang of which Valjean is part (and here witnesses firsthand Valjean's enormous strength and just what he looks like. Eventually he joins the police force in Montreuil-sur-Mer. He arrests Fantine and comes into conflict with Valjean/Madeleine, who orders him to release Fantine. Valjean dismisses Javert in front of his squad and Javert, seeking revenge, reports to the Police Inspector that he has discovered Jean Valjean. He is told that he must be incorrect, as a man mistakenly believed to be Jean Valjean was just arrested. He requests of M. Madeline that he be dismissed in disgrace, for he cannot be less harsh on himself than on others. When the real Jean Valjean turns himself in, Javert is promoted to the Paris police force where he arrests Valjean and sends him back to prison. After Valjean escapes again, Javert attempts one more arrest in vain. He then almost recaptures Valjean at Gorbeau house when he arrests the Thénardiers and Patron-Minette. Later, while working undercover behind the barricade, his identity is discovered. Valjean pretends to execute Javert, but releases him. When Javert next encounters Valjean emerging from the sewers, he allows him to make a brief visit home and then walks off instead of arresting him. Javert cannot reconcile his devotion to the law with his recognition that the lawful course is immoral. After composing a letter to the prefect of police outlining the squalid conditions that occur in prisons and the abuses that prisoners are subjected to, he takes his own life by jumping into the Seine. Fantine – A beautiful Parisian grisette abandoned with a small child by her lover Félix Tholomyès. Fantine leaves her daughter Cosette in the care of the Thénardiers, innkeepers in the village of Montfermeil. Thénardier spoils her own daughters and abuses Cosette. Fantine finds work at Monsieur Madeleine's factory. Illiterate, she has others write letters to the Thénardiers on her behalf. A female supervisor discovers that she is an unwed mother and dismisses her. To meet the Thénardiers' repeated demands for money, she sells her hair and two front teeth, and turns to prostitution. She becomes ill. Valjean learns of her plight when Javert arrests her for attacking a man who called her insulting names and threw snow down her back, and sends her to a hospital. As Javert confronts Valjean in her hospital room, because her illness has made her so weak, she dies of shock after Javert reveals that Valjean is a convict and hasn't brought her daughter Cosette to her (after the doctor encouraged that incorrect belief that Jean Valjean's recent absence was because he was bringing her daughter to her. Cosette (formally Euphrasie, also known as "the Lark" Mademoiselle Lanoire, Ursula) – The illegitimate daughter of Fantine and Tholomyès. From approximately the age of three to the age of eight, she is beaten and forced to work as a drudge for the Thénardiers. After her mother Fantine dies, Valjean ransoms Cosette from the Thénardiers and cares for her as if she were his daughter. Nuns in a Paris convent educate her. She grows up to become very beautiful. She falls in love with Marius Pontmercy and marries him near the novel's conclusion. Marius Pontmercy – A young law student loosely associated with the Friends of the ABC. He shares the political principles of his father and has a tempestuous relationship with his royalist grandfather, Monsieur Gillenormand. He falls in love with Cosette and fights on the barricades when he believes Valjean has taken her to London. After he and Cosette marry, he recognizes Thénardier as a swindler and pays him to leave France. Éponine (the Jondrette girl) – The Thénardiers' elder daughter. As a child, she is pampered and spoiled by her parents, but ends up a street urchin when she reaches adolescence. She participates in her father's crimes and begging schemes to obtain money. She is blindly in love with Marius. At Marius' request, she finds Valjean and Cosette's house for him and sadly leads him there. She also prevents her father, Patron-Minette, and Brujon from robbing the house during one of Marius' visits there to see Cosette. After disguising herself as a boy, she manipulates Marius into going to the barricades, hoping that she and Marius will die there together. Wanting to die before Marius, she reaches out her hand to stop a soldier from shooting at him; she is mortally wounded as the bullet goes through her hand and her back. As she is dying, she confesses all this to Marius, and gives him a letter from Cosette. Her final request to Marius is that once she has passed, he will kiss her on the forehead. He fulfills her request not because of romantic feelings on his part, but out of pity for her hard life. Monsieur Thénardier and Madame Thénardier (also known as the Jondrettes, M. Fabantou, M. Thénard. Some translations identify her as the Thenardiess) – Husband and wife, parents of five children: two daughters, Éponine and Azelma, and three sons, Gavroche and two unnamed younger sons. As innkeepers, they abuse Cosette as a child and extort payment from Fantine for her support, until Valjean takes Cosette away. They become bankrupt and relocate under the name Jondrette to a house in Paris called the Gorbeau house, living in the room next to Marius. The husband associates with a criminal group called "the Patron-Minette. and conspires to rob Valjean until he is thwarted by Marius. Javert arrests the couple. The wife dies in prison. Her husband attempts to blackmail Marius with his knowledge of Valjean's past, but Marius pays him to leave the country and he becomes a slave trader in the United States. Enjolras – The leader of Les Amis de l'ABC (Friends of the ABC) in the Paris uprising. He is passionately committed to republican principles and the idea of progress. He and Grantaire are executed by the National Guards after the barricade falls. Gavroche – The unloved middle child and eldest son of the Thénardiers. He lives on his own as a street urchin and sleeps inside an elephant statue outside the Bastille. He briefly takes care of his two younger brothers, unaware they are related to him. He takes part in the barricades and is killed while collecting bullets from dead National Guardsmen. Bishop Myriel – The Bishop of Digne (full name Charles-François-Bienvenu Myriel, also called Monseigneur Bienvenu) – A kindly old priest promoted to bishop after a chance encounter with Napoleon. After Valjean steals some silver from him, he saves Valjean from being arrested and inspires Valjean to change his ways. Grantaire – Grantaire (Also known as "R" was a student revolutionary with little interest in the cause. He reveres Enjolras, and his admiration is the main reason that Grantaire spends time with Les Amis de l'ABC (Friends of the ABC) despite Enjolras's occasional scorn for him. Grantaire is often drunk and is unconscious for the majority of the June Rebellion. He and Enjolras are executed by the National Guards after the barricade falls. Friends of the ABC A revolutionary student club. In French, the letters "ABC" are pronounced identically to the French word abaissés, the abased. Bahorel – A dandy and an idler from a peasant background, who is known well around the student cafés of Paris. Combeferre – A medical student who is described as representing the philosophy of the revolution. Courfeyrac – A law student who is described as the centre of the group of Friends. He is honorable and warm and is Marius' closest companion. Enjolras – The leader of the Friends. A resolute and charismatic youth, devoted to progress. Feuilly – An orphaned fan maker who taught himself to read and write. He is the only member of the Friends who is not a student. Grantaire – A drunk with little interest in revolution. Despite his pessimism, he eventually declares himself a believer in the Republic, and dies alongside Enjolras. Jean Prouvaire (also Jehan) – A Romantic with knowledge of Italian, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, and an interest in the Middle Ages. Joly – A medical student who has unusual theories about health. He is a hypochondriac and is described as the happiest of the Friends. Lesgle (also Lègle, Laigle, L'Aigle [ The Eagle] or Bossuet) – The oldest member of the group. Considered notoriously unlucky, Lesgle begins balding at the age of twenty-five. It is Lesgle who introduces Marius to the Friends. Minor Azelma – The younger daughter of the Thénardiers. Like her sister Éponine, she is spoiled as a child, impoverished when older. She abets her father's failed robbery of Valjean. On Marius and Cosette's wedding day, she tails Valjean on her father's orders. She travels to America with her father at the end of the novel. Bamatabois – An idler who harasses Fantine. Later a juror at Champmathieu's trial. (Mlle) Baptistine Myriel – Bishop Myriel's sister. She loves and venerates her brother. Blachevelle – A wealthy student in Paris originally from Montauban. He is a friend of Félix Tholomyès and becomes romantically involved with Fantine's friend Favourite. Bougon, Madame (called Ma'am Burgon) – Housekeeper of Gorbeau House. Brevet – An ex-convict from Toulon who knew Valjean there; released one year after Valjean. In 1823, he is serving time in the prison in Arras for an unknown crime. He is the first to claim that Champmathieu is really Valjean. He used to wear knitted, checkered suspenders. Brujon – A robber and criminal. He participates in crimes with M. Thénardier and the Patron-Minette gang (such as the Gorbeau Robbery and the attempted robbery at the Rue Plumet. The author describes Brujon as being "a sprightly young fellow, very cunning and very adroit, with a flurried and plaintive appearance. " Champmathieu – A vagabond who is misidentified as Valjean after being caught stealing apples. Chenildieu – A lifer from Toulon. He and Valjean were chain mates for five years. He once tried to unsuccessfully remove his lifer's brand TFP ( travaux forcés à perpetuité. forced labour for life" by putting his shoulder on a chafing dish full of embers. He is described as a small, wiry but energetic man. Cochepaille – Another lifer from Toulon. He used to be a shepherd from the Pyrenees who became a smuggler. He is described as stupid and has a tattoo on his arm, 1 Mars 1815. Colonel Georges Pontmercy – Marius's father and an officer in Napoleon's army. Wounded at Waterloo, Pontmercy erroneously believes M. Thénardier saved his life. He tells Marius of this great debt. He loves Marius and although M. Gillenormand does not allow him to visit, he continually hid behind a pillar in the church on Sunday so that he could at least look at Marius from a distance. Napoleon made him a baron, but the next regime refused to recognize his barony or his status as a colonel, instead referring to him only as a commandant. The book usually calls him "The colonel. Dahlia – A young grisette in Paris and member of Fantine's group of seamstress friends along with Favourite and Zéphine. She becomes romantically involved with Félix Tholomyès' friend Listolier. Fameuil – A wealthy student in Paris originally from Limoges. He is a friend of Félix Tholomyès and becomes romantically involved with Fantine's friend Zéphine. Fauchelevent – A failed businessman whom Valjean (as M. Madeleine) saves from being crushed under a carriage. Valjean gets him a position as gardener at a Paris convent, where Fauchelevent later provides sanctuary for Valjean and Cosette and allows Valjean to pose as his brother. Favourite – A young grisette in Paris and leader of Fantine's group of seamstress friends (including Zéphine and Dahlia. She is independent and well versed in the ways of the world and had previously been in England. Although she cannot stand Félix Tholomyès' friend Blachevelle and is in love with someone else, she endures a relationship with him so she can enjoy the perks of courting a wealthy man. Listolier – A wealthy student in Paris originally from Cahors. He is a friend of Félix Tholomyès and becomes romantically involved with Fantine's friend Dahlia. Mabeuf – An elderly churchwarden, friend of Colonel Pontmercy, who after the Colonel's death befriends his son Marius and helps Marius realize his father loved him. Mabeuf loves plants and books, but sells his books and prints in order to pay for a friend's medical care. When Mabeuf finds a purse in his yard, he takes it to the police. After selling his last book, he joins the students in the insurrection. He is shot dead raising the flag atop the barricade. Mademoiselle Gillenormand – Daughter of M. Gillenormand, with whom she lives. Her late half-sister (M. Gillenormand's daughter from another marriage) was Marius' mother. Madame Magloire – Domestic servant to Bishop Myriel and his sister. Magnon – Former servant of M. Gillenormand and friend of the Thénardiers. She had been receiving child support payments from M. Gillenormand for her two illegitimate sons, who she claimed were fathered by him. When her sons died in an epidemic, she had them replaced with the Thénardiers' two youngest sons so that she could protect her income. The Thénardiers get a portion of the payments. She is incorrectly arrested for involvement in the Gorbeau robbery. Monsieur Gillenormand – Marius' grandfather. A monarchist, he disagrees sharply with Marius on political issues, and they have several arguments. He attempts to keep Marius from being influenced by his father, Colonel Georges Pontmercy. While in perpetual conflict over ideas, he holds his grandson in affection. Mother Innocente (a. k. a. Marguerite de Blemeur) – The prioress of the Petit-Picpus convent. Patron-Minette – A quartet of bandits who assist in the Thénardiers' ambush of Valjean at Gorbeau House and the attempted robbery at the Rue Plumet. The gang consists of Montparnasse, Claquesous, Babet, and Gueulemer. Claquesous, who escaped from the carriage transporting him to prison after the Gorbeau Robbery, joins the revolution under the guise of "Le Cabuc" and is executed by Enjolras for firing on civilians. Petit Gervais – A travelling Savoyard boy who drops a coin. Valjean, still a man of criminal mind, places his foot on the coin and refuses to return it. Sister Simplice – A famously truthful nun who cares for Fantine on her sickbed and lies to Javert to protect Valjean. Félix Tholomyès – Fantine's lover and Cosette's biological father. A wealthy, self-centered student in Paris originally from Toulouse, he eventually abandons Fantine when their daughter is two years old. Toussaint – Valjean and Cosette's servant in Paris. She has a slight stutter. Two little boys – The two unnamed youngest sons of the Thénardiers, whom they send to Magnon to replace her two dead sons. Living on the streets, they encounter Gavroche, who is unaware they are his siblings but treats them like they are his brothers. After Gavroche's death, they retrieve bread tossed by a bourgeois man to geese in a fountain at the Luxembourg Garden. Zéphine – A young grisette in Paris and member of Fantine's group of seamstress friends along with Favourite and Dahlia. She becomes romantically involved with Félix Tholomyès' friend Fameuil. The narrator Hugo does not give the narrator a name and allows the reader to identify the narrator with the novel's author. The narrator occasionally injects himself into the narrative or reports facts outside the time of the narrative to emphasize that he is recounting historical events, not entirely fiction. He introduces his recounting of Waterloo with several paragraphs describing the narrator's recent approach to the battlefield: Last year (1861) on a beautiful May morning, a traveller, the person who is telling this story, was coming from Nivelles. 23] The narrator describes how " a]n observer, a dreamer, the author of this book" during the 1832 street fighting was caught in crossfire: All that he had to protect him from the bullets was the swell of the two half columns which separate the shops; he remained in this delicate situation for nearly half an hour. At one point he apologizes for intruding—"The author of this book, who regrets the necessity of mentioning himself"—to ask the reader's understanding when he describes "the Paris of his youth. as though it still existed. This introduces a meditation on memories of past places that his contemporary readers would recognize as a self-portrait written from exile: you have left a part of your heart, of your blood, of your soul, in those pavements. He describes another occasion when a bullet shot "pierced a brass shaving-dish suspended. over a hairdresser's shop. This pierced shaving-dish was still to be seen in 1848, in the Rue du Contrat-Social, at the corner of the pillars of the market. As evidence of police double agents at the barricades, he writes: The author of this book had in his hands, in 1848, the special report on this subject made to the Prefect of Police in 1832. " Contemporary reception The appearance of the novel was a highly anticipated event as Victor Hugo was considered one of France's foremost poets in the middle of the nineteenth century. The New York Times announced its forthcoming publication as early as April 1860. [24] Hugo forbade his publishers from summarizing his story and refused to authorize the publication of excerpts in advance of publication. He instructed them to build on his earlier success and suggested this approach: What Victor H. did for the Gothic world in Notre-Dame of Paris [ The Hunchback of Notre Dame] he accomplishes for the modern world in Les Miserables. 25] A massive advertising campaign [26] preceded the release of the first two volumes of Les Misérables in Brussels on 30 or 31 March and in Paris on 3 April 1862. [27] The remaining volumes appeared on 15 May 1862. Critical reactions were wide-ranging and often negative. Some critics found the subject matter immoral, others complained of its excessive sentimentality, and others were disquieted by its apparent sympathy with the revolutionaries. L. Gauthier wrote in Le Monde of 17 August 1862: One cannot read without an unconquerable disgust all the details Monsieur Hugo gives regarding the successful planning of riots. 28] The Goncourt brothers judged the novel artificial and disappointing. [29] Flaubert found "neither truth nor greatness" in it. He complained that the characters were crude stereotypes who all "speak very well – but all in the same way. He deemed it an "infantile" effort and brought an end to Hugo's career like "the fall of a god. 30] In a newspaper review, Charles Baudelaire praised Hugo's success in focusing public attention on social problems, though he believed that such propaganda was the opposite of art. In private he castigated it as "repulsive and inept. immonde et inepte. 31] The Catholic Church placed it on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum. [32] The work was a commercial success and has been a popular book ever since it was published. [33] 34] Translated the same year it appeared into several foreign languages, including Italian, Greek, and Portuguese, it proved popular not only in France, but across Europe and abroad. English translations Charles E. Wilbour. New York: Carleton Publishing Company, June 1862. The first English translation. The first volume was available for purchase in New York beginning 7 June 1862. [35] Also New York and London: George Routledge and Sons, 1879. Lascelles Wraxall. London: Hurst and Blackett, October 1862. The first British translation. [35] Translator identified as "A. F. Richmond, Virginia, 1863. Published by West and Johnston publishers. The Editor's Preface announces its intention of correcting errors in Wilbour's translation. It said that some passages "exclusively intended for the French readers of the book" were being omitted, as well as " a] few scattered sentences reflecting on slavery" because "the absence of a few antislavery paragraphs will hardly be complained of by Southern readers. Because of paper shortages in wartime, the passages omitted became longer with each successive volume. [35] Isabel Florence Hapgood. Published 1887, this translation is available at Project Gutenberg. [36] Norman Denny. Folio Press, 1976. A modern British translation later re-published in paperback by Penguin Books, ISBN   0-14-044430-0. The translator explains in an introduction that he has placed two of the novel's longer digressive passages into appendices and made some minor abridgements in the text. Lee Fahnestock and Norman McAfee. Signet Classics. 3 March 1987. An unabridged edition based on the Wilbour translation with its language modernized. Paperback ISBN   0-451-52526-4 Julie Rose. 2007. Vintage Classics, 3 July 2008. A new translation of the full work, with a detailed biographical sketch of Victor Hugo's life, a chronology, and notes. ISBN   978-0-09-951113-7 Christine Donougher. Penguin Classics, 7 November 2013. ISBN   978-0141393599 Adaptations Since its original publication, Les Misérables has been the subject of a large number of adaptations in numerous types of media, such as books, films, musicals, plays and games. Notable examples of these adaptations include: The 1935 film directed by Richard Boleslawski, starring Fredric March and Charles Laughton. The film was nominated for Best Picture, Best Film Editing, Best Assistant Director at 8th Academy Awards. The 1937 radio adaptation by Orson Welles. [37] The 1952 film adaptation directed by Lewis Milestone, starring Michael Rennie and Robert Newton. The 1958 film adaptation directed by Jean-Paul Le Chanois, with an international cast starring Jean Gabin, Bernard Blier, and Bourvil. [38] Called "the most memorable film version" it was filmed in East Germany and was overtly political. [39] The 1978 television film adaptation, starring Richard Jordan and Anthony Perkins. The 1980 musical, by Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schönberg. [40] The 1982 film adaptation, directed by Robert Hossein, starring Lino Ventura and Michel Bouquet. The 1995 film, by Claude Lelouch, starring Jean-Paul Belmondo [41] The 1998 film, starring Liam Neeson and Geoffrey Rush. [42] The 2000 TV miniseries, starring Gérard Depardieu and John Malkovich. [43] The 2007 TV anime adaptation, by Studio Nippon Animation. The 2012 film of the musical, starring Hugh Jackman, Russell Crowe, Anne Hathaway and Amanda Seyfried. [44] The film received eight Academy Award nominations including Best Picture, Best Actor for Jackman, and won three, for Best Sound Mixing, Best Makeup and Hairstyling, and Best Supporting Actress for Hathaway. A 2013 Japanese manga adaptation by Takahiro Arai, to be published in Shogakukan 's Monthly Shonen Sunday magazine from September 2013. [45] A 2018 TV miniseries by Andrew Davies, starring Dominic West, David Oyelowo and Lily Collins. [46] Sequels Laura Kalpakian 's Cosette: The Sequel to Les Misérables was published in 1995. It continues the story of Cosette and Marius, but is more a sequel to the musical than to the original novel. In 2001, two French novels by François Cérésa that continue Hugo's story appeared: Cosette ou le temps des illusions and Marius ou le fugitif. The former has been published in an English translation. Javert appears as a hero who survived his suicide attempt and becomes religious; Thénardier returns from America; Marius is unjustly imprisoned. [47] The works were the subject of an unsuccessful lawsuit brought by Hugo's great-great-grandson. [48] 49] See also Fex urbis lex orbis Jean Val Jean, abridged version in English (1935) References ^ Les Misérables. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English. Longman. Retrieved 16 August 2019. ^ Novelist Susanne Alleyn has argued that "the phrase “les misérables”, which has a whole range of subtly shaded meanings in French, is much better translated into English as “the dispossessed” or even as “the outsiders” — which can describe every major character in the novel in one way or another — than simply as “the miserable ones” / “the wretched ones. ” No, Its Not Actually the French Revolution: Les Misérables and History. ^ BBC News – Bon anniversaire! 25 facts about Les Mis. BBC Online. 1 October 2010. Retrieved 1 October 2010. ^ Sinclair, Upton (1915. The Cry for Justice: An Anthology of the Literature of Social Protest. Charles Rivers Editors. ISBN   978-1-247-96345-7. ^ Alexander Welsh, Opening and Closing Les Misérables. in Harold Bloom, ed., Victor Hugo: Modern Critical Views (NY: Chelsea House, 1988) 155; Vol. 5, Book 1, Chapter 20 ^ Read the Ten Longest Novels Ever Written. Retrieved 31 December 2012. ^ Behr, Complete Book, 39–42 ^ A. Davidson, Victor Hugo: His Life And Work (J. B. Lippincott, 1929) Kindle Location 4026, 4189 ^ Victor Brombert. Les Misérables: Salvation from Below" in Harold Bloom, ed., Modern Critical Views: Victor Hugo (Chelsea House, 1988) 195 ^ Brombert, Salvation from Below. 195–97 ^ Alexander Welsh, Opening and Closing Les Misérables. in Harold Bloom, ed., Modern Critical Views: Victor Hugo (Chelsea House, 1988) 151–52 ^ Day, Anonymous (15 August 2014. About the Novel" PDF. The Official Les Miserables Website Times. ^ Guyon, Loïc Pierre (2002. Un aventurier picaresque au XIXe siècle: Eugène-François Vidocq. In Glaser, Albert; Kleine-Roßbach, Sabine (eds. Abenteurer als Helden der Literatur (in French. Springer. doi: 10. 1007/978-3-476-02877-8. ISBN   978-3-476-02877-8. ^ Morton, James (2004. The First Detective: The Life and Revolutionary Times of Vidocq, Criminal, Spy and Private Eye. New York: Overlook Press. ^ Hugo, Victor, Les Misérables (Preface by A. Rosa) Laffont, 1985, ISBN   2-221-04689-7, p. IV. ^ a b c Edward Behr, The Complete Book of Les Misérables (Arcade, 1993) Le Bagne de Toulon (1748–1873) Académie du Var, Autres Temps Editions (2010) ISBN   978-2-84521-394-4 ^ Victor Hugo, Things Seen, vol. 1 (Glasgow and New York: George Routledge and Sons, 1887) 49–52. The chapter is title "1841. Origin of Fantine. Behr quotes this passage at length in Behr, Complete Book, 32–36. ^ Victor Hugo, Choses vues: nouvelle série (Paris: Calman Lévy, 1900) 129–130 ^ a b Robb, Graham (1997. Victor Hugo: A Biography. New York: W. W. Norton. ^ Rosa, Annette, Introduction to Les Misérables, Laffont, 1985, ISBN   2-221-04689-7 ^ Robb, Graham (1999. Norton. ISBN   978-0393318999. ^ Victor Brombert. Les Misérables: Salvation from Below" in Harold Bloom, ed., Victor Hugo: Modern Critical Views (NY: Chelsea House, 1988) 198–99; Vol. 2, Book 1, Chapter 1 ^ Personalities. New York Times. 10 April 1860. Retrieved 3 January 2013. ^ Behr, Compete Book, 38 ^ La réception des Misérables en 1862 – Max Bach – PMLA, Vol. 77, No. 5 (December 1962) "les miserables, victor hugo, First Edition, 1862. ABE Books. Retrieved 21 January 2013. ^ PDF) Goncourt, Edmond et Jules, Journal, Vol. I, Laffont, 1989, ISBN   2-221-05527-6, April 1862, pp. 808–09 ^ Letter of G. Flaubert to Madame Roger des Genettes – July 1862 Archived 27 November 2006 at the Wayback Machine ^ Hyslop, Lois Bee (October 1976. Baudelaire on Les Misérables. The French Review. 41 (1) 23–29. ^ Turner, David Hancock (18 January 2013. Les Misérables and Its Critics. Jacobin. Retrieved 14 June 2016. ^ Marguerite Yourcenar. "Réception des Misérables en Grèce" PDF. ^ Réception des Misérables au Portugal Archived 29 September 2007 at the Wayback Machine ^ a b c Moore, Olin H. (March 1959. Some Translations of Les Miserables. Modern Language Notes. 74 (3) 240–46. JSTOR   3040282. ^ Les Misérables by Victor Hugo – Project Gutenberg. 22 June 2008. Retrieved 15 October 2009. ^ Radio Programs Scheduled for this Week, The New York Times, 25 July 1937 ^ Les Misérables on IMDb ^ Behr, Edward (1989. The Complete Book of Les Misérables. NY: Arcade. pp. 152–53. ^ The Broadway League. "The official source for Broadway Information. IBDB. Retrieved 31 December 2012. ^ AlloCine, Les Misérables, retrieved 23 September 2015 ^ Cirque du Freak's Arai Launches Manga of Les Misérables Novel. ^ Otterson, Joe (9 January 2018. David Oyelowo, Dominic West, Lily Collins to Star in BBC's 'Les Misérables' Miniseries. Variety. ^ Riding, Alan (29 May 2001. Victor Hugo Can't Rest in Peace, As a Sequel Makes Trouble. The New York Times. Retrieved 4 January 2013... Les Misérables: la suite rejugée en appel. Le nouvel observateur. 30 January 2007. Retrieved 4 January 2013. ^ Van Gelder, Lawrence (1 February 2007. French Court Says Yes to Misérables Sequels. Retrieved 4 January 2013. External links Les Misérables at Les Misérables at the Internet Movie Database French text of Les Misérables, scroll down to see the links to the five volumes Les Misérables at Project Gutenberg – English translation. Review by Edwin Percy Whipple The Atlantic Monthly. July 1862. Les Miserables public domain audiobook at LibriVox.

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Sam and Anne asked Lea Salonga to coach them for their parts in the movie. Here are some takeaways from todays loaded, software-focused Apple event: Apple TV Plus is a subscription service with only Apple originals. Unlike Netflix or Amazon Prime Video, you dont get access to a back catalog of licensed shows or movies. Apple TV Plus is not a separate, standalone app. Instead, youll get to it using Apples TV app, which is expanding to many more devices over the coming months. Starting in May, the Apple TV app will offer add-on paid subscriptions and will be able to stream some shows and movies from Apples partners like HBO without bouncing you out to a third-party video service. All of this is separate from Apple TV the product, which is a streaming set-top box you can buy in stores today and important to Apple's living room ambitions. The company would tell you that the Apple TV is the best way to experience all of this art and content. Confused? It was easy to miss some of this or get mixed up, especially when Apple lumped these announcements together with a new credit card and magazine subscription service. How does all the new TV stuff fit together? Let me do my best to lay it out in a way that makes sense. What is Apple TV Plus? Apple TV Plus is a video subscription service that will feature Apples growing list of original TV shows and movies. When it launches this fall, Apple TV Plus will be the exclusive way to watch that content. And Apple has poured money into forming a star-studded roster of talent working to produce programming that can hopefully stand equal with Netflixs best shows. Even Oprahs on board. But Apple TV Plus is not its own app or a separate experience. It will actually be accessible through the Apple TV app on iOS, Mac, and other platforms. It will likely have its own dedicated tab or section of the TV app, but Apple didnt go into the specifics on that at todays event — and the website on Apple TV Plus is extremely light on details. The best we got was a short glimpse of an Apple TV Plus row with flashy animations during todays keynote. The service will be ad-free (since youll be paying for it) and Apple plans to launch in over 100 countries. What is Apple TV Plus not? A true Netflix or Amazon Prime Video competitor: As Peter Kafka correctly predicted at Recode, Apple is not (yet) building a full streaming service that mixes originals and licensed programming like its rivals. Instead, the Apple TV Plus service focuses exclusively on Apples own original programming. Theres no older stuff to endlessly scroll through as we tend to do on Netflix or Prime Video. No Hollywood movies or past TV hits to speak of. Not yet, anyway. On Android or Windows: Though it announced a TV app for several platforms (even including Fire TV) Apple gave no indication that the service and its originals will be available on Android or Windows. Thats a huge hole if the company is hoping to make these high-profile shows accessible to as big of an audience as possible. Native apps for these platforms, at least right now, dont seem to be in the cards. On the web: Same goes for web browsers. Apple made no mention of a way to stream Apple TV Plus via popular desktop browsers like Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge. When will I be able to watch Apple TV Plus? Apple says it will share pricing and availability details for Apple TV Plus this fall, but didnt get more specific than that. We have no idea how much Apple TV Plus will cost per month or whether youll be able to bundle it with the companys other services at a discount. Image: Apple What is the Apple TV app? The Apple TV app was first announced in October 2016 and launched on the fourth-generation Apple TV and iOS devices at the time. It is now a preinstalled app on all iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV devices. Apple positioned the app as a modernized TV guide: its an all-in-one hub for finding recommendations on shows to watch. The “Watch Now” tab offers personalized picks suited to your own tastes and pulls from many different popular video subscription apps. The Apple TV app also has a sports component, offering live scores and notifications for close games. And lastly, it provides easy access to your iTunes TV show and movie purchases or rentals. Beginning in May, the TV app will become the place to go for those same movie and TV show digital purchases on Apple TV. Does the Apple TV app cost money to use? No. Unless youre paying for Apple TV Plus or an Apple TV Channel subscription (and neither of those are available yet) the TV app itself is completely free to use. Soon youll be able to subscribe to networks like HBO and watch (some) shows and movies right inside the TV app So the TV app is a helpful resource for finding something to watch. But until now, the Apple TV app has always directed users to third-party apps to actually stream something. You could search for an HBO show in the TV app, but when you hit play on Game of Thrones, youd get switched over to HBO Go or HBO Now. This jumping between apps can be a little awkward and makes what Apples trying to do feel less seamless. Thats about to change — in some cases. Apple now says that customers will be able to watch content directly inside the Apple TV app. But critically, this only applies to the Apple TV Channels that were announced today. What are Apple TV Channels? Apple will soon offer optional add-on subscriptions similar to what Amazon does with its Prime Video Channels. Youll be able to pay for HBO, Showtime, and other services using your Apple account. Now, you can already subscribe to those networks on iOS and from their respective Apple TV apps, but there are benefits to doing it through Apples new TV app method. For one, you can share access to your Apple TV Channels with up to six family members. Second, instead of having to watch content from those Channels across several different apps, everything will be viewable right inside the TV app. And last, youll be able to download shows for offline viewing. Apple showed a slide of Apple TV Channels that it plans to offer, and Ive put the heavy hitters (for most people, anyway) in bold below: Acorn TV BritBox CBS All Access Cinemax CollegeHumors Dropout Epix Eros Now HBO Lifetime Movie Club Mubi MTV Hits Nickelodeon Hits Noggin PBS Living Showtime Shudder Smithsonian Channel Plus Starz Sundance Now Tastemade Up Faith and Family Urban Movie Channel Its a weird mix, but it at least puts Apple at par with Amazon. If you like TV shows from any of the services above, youll be able to watch that content directly inside the Apple TV app. And Apple says it will deliver top-tier picture and audio quality for all Apple TV Channels since its handling the streams for Channels directly instead of relying on HBO, CBS, Starz, etc. Combine that with the option to download content for offline viewing, and you can see why people might opt to start handling their subscriptions through Channels. Pricing for the various Apple TV Channels hasnt been disclosed. Its been rumored that Apple will offer bundles of them at a discount, but the company didnt delve into any of that today. But youll still do some hopping around Other apps — even those with shows featured in the TV app like Hulu and Amazon Prime Video — will still require you to move over to their own apps to watch something. Apples website is a bit misleading on this, hinting that users will be able to “easily watch” Hulu “inside the app. ” A Hulu spokesperson has directly confirmed to The Verge that this is not the case. Where can I watch the Apple TV app? At present, the Apple TV app is available on Apple TV set-top boxes (fourth-generation and Apple TV 4K) and iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. But at todays event, Apple said the TV app will make its way to the Mac this fall. Additionally, the company confirmed it will bring the TV app to Samsung smart TVs this spring and TVs from Vizio, Sony, LG, and others “in the future. ” Roku and Amazons Fire TV devices will also be getting the app sometime “in the future. ”.

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